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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. There's a River Dever?!
  2. Gone out and bought a Surf gen 3. If I get the insurance sorted out by tomorrow, I'll use it on Sunday (if the weather is good).
  3. I'm as yet undecided until tomorrow. Don't really enjoy get tossed around and throwing up.....
  4. Thank you Charlie for arranging the trip, I'm just relieved I haven't blanked I'll post the photos and send them to you all tomorrow.
  5. Newboy


    Once I launched my shetland off Warsash and half way across the channel, water stopped coming out of the p hole, instead steam was blowing out of it I quickly changed over the the aux engine and hobbled to the side of the channel. Upon lifting the main outboard, I found a thick strand of seeweed, about 2" by 1' across the water intake blocking it totally.
  6. http://pi.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/frogshoot.html
  7. Charlie, does that mean we won't be feathering for mackeral on the way? I won't/can't get any crabs, can someone shout me some and I'll bring a few large cuttle? What sort of lead do we need? 1lb, 1.5lb, 2 lb? I will be bringing a 30-40lb class rod with 50lb braid plus a 20-30lb rod with 30lb braid, are they ok? What size hooks do I need for tope, I have a few wire trace with 6/0, ok or not?
  8. Jack, why worry about the size of your fish? End of the day, a catch is a catch, we were out yesterday and only managed 10 mackerals, 2 breams (actually there was a 3rd one, but it was about 3" long), lots of dogs and a baby smut.
  9. I've just sold my old Mercury remote control for
  10. Nice fish, shame it's a little lean.
  11. I'll have a few packes.
  12. I lived in Andover for nearly 20 years and I disn't know there's a Dever Spring
  13. Rich, what size and colour is best? Been looking at them for a little while, the best price I've seen is about 80p per eel for the 6".
  14. Newboy


    The more of a margin you have, the narrower the page will be, so set the left and right hand at a minimum, try 0 or something, the worse it can do is waste a sheet of A4 and some ink. Some printer can print pretty close to the edge while other is not as keen.
  15. As promised took the family out for a spin. It was a late start, kids didn't want to get up in the morning. Talking of small world, saw another boat, a warrior 175 from Andover, (only spoke to him on Sunday) down on the slip. We went out to the ledge for a bit but the kids said the sea was too choppy so we moved back into the solent, first for mackeral at Sconse point, had about 10, the kids loved it, but then it just stopped. Moved over to where Neo was fishing, Newtown(?), then decided to see what Park Shore is like. Metcheck forecasted a F2, and Accuweather a F1-F2, but it was more like at least a 3, might even be 4 at one point. On a South Westerly, Park Shore was well exposed. Interesting tho, there ain't much space to anchor as the channel took most of the rive mouth and what's left is pretty shallow, single digit as soon as we leave the channel. Double back over to the IOW, one bay up from where Neo was, for a bit of shelter from the SW wind. Fished for about 2 hours, plenty of dog, a couple of bream, a small smut about 2 lb. Fun day go, the family enjoyed it, only have another 4 hours left for the engine to be broken in.
  16. Newboy


    As you know, I'd only started fishing not long ago. On Sunday I caught my second ever ballan wrasse. It wasn't a large one, about 2 lbs. I reeled him up real slow but on returning him to water he floated down tide belly up. That was the second wrasse which didn't swim away. It was out of water no more than 1 min, may even be as short as 30 seconds. The corkwing I caught swam away happily. So don't they survive well out of the water? What can I do to make sure they live to be caught again?
  17. Paul Sweet Honey is a Cormoran 610 Sports Fisher.
  18. On the other hand, there's glare inside the cabin because it's darker outside, if you make the outside lighter/brighter, spotlight or whatever, you won't see the glare inside.
  19. You guys still going? I will be out with the other half and the kids, probably not fishing much, just finishing the rest of the breaking in. A few mackerals and a few bream for dinner if possible. See you out there.
  20. Good catch. With regard to glare, is it not possible to cover the units with (say) a towel and only take a peek every now and again? Or what about those films boyracer put on their windows? They should/might dim the light a little.
  21. Newboy


    I saw him yeaterday at the weigh in, so I guessed he's a member.
  22. Newboy


    Saw him on the way back to Andover, he probably travels as far as I do.
  23. A great day, thanks for arranging the comp Adam. Although fish could have been a little better, but a spotted ray for my species collection isn't bad. Just a little tired (only slept for little under 4 hours last night), oh nearly got ran over by 2 twats on theeir
  24. Happy Birthday Sam. Lets hope loadsa fish next Friday.
  25. I thought I would start asking for crew real early, as I still haven't been able to get crew for this Sunday. I think I might just buy a blow up doll and dress her up as crew, it'll definitely be more fun.......
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