i agree with adam and martin, it was a great day goign fishing somewhere i had never fished and fishing somewhere were dad grew up fishing.
paul came round at half 5 and we loaded the stuff into the boat ready for a good days fishing.
you ever feel like your having one of those days were everything goes wrong well we had one of those days. dropped tackle box beads. swivels and hoooks went everywhere,wheel nuts coming loose on the trailer twice,engine pin breaking so could not reverse and could not lift engine out the water, paul slicing his finger open and chucking blood all over the steering wheel and the cherry on the cake getting the anchor stuck in the mud and spinning the boat everywhere.
after all this we got out and instead of following the crowd we decided to stop closer in and go for the cod, we anchored up an hour later no bites so we moved closer in with our buddie boat whos mate had caught five cod.
we sat here for the rest of the day with all the boats around us catching cod even cushdy, but we could not get one, i had plenty of bites but they were spitting out the hook.
after this i had a cracking bite and up came an 11lb 8oz thornback i was convinced it was a cod, but i put it back i didnt want to kill it when it could grow bigger for someone else, i cant stand the taste of them
it was a great day out thanks paul nice to be out again