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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by boybilly

  1. Thanks to Mark and Paul for a good day out, not much fish to show but good day all the same. Well done to all the lads and lasses who helped out and all who organized the comp. Last but not least well done to all the prize winners, especially the kids, on a cold and windy day it needed perseverance. Sorry I couldnt stay any longer at the presentation but I had to be back for 7pm. Looking forward to the flounder comp now, is this an open or a club comp? Regards, BB
  2. Good luck and tight lines to all fishing tomorrow. BB
  3. Hi all, Is anyone interested in the HH that wrasse kisser has for sale? If so I will bring it tomorrow. Regards, BB
  4. Frozen please Newboy, Thanks BB
  5. Thanks Newboy, I will be at Cobbs with Mark(Loyal royal) at around 7.30. Regards, BB
  6. Mark and Adam, Cuttlefish at dawn, 10 paces then fire. Winner gets a bacon roll on Sunday.
  7. I,ll take 6 please Newboy, Pick up Sunday mate. Regards BB
  8. Much obliged Adam, see you at the weekend my friend, BB
  9. Newboy, From what I understand yes you can , but only two at a time in total. Realistically, what leads are we looking at on Sunday? I dont want to bring a bucket of leads I am not going to use lads. I am talking about the biggest I will need. Also, along the same lines, what tide run are we fishing in? Regards, BB
  10. Welcome plaicemat, Enjoy
  11. Paul J, I do like that mate. Will copy it down and see you there. BB
  12. Whats happening Sunday Mark? Times and place please mate. Paul J sent a post to say what we might be doing so I am all set tackle wise. Regards, BB
  13. Thanks for all your efforts lads but I cannot seem to download the diagram. Hopefully Adam will save the copy he has, Regards BB
  14. That would be a new one for me mate. Never caught one before. Can I understand that there are two comps running juxtapose. The main comp is for best specimen then the pool monies are for the heaviest fish in both categories? BB
  15. Hi Peter, Have collected the reel from Chris, looks OK apart from a lot of play on the handle. Will strip it down and check it out. What braid is it and how old mate? Regards BB
  16. Red Mullet Duncan?
  17. Right lads, The time has come for the big question with some honest answers(Not that I am suggesting for one moment that you would try and mislead). What tackle do I need for Sunday and what are we going to be fishing for? Is the tide right for the codding or will it be whiting and general fishing? Can you give me some idea on times Mark and where can we meet? Regards, BB
  18. Cracking fish mate, still not quite there but I have no doubt it will come from that mark. If I had known you were going I could have sorted you some hermits. The big thing it is easy fishing. How did Ryan get on with the snaggy ground? I wish I knew you were going coz my lot went to Puddletown forest today for pine cones, holly and fir twigs to make some wreaths. I used that time to strip down all my boat reels, except one, and give them a de-coke. They are singing now.(Hope they sing on Sunday). It is suprising how untidy things become during the comp season. Regards, BB PS Did you get a photo?
  19. Hi Ryan, Nice to have you aboard. Enjoy, Billy and Sam.
  20. Does anyone have the above? I need to service my reels for the weekend and have no parts diagram for this reel. Regards, BB
  21. Welcome to the site Trad, may you and Ryan enjoy the crack. Get Ryan on then Sam and Him can chat. Regards, BB
  22. I only use live hermits and to be honest I have tried all the usual methods, fresh water, hot water, heat, but none is very convincing. Cannot beat the hammer. Adam, Not sure about a weekday but a weekend is OK with notice. BB
  23. We had velvets, hermits and hardbacks. To be honest all the big fish, apart from one on worm, came on hermit. Fiddlers are the no.1 but are difficult to get. Personally speaking I would be happy with a bucket of hermits. The only thing that bothered me was that the fishing can be in very shallow water and cracking open the shells is a very noisy business. I think that I am going to devise a means to shell them ashore and carry them as individuals or small groups, they are very aggressive once out of their shells. Great time saver too. I am not to sure on the fishing dates yet as it is down to my boat partner and his painkillers(back and shoulder pain) I can use the boat whenever I want but it is better with a couple of us. I would like to take my son again so we will need to pick a calm day. Will keep you informed. BB PS Just a little word of warning. I use 40lb vanish with 3/0 circle and got snapped clean as a whistle a couple of times so do not use stainless hooks and bump up the trace to 50lb.
  24. Yep, A beautiful fish indeed, a tad over 4.5lbs. This time of year seems to see the wrasse at their best, must be the feeding frenzy stocking up for the winter. I have read that divers have seen wrasse hibernating in rock crevasses during the winter months. They certainly disappear but whether its hibernation or an exodus to deeper(warmer) water I dont know. I do know that there are some lunkers out there with a penchant for a big crab bait and I am only too happy to oblige. BB
  25. Going back next week for its Mum. BB
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