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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. PJ, do you have an outboard lock? Your insurance may stipulate one as a condition of your insurance.
  2. A few have been landed in the Solent and portsmouth area.
  3. I think that's a 13 1/4 dia and 17p prop. Not sure what the 3 stans for, might be the number of blades but isn't evident?! What is the max rpm for your 90? You ust pair it with a prop which allows ax rev but not over (burns the engine). You can repitch the prop but only to a degree so a new prop might be required. Talk to your Honda dealer and I'm sure they would be about to advice you on a more suitable prop, but unfortunately that's try and error, all will sell you a new prop but very few will let you try it out for test .....
  4. Well done and at least you blooded the new boat ......
  5. This week is the ray comp and next week is the burnham match.
  6. Just short of 120% specimen weigh, wouldn't mind that in 2 weeks time.
  7. Newboy

    Spike Week

    Rich..... Tuesday 21st of Nov. From the latest message from Spike, he's had 5 courses of chemo and he's doing really well. He said he might even go fishing as a customer for a change.
  8. Feel free to ask Adam and Bob, they been there and done it ......
  9. Newboy

    Spike Week

    Adam, I have no idea, Dave the skipper is on holiday this week, I'll ring him next week.
  10. I believe if you touched the leader before the fish fell off, the fish counts, confirmation please Charlie.
  11. Newboy


    Nylon is best, 8-10 mm for small boat and 3 x max depth you intend to fish.
  12. Newboy


    Without knowing what outboard you have and how/if it's connected, I can only speak in general terms. First, is the outboard an elec start one? If it is, then the present connection will do provided they are in good condition. If it is a pull start, it may or may not (if a small hp) have the mean to recharge a battery. The type of battery will depend on what it is use for. This topic has been discussed before in detail just do a search on battery/batteries.
  13. Newboy

    Spike Week

    I've booked a big cat on the 21st of Nov, if anyone is about and want to go fishing out of Portsmouth, please let me know. The cost is
  14. So we have the Poole V Burnham match in Weymouth, but what happened to the Burnham V Poole match? Did I miss it?
  15. Thanks Gordon.
  16. That's not a boat.... it's a battleship
  17. Gordon, I'm available to crew if the space is still up for grap.
  18. Big bronze whaler on the beach?
  19. Happy Birthday you old mad hatter .......
  20. Newboy

    Hop Along

    No Dan, it's not against forum rules to post not funny jokes ......... Got me thinking tho..... hmmmmm... without the limb getting in the way ......
  21. Happy Birthday and may all your birthday wished come true.
  22. Newboy

    Spike Week

    Many of you probably know or heard of Spike who was the skipper of Bessis V out of Langstone. To cut a long story short, he's been diagnosed with bone cancer and had to give up skippering. Members of the Professional Boatman Association have organised an event call Spike Week, where skippers take out anglers with all the proceeds going to Spike and his wife. Spike Week starts on the 20th of Nov, more details can be found HERE. I am wondering if anyone is interested, it would be wonderful if we can get a charter from these dates and help. I myself can do Tues or Thur and can fish Weymouth to Portsmouth.
  23. Newboy


    Welcome Soleman, you will get plenty of help from this lot, a very helpful bunch. Just out of curiosity, is that much demand for custom built rods?
  24. Killed by a stingray........ in his words.... criky..... All thoughts with his young family.
  25. Newboy

    Which Vhf?

    Fixed unit everytime. A good fixed one would only cost around
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