nice one paul sounds a good day bit better than our trip if your thinking of going to shambles next week i would love to come our if anyone else is heading out next week let me know i would love to go again before i go back to school
you and glasses you're jinxed
nice to see there is some fish about
yeah roll on sunday just been down to see andy in poole sea angling centre and got myself some more red sliders for sunday.
hopefully i will get a trip out next week with someone if anybody goes out.
most of the time as dad tells me the dive websites never put the correct numbers on the website but normally a bit out so it takes some finding.
wreck fishing is great one of my favourite types of fishing and with dad being able to anchor it well normally produces a few fish.
when you getting your new boat we will have to get you out there
nice to catch a plaice in the swash on light tackle good job you stopped.
while on the boat polishing i could see you lot racing around doing the training i also saw you dave about 5pm getting the boat out the water.
nice to be out there hopefully will get out soon
i am happy to put in the hardwork on it i would like the challenge working on it.
i have seen a few for a couple of hundred but they need a good paint job and a bit of tlc.
if anyone knows one let me know
i have just been antifowling dads boat all day and that was hard work i hate to think how much hard work that would be.
mind you if you can afford one of them you can proberly pay someone to do it
year i suppose your write
i keep telling dad about boats i keep finding then he says you cant have a boat because you cant trailor it but he is happy to let me have a rib which would still involve him using the car im confused
im going to keep looking if anyone sees one or knows of one please let me know thanks
is anyone heading out next week thursday or friday i really need to go im good crew and dont mind helping out or pulling in the anchor i do it all the time i really need to get out have not been since the shambles with paul
please let me know
nice one alun and great report i wish i had been out there today instead been antifowling the boat cam back with nice red hair
glad to hear you had a nice day i will tell dad to put it in the book.
im starting thinking about getting a small boat does anybody have any outboards about 15,20 hp knocking around anyway that they can sell at a reasonable price please