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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Congratulation Paul, it's an excellent boat. All you need now is some decent weather and the fish to bite.
  2. Newboy

    New Trailer

    Not really - its is 165lbs BW was 75kgs and it took a two handed left to put her on the hitch. It all depends on the boat and trailer set-up - my little box trailer has a hitch weight of about 20kgs and it tows not problem, but then the whole trailer even fully loaded is never over 200kgs... The heavier the trailer the more weight is needed on the nose to balance it up - I think.... It also depends on the towing vehicle too, heavier it is, more it can 'ullies' the trailer. When I was towing Sweet Honey with the Passat, it gets uncomfortable at around 60mph, but once I switched it to the Toyota, it towed easily at 70.
  3. I supposed nothing in life is ever 'free' ......
  4. Very nice, so how long is the 'I'm available to crew' queue?
  5. Are they from the same camera? The first one seem to be better quality.
  6. you pay only tax and charges. http://www.ryanair.com/site/EN/
  7. Could be tempted,
  8. Newboy

    Witches Hat

    They are quite easy to fit, just take off all the bits from the ob and thread thru then reconnect, just don't drop any bolt or nut down the drain like I did .....
  9. Lidl has some motorbie gears for sell starting the 8th, strictly speaking not fishig gears, but the socks, trousers etc will keep ou warm just the same.
  10. It's a fantastic lay out, a you need now is some pb fish.
  11. Nothing wrong in being optimistic ....
  12. Newboy


    How good is she at washing dishes? I need a new slave at the shop, the last one's wore out.
  13. do a search here on chubb within the last 7 days and all will be clear.
  14. I bet he hope to catch the big fella again .....
  15. If you spend enough time on the street, anyone will be able to compile a video full of idiots.
  16. Sorry to hear your health has forced you to part with your boat. Hopefully it's only to trailering and not fishing.
  17. Duncan, isn't there supposed to be a young blonde girl holding your rod awaiting you .......
  18. Newboy

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday, wishing you a pb every fishing trip.
  19. Excuse me for stating the obvious, but the sale of good act actually requires the shop who are selling a product does what it supposed to do, i.e., for a ff or gps/plotter, if speed is part of the functions then it should work from day one and not needing any update by yourself unless it is printed/stated on the box "user update required" Nevertheless a good response from the distributor but far from satisfactary from Lowrance or the shop.
  20. Newboy

    Fish Balls

    Apparently they have no teeth, just crushing pads and they are at the back of the mouth.
  21. As mike said, no need to be cheaper, but readily available is the key.
  22. can't I just keep the girl instead?
  23. Looking at the top half of the picture and I thought it was a set of bead blind.
  24. Newboy

    Fish Balls

    greedy bugger
  25. what's wrong with 2 and 1/2?
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