sounds like you had a nice day
my aim for this years to catch over a 10lb pollack so im very jealous.
soon as gw back in the water i think i might ask dad to take us pollack fishing.
yeah i would love to go but its up to paul and pauls the one who gets sea sick so he wouldnt enjoy it so there would be no point to it.
o well looks like im back working on the boat again.
paul has decided not to go anymore because of the bad weather and he does not think he will have his engine back in time.
so that means i will not be able to go so thats another week with no fishing, this is a trend im starting to not like its worse than being ill
if you get out good luck but looking at the weather it is doubtful.
tight lines sam
ps i think i am going to prepare for the arrival of the bass i just need dad to trust me with great white [ ill be lucky]
if it is looking bad theres no point sitting out there bouncing around left right and centre.
looks like its back to homework for me on sunday then
i would love to catch a pike there such good looking fish.
i really need to get up and see you alex for some fishing i might try nagging dad for a trip up next weekend if thats ok.
i have never had any luck with bream, last bream comp i gave up and went for the tope im glad i did still waiting for the rod and reel from sea angler dads chasing them up.
i was hoping it would come ready for the weymouth trip looking douptful.
you could always head to one of the inshore wrecks if the tides are not to big like the sky or kiara [ think thats how its spelt]
or you could drift the swash for plaice.
what weather are we looking at for a good day out which wind direction would be better.
i dont get sea sick so it does not bother me if it gets a bit chopy.
yeah i know i am keen yeah thats fine i just found out dad is working this saturday and if im allowed by dad i might take the dinghy with our little engine for a quick spin just to make sure its all right. hopefully dad will let me.
i have the same engine as you for our dinghy but ours never used to twist itself back, hasn't been used for a while
might take it down on the dinghy on saturday while dad is at work if he will let me [hopefully will]
tight lines
yeah thanks rich dad told me i think most likely it will be week after next because of the trailaway this sunday.
i will phone you closer the time.
yeah i was going to practice on grass i think paul d is lending me a rod?
yeah thats fine with me paul bit better than the 5 0'clock start for burnham
hopefully we will catch a few more fish than last time
have you heard anything about your engine.
tight lines sam