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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Welcome Longbow, there are always boats going out from either X'church or Poole, as long as you don't mind the rough, as it can be quite hairy out there in Jan and Feb. I think there are 2 other members trail their boat from Oxford/area. One from Witney and the other from Carterton (?)
  2. I will go if I haven't manage to sell Sweet Honey by then. Otherwise I'm available to crew if anyone needs crew.
  3. Newboy

    Keel Shoe?

    I would have thought a nylon band would be easy to cut and screw into place. Nylon is relatively strong. I guess it's good for a one off protection, i.e, you knock it hard enough once and you change it.
  4. Welcome Dick, actually I think Alderney is within club water, St Catherine Point IOW to Portland Bill. You can actually join the club and fish our comps, with the excellent quality of fishing down your end, I bet you will do really well.
  5. Don't they badge the cornish handlined/caught bass?! Seem to remember in one of Rick Stein's programme.
  6. I thought I was looking at the same boat over and over again......
  7. I would think a limit on each species of fish caught would be fairly simple and cheap to implement.
  8. Newboy


    Here are the they 2 threads http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forums/index.php?s...45&hl=insurance http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forums/index.php?s...33&hl=insurance
  9. So what was the subtle changes?
  10. Come on Jack, own up..... some of those dresses are yours, aren't they?!
  11. Newboy


    If you do a search with the word insurance, you will find a few threads of recommendations, Craftinsure, boatinsure, .......
  12. Newboy

    Dry Feet

    Or launch the boat with passengers onboard, I used to do this with my young sons.
  13. Let us know if it is really really valuable. {Off to search my loft}
  14. Or the moisture might get in......
  15. Why would anyone hide a longbow in the loft under the insulation? Maybe he was trying to hide it from the missus? Or just do a google on 'Murder', 'Arrow', 'Longbow', 'England'..........
  16. Wow, this spot looks well fishy.....
  17. Stormie now makes all sorts of colour of sandeels. I've seen red, black, glitter, milky white, might have been a blue too.......
  18. When I said the cable, I meant the inner cable together with the plastic sleeve. And I was referring to this about pulling thru the new one.
  19. The bit you want is call 'cable', the cord was what I would use to thread the new cable thru.
  20. Thanks Steve, I'll keep that in mind.
  21. Made a mental note to use the search here whenever I need google......
  22. I fish out of brighton very often, nice marina and what's excellent is that parking is free . I fish with Seabreeze 3 most of the time, other times use John but can't remember what his boat is call. I like conger fishing from there the best, average size is around 50.
  23. I always wanted to try salmon fishing in Sacndanvia, just working down my list of 'Fishing to be done'. Marlin in Madeire, sturgen in North America, bronze whaler in Namibia, tarpon etc in Florida,.......
  24. Nice salmon, where was it?
  25. Newboy

    Near Miss.

    Is there a winch eys at the front of your boat? If there is you may be able to use a lazy line and do away with the anchor post.
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