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Everything posted by Neal

  1. The Ray competition is being held this coming Sunday Please book / indicate you wish to participate - below 1) Court Jester Neal, Stuie plus crew
  2. Come off it Tony - you don't expect anyone to believe they will last until Christmas
  3. So far we have......... Dogfish Dave with a Bass of 5lb Rich with a Plaice of 1lb 15oz and a special mention for Jacob who caught both a Bass and a Plaice
  4. Well....................that didn't go as planned!! Weather forecast for 10 mph winds with gusts........it was blowing a bloody hooley Awful conditions and no 'target Species' Stuie caught a cuttlefish which covered absolutely everything with ink. Caught enough mackerel for livebait - but the only fish caught was a 12lb Pollack Couldn't even catch a plaice in the harbour. Not the best of days to be out fishing - everyone who didn't go, made a better choice!
  5. Both comps are on - so options whichever you choose to target Good luck all - stay safe
  6. Fishing tomorrow either for Bass or Flatfish looks possible with the current forecast If it changes dramatically. I will review it again after 6.00pm Stay safe and enjoy your fishing
  7. This Sunday is the Annual Bass comp - for the BASS Sponsored Trophy I am also including the postponed flatfish comp Good luck to all 1) Court Jester Neal Stuie and crew TBA
  8. Belated Happy Birthday Dave I hope the day offshore went well Sorry I couldn't join you.
  9. January 1st Place Dave Lynes Conger 57lb 142% Specimen 2nd Place Dave Lynes Whiting 4lb 2oz 118% Specimen 2nd Place Alun Jones Undulate Ray 16lb 8oz 118% Specimen February 1st Place Dave Lynes Spurdog 22lb 8oz 188% Specimen 2nd Place Dave Lynes Spurdog 17lb 0oz 142% Specimen 3rd Place Dave Lynes Blonde Ray 29lb 4oz 127% Specimen March 1st Place Dave Lynes Undulate Ray 15lb 4oz 109% Specimen 2nd Place Stuart Cooper Plaice 2lb 9oz 57% Specimen 3rd Place Tom Smith Plaice 2lb 8oz 56% Specimen April 1st Place Mal Thomas Undulate Ray 17lb 5oz 124% Specimen 2nd Place Nigel Allen Plaice 5lb 2oz 114% Specimen 3rd Place Mal Thomas Undulate Ray 15lb 107% Specimen May 1st Place Alun Jones Brill 8lb 160% Specimen 2nd Place Will Summerell Undulate Ray 17lb 2oz 123% Specimen 3rd Place Nigel Allen Black Bream 4lb 4oz 121% Specimen June 1st Place Alun Jones Bass 12lb 8oz 131% Specimen 2nd Place Jerry Shutter Undulate Ray 17lb 4oz 123% Specimen 3rd Place Dave Lynes Bass 10lb 12oz 113% Specimen July First Place Ben Allen Bass 14lb 8oz 153% Specimen Second Place David Lynes Bass 11lb 2oz 117% Specimen Third Place Mike Fox Mullet 4lb 10oz 109% Specimen August First Place Adam Franklin Brill 9lb 8oz 190% Specimen Second Place David Lynes Bull Huss 12lb 2oz 121% Specimen Third Place Mick Holmwood Undulate Ray 16lb 4oz 116% Specimen
  10. Fantastic trip - please put some of the memorable fish in the catch reports This will (should!) automatically update any club records ...... Cheers Neal
  11. Time to slip into your rubber suit and get under for a look..................
  12. January 1st Place Dave Lynes Conger 57lb 142% Specimen 2nd Place Dave Lynes Whiting 4lb 2oz 118% Specimen 2nd Place Alun Jones Undulate Ray 16lb 8oz 118% Specimen February 1st Place Dave Lynes Spurdog 22lb 8oz 188% Specimen 2nd Place Dave Lynes Spurdog 17lb 0oz 142% Specimen 3rd Place Dave Lynes Blonde Ray 29lb 4oz 127% Specimen MARCH 1st Place Dave Lynes Undulate Ray 15lb 4oz 109% Specimen 2nd Place Stuart Cooper Plaice 2lb 9oz 57% Specimen 3rd Place Tom Smith Plaice 2lb 8oz 56% Specimen April 1st Place Mal Thomas Undulate Ray 17lb 5oz 124% Specimen 2nd Place Nigel Allen Plaice 5lb 2oz 114% Specimen 3rd Place Mal Thomas Undulate Ray 15lb 107% Specimen May 1st Place Alun Jones Brill 8lb 160% Specimen 2nd Place Will Summerell Undulate Ray 17lb 2oz 123% Specimen 3rd Place Nigel Allen Black Bream 4lb 4oz 121% Specimen June 1st Place Alun Jones Bass 12lb 8oz 131% Specimen 2nd Place Jerry Shutter Undulate Ray 17lb 4oz 123% Specimen 3rd Place Dave Lynes Bass 10lb 12oz 113% Specimen July First Place Ben Allen Bass 14lb 8oz 153% Specimen Second Place David Lynes Bass 11lb 2oz 117% Specimen Third Place Mike Fox Mullet 4lb 10oz 109% Specimen
  13. I will look at an alternative date............soon!
  14. Time for a bring and buy sale at a club meeting again?
  15. Whilst fish are in the Harbour - I would like to see a much more favourable (safer) forecast to be more inclusive for all boats This weekends flatfish competition is postponed Neal
  16. This coming Sunday 12th July is the Flatfish Competition Best specimen flatfish wins Plaice, Flounder, Turbot and Brill............ Please add your name to the list if you wish to participate 1) Court Jester, Neal + crew TBA
  17. Mad comes no-where near describing this!
  18. January 1st Place Dave Lynes Conger 57lb 142% Specimen 2nd Place Dave Lynes Whiting 4lb 2oz 118% Specimen 2nd Place Alun Jones Undulate Ray 16lb 8oz 118% Specimen February 1st Place Dave Lynes Spurdog 22lb 8oz 188% Specimen 2nd Place Dave Lynes Spurdog 17lb 0oz 142% Specimen 3rd Place Dave Lynes Blonde Ray 29lb 4oz 127% Specimen MARCH 1st Place Dave Lynes Undulate Ray 15lb 4oz 109% Specimen 2nd Place Stuart Cooper Plaice 2lb 9oz 57% Specimen 3rd Place Tom Smith Plaice 2lb 8oz 56% Specimen April 1st Place Mal Thomas Undulate Ray 17lb 5oz 124% Specimen 2nd Place Nigel Allen Plaice 5lb 2oz 114% Specimen 3rd Place Mal Thomas Undulate Ray 15lb 107% Specimen May 1st Place Alun Jones Brill 8lb 160% Specimen 2nd Place Will Summerell Undulate Ray 17lb 2oz 123% Specimen 3rd Place Nigel Allen Black Bream 4lb 4oz 121% Specimen June 1st Place Alun Jones Bass 12lb 8oz 131% Specimen 2nd Place Jerry Shutter Undulate Ray 17lb 4oz 123% Specimen 3rd Place Dave Lynes Bass 10lb 12oz 113% Specimen
  19. Neal

    Peeler Crab

    I would suggest hardbacks - which can be found at Selsey and alongside the groins in Bracklesham Bay with squid as a good back up. The smoothhound's used to go mad for Hermit crabs - which inhabit the whelk shells throughout the area to the east of the Isle of Wight - however - the whelks were completely fished out (sold mostly abroad!) and so altered the eco-system and the hounds needed to find another food source. Hence most are caught these days on squid baits as they don't know what hermit crabs taste like! I believe the whelks are starting a very slow but fragile recovery as fishing boats no-longer target them commercially - yet!
  20. Dragged up to the beach and left it!
  21. This year I'm mostly targeting Mako Shark Halibut Stingray and Haddock!
  22. Neal

    New pinny?

    maybe a little "generous" in proportions for Mal
  23. Booking in is from 7,30 Unfortunately I have a full crew but others may have spaces Or just come along for the Barbecue later and say high to everyone at 4,30 onwards Neal
  24. I believe you can also pay before the event and just turn up at Cobbs quay to collect your Goody Bag - which includes your unique number for the day. All you then have to do is catch a few fish and photograph them alongside the number. Neal
  25. Welcome back Rich Look forward to seeing you This coming Saturday, we have our Charity Open competition - it's a species hunt - put your name down. I am sure we can find a boat to put you on. Neal
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