I have 3 tanks with quicksilveer tank connectors in the boat, one went with the Mercury 100, but I got a new one with the Tohatsu. the dealer very nicely changed the connector on one of the 2 old one to the Tohatsu type, but the Quicksilver tank I cannot change because the connector is part a big 'blob' which also includes the fuel left/level window.
What should I do?
I didn't get the chance to take the boat out today to break it in. So I'm available to crew if anyone wants crew.
On the other hand if we are stick for number of boats, I'll bring her down but I'll need some marks as I haven't any around poole.
Duncan, the water should still be fairly cold so you can onion sack the beers and daggle it overboard, regarding food, you'll just have to eat what you catch
What is tactic and bait for giltheads?
Personally I prefer the black bream, gilthead has a courser texture than black, however, red is much nicer than both.
Can we get red bream in our water?
I would agree with 'Size matters!'
It's acknowledged that large crafts take longer to stop and the highway code of the sea is that you watch out for larger crafts. There isn't much point of arguing who was at fault if you are dead.
Sorry, just been (politely) pointed out 31st is half term, and my sons would like to see me sometimes especially I'm already fishing the 29th, 3rd, 5th,11th,12th, possibly 18th/19th.......
The 18/19th is mid tide so shouldn't be much of a problem.
Because the weather has to be absolutely perfect, why don't we pencil in a few dates, just incase the first one doesn't work out.
Cheap(er) petrol and diesel over at Jersey and Gurnsey......
The 18/19th is mid tide so shouldn't be much of a problem.
Because the weather has to be absolutely perfect, why don't we pencil in a few dates, just incase the first one doesn't work out.