Not been fishing for over 4 months, having been cancelled 6 weeks on the trot.
6 of us booked Glen for a bank trip, but the night before the forecast was for 2-8 miles wind, one of the guy suggested why don't we go for a wreck trip instead? So a quick phone call to glen at 9:30pm and the trip was changed to wrecking,
Started off from Northney at 7:00am, we steamed 2 and half hours to our first wreck, a few fish, not a bad start, moved to second wreck and a few more, not hectic but keeping everyone interested plus 2 of the guys were wrecking virgins, so I lost fair amount of time helping them retied lost rigs etc.
I caught 9 pollocks, plus a bonus cod about 9-10 lbs, Glen said that's the earliest he's ever caught a cod on the wrecks.
Most fish were in the 6-10lbs mark, a couple hitting about mid teens. By about 2 pm, we said we had enough (about 40) pollocks and lots of jumbo pouts between the 6 of us, so we decided to go congering on a wreck on the way home instead, only the one conger caught and it was only about 20 lbs. All in all a great day.