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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Neal

  1. I trust you won't be parking that beast opposite me..........beware the green eyed envy monster. Neal
  2. Rules are - Minimum 2 people on the boat, biggest recorded Black Bream (from Club waters) wins. Register here to enter. See Club Competition rules for more information We combine dates with Poole Sea Angling Centre to boost his numbers - he supports us - we support him! He charges for entry and has Prizes - we don't - however, we do have a magnificent Trophy if you win the Club Comp........awarded at our Annual Dinner Dance / Presentation evening. Neal
  3. I was going to post this today anyway ............you guys beat me to it! Book yourself in in the usual fashion 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie, Ian Simpson
  4. Hi Ian, Good to talk with you last night. I will be happy to take you out fishing - perhaps joining me and Stuie for the Club and Poole Sea Angling Centre Bream Competition on the 18th if you are available. As long as my boat is back in the water by then! Neal
  5. January First Place Charlie Chapman Conger 64lb 160% Specimen Second Place Dave Evans Flounder 3lb 12oz 150% Specimen Third Place Alun Jones Undulate Ray 17lb 121% Specimen February First Place Alun Jones Flounder 2lb 1oz 83% Specimen Second Place Alun Jones Flounder 1lb 10oz 65% Specimen Third Place Chris Witheford Pout 1lb 12oz 58% Specimen March First Place Jan Triska Bass 12lb 7oz 131% Specimen Second Place Paul Jennings Bass 10lb 4oz 108% Specimen Third Place Chris Witheford Blonde Ray 20lb 0oz 87% Specimen April First place Bradley Toms Undulate Ray 19lb 10oz 140% Specimen Second place Mal Thomas Undulate Ray 16lb 12oz 120% Specimen Third place Stuart Cooper Undulate Ray 16lb 0oz 114% Specimen
  6. Happy Birthday guys - have a good day Neal
  7. Great to see everyone at the end.......... Everyone agreed that it had been a great success and well done Lofty for organising it. Neal
  8. Bad Weather and probably because it's Easter Sunday? not many wanted to go out........ It is cancelled Neal
  9. This coming Sunday, we have our first competition of the year - a Species Hunt Last year this was won with 5 species - by those travelling miles offshore. The water was cold following that very cold spell and the inshore fishing was very poor. This year the water is warmer and many boats are recording several species per trip - so this is a chance to either get started - or boost your current total. Book in here! 1) Neal - not sure which boat.......yet!
  10. January First Place Charlie Chapman Conger 64lb 160% Specimen Second Place Dave Evans Flounder 3lb 12oz 150% Specimen Third Place Alun Jones Undulate Ray 17lb 121% Specimen February First Place Alun Jones Flounder 2lb 1oz 83% Specimen Second Place Alun Jones Flounder 1lb 10oz 65% Specimen Third Place Chris Witheford Pout 1lb 12oz 58% Specimen March First Place Jan Triska Bass 12lb 7oz 131% Specimen Second Place Paul Jennings Bass 10lb 4oz 108% Specimen Third Place Chris Witheford Blonde Ray 20lb 0oz 87% Specimen
  11. Beaulieu Boat jumble on 27th April -
  12. Just a reminder...... Next Saturday - Dorset Boat Jumble at Canford Arena Neal
  13. Just look at the number of nets that appear as soon as the Bream arrive - mostly for foreign markets. And the Trawling ............and the removal of thousands of breeding fish........... This happened before and they were almost wiped out - 30 years ago? Took that long to make a comeback - happening again? Probably should be a closed season for breeding fish - won't happen. When they are gone.........too late Neal
  14. Just a reminder............ If you are one of the winners listed above, your presence at the Dinner Dance / award presentation evening is kindly requested. We have 16 trophies and 40 prizes to give out - Even if you were unlucky not to win something last year - please come along and support this great event Neal
  15. January First Place Charlie Chapman Conger 64lb 160% Specimen Second Place Dave Evans Flounder 3lb 12oz 150% Specimen Third Place Alun Jones Undulate Ray 17lb 121% Specimen February First Place Alun Jones Flounder 2lb 1oz 83% Specimen Second Place Alun Jones Flounder 1lb 10oz 65% Specimen Third Place Chris Witheford Pout 1lb 12oz 58% Specimen
  16. January First Place Charlie Chapman Conger 64lb 160% Specimen Second Place Dave Evans Flounder 3lb 12oz 150% Specimen Third Place Alun Jones Undulate Ray 17lb 121% Specimen
  17. If I have misssed anything or anyone - please send me a PM and I will adjust the listing accordingly We would also like as many of you named as winners in the above listings to attend the Club Presentation evening on 26th April - so don't be shy - put your names down asap so that we can let caterers know how many will be attending Many thanks Neal
  18. Competition Winners 2013 Fish of the Month January Kev Couzens Flounder 4lb 4oz 170% February Charlie Chapman Spurdog 15lb 7oz 129% March Terry Bartell Plaice 5lb 10oz 125% April Alun Jones Bass 9lb 12oz 103% May Charlie Chapman Spurdog 15lb 10oz 130% June Jan Triska Undulate Ray 17lb 8oz 125% July James Parker Bass 14lb 6oz 151% August James Parker Undulate Ray 14lb 1oz 100% September Jan Triska 3 Bearded Rockling 2lb 2oz 142% October Gino Iarossi Bass 14lb 0oz 147% November Dave Lynes Cod 27lb 8oz 138% December Mick Pike Flounder 3lb 12oz 150% Trophy Winners Bob Horne Memorial Mick Pike Flounder 3lb 12oz Steve Chester Memorial Dave Lynes Cod 27lb 8oz Frank Fudge Memorial Ben Allen Conger 51lb Junior Shield TBC Ladies Shield TBC Specimen Hunters Shield Alun Jones 12 fish over 100% Peter Peck – Chairman’s Award TBC Competition Winners Bream Comp Jan Triska Black Bream 3lb 10oz 48Hr Comp Ben Allen Bass 11lb 10oz Bass Comp - Catch Neal Sturt Bass 7lb 3oz Bass Comp – Release Paul Jennings Bass 2lb 8oz Flatfish / Ray Comp – Flatfish Flatfish / Ray Comp – Ray Dean Burt Thornback Ray 7lb 0oz Cod Comp Alfie Tucker Cod 15lb 5oz Annual Species Hunt First Neal Sturt 42 Second Nigel Allen 40 Third Chris Witheford 38 New Club Records Chris Witheford Sole 2lb 3oz Jan Triska 3 Bearded Rockling 2lb 2oz Will Summerell Tub Gurnard 3lb 15oz Specimen Hunters – Fish 100% Specimen or over Alun Jones James Parker Jan Triska Allan Green Terry Bartell Charlie Chapman Sam Chapman Paul Frey Peter Howell Matt Howell Dave Evans Nigel Allen Will Summerell Mal Thomas Chris Witheford Carol Fox Tom Smith Jacob Givans Kev Couzens Steve Loftus Ben Allen Neal Sturt Graham Nash Gino Iarossi John Stephenson Dave Lynes Mick Pike Richard Stephens Brian Murrey Prizes awarded to Fish of the Month winners Club Sponsored Prizes awarded to new Club Record Holders Salter Electronic Suspended Balance Prizes awarded to Specimen Hunters Club Sponsored
  19. don't forget to book in today - or you won't be eligible for any prizes. Jim - if it was a force 8 tomorrow you would still be sheltered where you will be fishing - as long as you beat Dave and Kev to the "special" flounder mark!
  20. The Castaways flounder comp is on this Sunday You will need to register before you fish ie by Saturday One person (at least) from each boat to go to the Mariner Car Park on West Quay road to sign in on the day 8.00am - 8.30am Presentation in the recently refurbished Mariner (upstairs) Ragworm from Castaways £ 8.00 per lb for club members. Usually all proceeds go towards prizes! Neal
  21. January 1st Place Kev Couzens Flounder 4lb 4oz 170% Specimen 2nd Place Charlie Chapman Whiting 4lb 114% Specimen 3rd Place Alun Jones Bass 10lb 7oz 110% Specimen February 1st Place Charlie Chapman Spurdog 15lb 7oz 129% Specimen 2nd Place Tom Smith Undulate Ray 16lb 114% Specimen 3rd Place Jacob Givans Flounder 2lb 13oz 112% Specimen March 1st Place Terry Bartell Plaice 5lb 10oz 125% Specimen 2nd Place Adam Franklin Turbot 12lb 12oz 85% Specimen 3rd Place James Parker Brill 3lb 14oz 77% Specimen April 1st Place Alun Jones Bass 9lb 12oz 103% Specimen 2nd Place Matt Howell Cod 20lb 3oz 101% Specimen 3rd Place James Parker Brill 5lb 0oz 100% Specimen May 1st Place Charlie Chapman Spurdog 15lb 10oz 130% Specimen 2nd Place Charlie Chapman Bull Huss 12lb 0oz 120% Specimen 3rd Place Sam Chapman Spurdog 14lb 2oz 118% Specimen June 1st Place Jan Triska Undulate Ray 17lb 8oz 125% Specimen 2nd Place Ben Allen Bass 11lb 6oz 120% Specimen 3rd Place Neal Sturt Blonde Ray 24lb 12oz 108% Specimen July 1st Place James Parker Bass 14lb 6oz 151% Specimen 2nd Place Ben Allen Conger Eel 51lb 128% Specimen 3rd Place James Parker Bass 11lb 12oz 124% Specimen 3rd Place Jan Triska Bass 11lb 12oz 124% Specimen August 1st Place James Parker Undulate Ray 14lb 1oz 100.45% Specimen 2nd Place Alun Jones Bass 9lb 8oz 100% Specimen 3rd Place Will Summerell Red Gurnard 1lb 3oz 95% Specimen September 1st Place Jan Triska 3 Bearded Rockling 2lb 2oz 142% Specimen Club Record 2nd Place Carol Fox Undulate Ray 15lb 1oz 108% Specimen 3rd Place Dave Evans Bull Huss 10lb 4oz 103% Specimen 3rd Place Jan Triska Bull Huss 10lb 4oz 103% Specimen October 1st Place Gino Iarossi Bass 14lb 0oz 147% Specimen 2nd Place Nigel Allen Bull Huss 11lb 5oz 113% Specimen 3rd Place Chris Witheford Sole 2lb 3oz 109% Specimen Club Record November 1st Place Dave Lynes Cod 27lb 8oz 138% Specimen 2nd Place James Parker Conger 49lb 0oz 122% Specimen 3rd Place Alun Jones Bass 10lb 2oz 107% Specimen December 1st Place Mick Pike Flounder 3lb 12oz 150% Specimen 2nd Place Kevin Couzens Flounder 3lb 11oz 148% Specimen 3rd Place Richard Stephens Flounder 3lb 8oz 140% Specimen
  22. Happy Birthday George
  23. 1, Kingfisher 2, Fisheagle 3, Slice of Life 4, Awol 5. Reflections 2 6. The Grinch 7.Wishin Too 8 Freeboys 9. Yelo 10. Tiddler 11. Mistress 12. JoJo 13. MegaByte 14. Wight Magic 15 Sweet Pea 16. Tigerfish 17. Alfresco 18 Court Jester 19. Serenity
  24. The Poole Cod competition planned for this Sunday has been cancelled. It has been re-scheduled for Sunday 29th December.
  25. Neal


    Thanks all - afraid to say I had a quiet night in. I did manage to find a couple of beers - just for medicinal purposes! Neal
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