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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Sam

    saturday 19th

    alex we used to fish for the plaice drifting the swash channel at the entrance of Poole harbour. tight lines sam
  2. Sam

    Redfinn Advert

    yeah the stats are very good but i got two major problems with it. 1) i dont think it should have an inboard for such a small boat think of all the room it takes up who ever thought of that. 2) the look of it i really dont like the cabin, not very nice looking sam
  3. thanks mate i realised you havent got a picture next to your name stick one in there with one of your fish. sam
  4. well if you ever need crew gordon you no were to find me im always up for a bit of conger bashing as you have proberly guessed. sam
  5. Sam


    o rite ill have to ask dad i cant remember seeing that in new zealand, catching to many fish to really notice sam
  6. Sam


    how does a groundbaiter tube work? sam
  7. or tope fishing were i would choose the tld 20
  8. Sam

    Redfinn Advert

    unless they delibrately cut it there to kill it or shot it because the big shark fisherman normally shoot them sam
  9. Sam

    Redfinn Advert

    i dont understand why anyone would want a redfinn there horrible looking boat. did anyone see that probeagle in boat fishing monthly it looked as dead as a dodo. why would you want to kill it what you guna do with it, it seems such a shame. sam
  10. Sam

    saturday 19th

    thanks paul send me a email next time you go out and i wil be there im on half term from thursday so if you heading out next weekend i would love to come again. if your not if anyone is going out let me know and i will be there sam
  11. headed out today on neo as crew and with blue warrior who also had gordon on board to the shambles for the plaice and turbot.launched from weymouth slip and headed through the harbour following tiger lily. on the way paul decided to dispose of his glasses over the side so we now had a half blind skipper who could only just see about 5 metres on front of us drifted different parts of the bank all morning without a fish not even a bite, nice and flat but alot of heavy fog [ could only see about ten metres each way could hear boats but couldnt see them] paul decided to have a go to see if there were any launce about [giant sandeel] to use for bait, i wasnt to sure if this would work then he went and caught two that shut me up. the weather started to pick up carried on drifting the centre of the shambles producing two plaice 1 for me and 1 for paul but that was it. we had a couple more drifts and then decided to move in and try for the big wrasse, had a couple of bites but didnt come to anything. went in to meet adam who was fishing the hood with gordon. we headed in after this and i put the boat on the trailer. thanks for a great day paul and nice boat o yer when we were fishig paul thought he could see four boats white ones and i was looking and i could not see them then i realised, because he didnt have his glasses he was actually counting the seagulls thanks paul for a nice day nice to finally meet you gordon tight lines sam
  12. Sam

    Sunday 19th

    yeah bring on the plaice and turbot. i would love to catch a turbot i have never even seen one or a brill so ever of them would be great to catch. and i havent caught a plaice for a couple of years tight lines [ hopefully on saturday] sam
  13. hey rich and bb how did you get on today down the shambles? any monsters to report? what was the weather like its been hot all day in broadstone tight lines sam
  14. Sam

    A blonde joke

    thats good tipical blonde sam
  15. Sam

    Sunday 19th

    ok paul will be up and ready. see you saturday. sam
  16. Sam

    Sunday 19th

    sounds good i was reading this magazine yesterday and there was a 4 page article in there about fishing the shambles i think it was total sea fishing i cant remember but it was really interesting. sam
  17. Sam

    Sunday 19th

    i have just got my veals order come through of a load of hooks and beads and attracter blades. hope we go seen as its cost me a few bob ive been watching the trees slowly moving all day at school it doesnt seem too bad i dont no what every1 else thinks but looking outside i would be happy fishing in this. sam
  18. you two sound just like mp's you should go up for election sam
  19. Sam

    Sunday 19th

    luckily paul ive never got sea sick in my life so i would proberly be ok if you dont mind staying out i really want to go why does the weather always have to ruin it hope we go sam
  20. Sam

    Sunday 19th

    sounds good paul early night saturday. if the wind does pick up cant you tuck in close for the wrasse sam
  21. Sam

    Sunday 19th

    i saw the forecast yesterday and it said 20 degrees and light winds so its ment to be nice it should improve, the winds have been resonable all week. sam
  22. Sam

    New Seats

    that sounds good paul be plaice fishing in comfort sam
  23. Sam

    Sunday 19th

    for sunday i have got a couple of boxes of squid, mackeral and am ordering a pound and a half of rag is this enough? sam
  24. Sam

    Sunday 19th

    paul what time are you picking me up in the morning? ive made my bling traces with exactly 18 beads like said on the tiger lily website and made some turbot and wrasse traces seen as i no there is some big wrasse up that way. so how many boats are going now i counted: dawn raider, blue warrior, neo, loyal royal and domino. is anyone else heading up there aswell. sam
  25. Hi Adam There are several polishing compounds that will help get the finish back We use Faracle at work, it comes in a variety of compounds so you can start with a course one and work down. to get the final polish we use Autogleam a car polish that has a slight cutting agent or some of the Members prefer to use MER which is much easier to polish. [ Less elbow grease required] Have fun Charlie
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