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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Not much gunnel height, is there....... I think I would prefer a bath tub instead
  2. As soon as I win the next quiz, you can have it back .......
  3. Nice scenary, where's that?
  4. My friend went out from Brighton over the weekend on a chactered, he caught 12 pollocks over 10lbs and a small cod. Hoping to go out tomorrow, if it stays calmish, we might go to the wrecks.
  5. Try the Solent site as most of them are closer to you http://www.solent-fishing-guide.co.uk/tff/default.asp Many of them fish Utopia and Nab tower with great success
  6. We have a conservation area just like this back home. It was set up approx 5 years ago, where all fishing, water sports are banned and diving are restricted. A report was published at the end of the last year where the number of sea lives have increased but not to the level that they were hoping for. I think the key word is management, whether it will be active or passive. The need to introduce extra lives to give it a head start instead of just giving them the right evvironment and leave them to it.
  7. Like this you mean?
  8. Newboy


    Worthwhile to mention you're a pbsbac member even if you don't get any discount. The sponsors knowing their sponsership is working for them would mean future sponsors.
  9. Something to do with the new quiz, but you can still use the "Veiw New Posts" toward top right corner of each page.
  10. I bet it beats sitting at home Have some many cancellations, I can't remember what the sea look like
  11. Might be tempted, want to catch some red fish and halibut Do you have self catering? Would like to cook some of the fish we catch ourselves
  12. A year older, a year wiser .................... sod it, just get totally pissed and enjoy yourself
  13. Newboy


  14. Welcome to the coolest club houe in the country .............
  15. I have 2 large and 4 medium ones,
  16. excuse me but 16 fish in a boat of 8, that's 2 each. Personally I wouldn't think 4 even 5 fish per angler is obsessive, but then again, maybe I'm in the minority.
  17. When's the maiden voyage?
  18. 16 tonnes aren't going to dent the bream population but we anglers do a lot of damages, easily wipe out the species in days ....
  19. You stick the large cushion under a car, connect the hose to the exhaust and rev, fume inflats cushion .......
  20. Got it last year from jack, but since I no longer have a boat, free to anyone here.
  21. I think it all depends on wind and tide, when we were in Noeway, we had to use 500g+ pirk (masice thing like a silver banana... ) when wind was against tide. Also for anyone who is going to norway, SAS has smarttened up, they weigh your hand luggage, get you to put everything into your hull luggage then charge you an hand and a leg for any excess, and they are pretty tight on any excess weight.
  22. So does that mean even if you catch a 200g cod you still have to keep it? What I want to know is how different are your fishing to those of Norway's?
  23. Surely those bought in the posh area must look, feel, smell and be better quality ............
  24. I think 112 is an internationally emergency service, ie you can reach the police/ambulance/fire etc wherever you are on earth. As to the mobile phone, the AA has been using it to trace breakdown from their network, see advert re:Vinny Jone getting wet.
  25. Newboy

    Inflating My Buoy?

    If you have a car footpump or a power station with inflator then one of the adaptor will work, I think you have to uncrew the valve before you can inflat it, that was what I had to do to my Alderney buoy when I first got it.
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