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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. I might be keen and naive, but I'm not stupid, I ain't going nowhere miles off shore without a (few) buddy boats. Isn't Bliss back next weekend and he said he wouldn't mind coming out as a safty boat?
  2. I'm from North Hampshire and I lauch from Lymington most of the time. There's a boat park down Lymington but I've heard it's aboout
  3. I haven't any offer for crew, you are more than welcome to crew for me this w/e, not sure about next sunday, I will go id weather is nice.
  4. It's busy enough with both Town Quay and Bath Road, if they close Bath Road, there's no way Town Quay can cope, not even in the winter season.
  5. Alun, do you mean this w/e or next w/e?
  6. May I suggest all of you check your policy that you can go out that far off shore, or at least has the option of extending on the day concerned. I just rang Porthcawl and their range is 20 miles off shore but they will extended if I put it in writing or send them an email. I wouldn't mind going out with the group of boats but I have never gone out that far, I would profer someone with some (plenty) of experience.
  7. Just worked it out, you're averging <20mpg. Is it around town?
  8. I will probably fish Sat and Sunday, can work something out depending on the weather.
  9. 48 Hr Comp 1st Bass James Parker 9lb 12oz 102.63
  10. Change of plan, saving brownie points for the w/e.
  11. I'm getting too old to be a boy racer....... I am getting the hornet ready for the summer tho, got to burn some rubber ....
  12. PJ you may want to de carb the fuel system with Redex or something. I used 'somethin'clean (can't remember the name, I'll have a look when I finished work tonight)bought on one of the shopping channel last year on my passat, the fuel economy went up (better) by about 20%. On one long journey to Scotland and back, motorway driving I managed something like 65mpg.
  13. Yeppie it's up.
  14. still only 1/4 of the picture
  15. That's true... there's only ever blue sky when everyone are tied up in work and couldn't go out.
  16. How about let your computer finished uploading the picture?
  17. Welcome Will, sorry about calling off the trip, lets hope you can crew for me next time.
  18. Blue backgound with club logo probably won't stand out too much in the blue sky, how about another colour.
  19. I think I'll give it a miss as I'm not too keen on a F4. I might pop out Tuesday as it's looking at a F3 Northerly.
  20. The most important fish of the day, this one meant I didn't blank.
  21. James' largest. Either this one or Dan's the largest smut of the day. EDIT: after looking at the pics, I think James' definitely larger.
  22. Dan's biggest (also the day's biggest?!)
  23. James first double figures smut
  24. This the biggest of the day Before Rich says anything I DO mean the fish......
  25. I'll ring you on Saturday, the forecast is a little iffy at the moment.
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