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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by boybilly

  1. Hi Hoggy, Interesting post mate. My personal favourites are the Penn 975 LD and Shimano TLD 5 and 10. The other big thing with Lever drag is the capability to adjust the drag very quickly as you near the boat with a big fish, slacken as it nears the boat then increase slowly if it runs again. The drag system is also very easy to keep smooth in these reels. Hair dryer and dry rag twice a year and thats it. I would suggest that star drags are more condusive to Mono as it is more forgiving, and braid for lever drags. As you say Hoggy, personal preference mate, Regards, BB
  2. boybilly


    Excellent fish, and you are right Adam, this is the time for the biggies. We have a trip out on Friday so hopefully the weather gods will be kind to us. Regards, BB
  3. Well Done Adam, Hope You stay in the prizes mate. BB
  4. Park at the extreme southern end of Abbotsbury car park, walk straight over the beach and then walk 1/2 to 3/4 mile towards Portland (South). There will be some concrete blocks on the beach, you are there matey. BB
  5. In his mouth LOL
  6. Just a bit of info lads, plenty of cod at Dragons Teeth. Sunday night a chap had 6, biggest 22lbs, YES, 22LBS. Adozen or so caught on Saturday up to 6.5lbs. Got to get a trip in this week.
  7. boybilly


    Good day for you then Duncan, nice one.
  8. Expert are we?
  9. I know we are a boat club, but every year we take a coach to Bridlington to fish this comp. It is a superb weekend of fun and fishing. Coach is booked and accomodation is booked at the PUB we have stayed at for the last three years. We have karaoke in the pub on Saturday followed by Pool, Darts, Clubbing or whatever. Locals are very friendly and turn out in force when we turn up. If anyone would like to fish it please let me know. It is the first weekend in March and we leave on Friday morning, returning on Monday. We pick up in Dorchester, Poole and Roundham Services. Last year we went with 20 anglers but there are a few places this year as we have booked a bigger coach. We have TV and Video on the coach as well as live entertainment with some of the nutters that are going. Regards, BB
  10. boybilly

    Hello Hoggy

    This wouldn,t be the Hoggy I conversed with regarding the British Open last year would it????? Any advice this year mate
  11. boybilly

    Hello Hoggy

    Welcome Hoggy, Enjoy the site mate.
  12. I got sent the piccie of Sam as Email last year, and she was butt naked. Absolutely disgraceful.
  13. Anaga from Grauvell. Comes with three tips and the heaviest one easily copes with !lb or more. Lightest tip copes with 6-8 ozs. I know some of you lads dont like them but I have had this rod for two years and not a jot of trouble(apart from the occasional broken tip that can be replaced) At
  14. Welcome aboard shipmate, tight lines for 2005.
  15. Wont get any better if you dont try Sam, plenty of top shore fishing along this coast mate. Right place, right time and you will catch.
  16. HHHMMM A shore meet, now there,s an idea lads.
  17. Nice one Sam, thanks for that. BB
  18. Weather permitting my friend. Good luck, BB
  19. Anybody here fishing tomorrow(Sunday) in EFSA flounder comp? Forecast is bad but as it is in the harbour I think it will be fishable. What do you locals think? Regards, BB PS What is the flattie fishing like at the moment?
  20. Have you been poorly PJ?
  21. boybilly


    Welcome to you from BB and little BB
  22. Only my personal opinion lads, But Abu do not make a decent lever drag boat reel as far as I am concerned. I have seen loads of them sheer the gears. The worst one seems to be the new one, returns to WAC for a pastime. I will stick with Penn and Shimano, also their after sales is second to none. Back to the drag, take them out in the order they are in, wipe them clean, dry them with a hair dryer then re-assemble in the correct order. Smooth as silk. I do this every February before the season starts. Best wishes to you all, BB
  23. Hi Kam, First job is to drift over it and get an idea about how it is lying and strength of tide. From this you will get the line for the anchorage and the distance. You are better off anchoring a bit farther than you need because you can always bounce the lead back into the wreck. Make sure you have enough warp and chain to hold because the chances of getting it back from the wreck are minimal mate. Dont forget you need to re-anchor when the tide changes, obvious but I have seen it forgotten. BB
  24. Lovely Jubbley JIMBOB,nice fish mate, but dont any of you lads work for a living? BB
  25. Thank you Martin, I do believe Mark and Paul are going to fish it so hopefully I can fish with them (Good for the bacon and sausage sarnies) Regards, BB PS Do we have to bring all the fish back or is it best specimen?
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