As promised took the family out for a spin. It was a late start, kids didn't want to get up in the morning.
Talking of small world, saw another boat, a warrior 175 from Andover, (only spoke to him on Sunday) down on the slip.
We went out to the ledge for a bit but the kids said the sea was too choppy so we moved back into the solent, first for mackeral at Sconse point, had about 10, the kids loved it, but then it just stopped. Moved over to where Neo was fishing, Newtown(?), then decided to see what Park Shore is like.
Metcheck forecasted a F2, and Accuweather a F1-F2, but it was more like at least a 3, might even be 4 at one point. On a South Westerly, Park Shore was well exposed. Interesting tho, there ain't much space to anchor as the channel took most of the rive mouth and what's left is pretty shallow, single digit as soon as we leave the channel.
Double back over to the IOW, one bay up from where Neo was, for a bit of shelter from the SW wind. Fished for about 2 hours, plenty of dog, a couple of bream, a small smut about 2 lb.
Fun day go, the family enjoyed it, only have another 4 hours left for the engine to be broken in.