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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Go into millets and they have waterproofing spray, just make sure you do it in a well ventelated area . Or if you have any spare from proofing carpet, Scotchguard works just as well. Both will need a respray after half a dozen uses around the knee area.
  2. Wow, brilliant quality photos.
  3. A friend of my father rang from Florida today and it's freezing bollocks off time over there at the moment.
  4. Well done Jack, rarely we get to hear a good report such as this one, maybe your luck has changed for the better.
  5. Newboy

    New Store

    "I have this friend right, and he's ..... well......., "
  6. Newboy

    Trailer Storage !!

    If no one can offer you any storage, I can take the trailer for as long as you want but I'm 40 miles away ......
  7. Welcome Rob. You still nicking your punters' sandwiches?
  8. Newboy

    Bad Joke

    Charlie, boat building not going too well?
  9. My Navman came from the state and all I need was a english channel c map.
  10. I have a shoulder one if you want to borrow it. Used it for common, good piece of kit.
  11. Newboy

    Skate Fishing

    Erskine is a toll bridge, once you get to Loch Lomond, it's country road all the way. And you get sheeps on the road on some of them.
  12. I have a base but no aerial ....
  13. mine's in april
  14. Newboy

    New Era Ii!!

    Wow,lovely boat, bet you can't wait to fish from her.
  15. Newboy

    Skate Fishing

    Don't forget a harness will be god gift on long fights, it gives your back a rest. Also a camcorder to record funny footages .....
  16. At least the fire proof suit works ....
  17. Newboy


    Just make sure you have all the paperwork to proof ownerhip as well as evidence of vat been paid.
  18. Most cameras also have painted dash on the road, all the need to do is count the dashes and work out how fast you are going.
  19. Was 'staying on board while lighting a bucket load of fuel' part of the plan?
  20. Newboy

    Skate Fishing

    You might be surprised. When I went the Nov before last, my friend brought up a 150lb skate on his 30lb gear on 30lb braid with no hanist , it just too a little longer (well a lot longer..... ).
  21. no 2 for me. Reasons being I live too far from the coast to trailer.
  22. I'm 37 This year and I too can remember all ou'd mentioned. What a great childhood. When I was 12, some friends and I went fishing in Farmoor Reservior and enroute we saw a cherry tree with lots of cherries outside a house, as it was a hot day we decided it was cool to break off some branches with us. To cut a long story short, we were chased by the owner in his car, marched back to the house made to swiped up the leaves and branches in the front garden. The bloe was really nice tho,he explained (told) us why we shouldn't steal from others and he gave us some cherries afterward. We learnt a lesson and we know to respect others and their properties. If it happened today, the owner would have been arrested and charged with kidnapping......
  23. Newboy

    Prop Bags?

    Didn't someone ased about some orang prop lade cover some time ago? I thought they were neat.
  24. Newboy

    Skate Fishing

    Death wish 10 starring Gordon ........
  25. Newboy


    What is the accomendation like? Is it a fishing holiday only or are there something for the family too? Let have some photos on here......
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