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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. Usually when buying cheaper from an unknown source, two things have to be considered, 1) if I can buy two or three of those for the price of the alternative, got to be o/k isn't it? 2) Can I afford to lose £800, it is the same as gambling. Good luck with your decision. Terry.
  2. Reely? Terry.
  3. I drew the line at baiter years ago and always launched at Christchuch, much more user friendly and good parking if you can work around the tides which, being retired at 59, I was able to do. Terry.
  4. Until 2 years ago I was launching my Warrior single handedly when I gave in and went for dry stack. I don't know how old you are, I was 71 at the time and could still manage, no probs. Terry.
  5. I shall be out also but heading east. Have a good day. Terry.
  6. Especially if there is another period of lockdown. Terry.
  7. Check the Warrior owners website https://www.facebook.com/groups/warriorboats/, usually a few on there in that price range and you could do much worse. Terry.
  8. I shall be amongst you if I can get some worms. Terry.
  9. Just a quick update. The new Lowrance unit has arrived and is installed, it produces some very nice pictures. I used the opportunity to take care of one or two other little jobs so spent two days at it,, a very nice break. Of course, I couldn't risk an overnight stay so travelled down and back both days. Worth it! Terry.
  10. Indeed Jim, and simulator mode on the unit Terry.
  11. Another good point well made, I only need half an excuse. 😉 Terry.
  12. To me, they knda look like family beach inflatables, not the sort of thing I'd want to be confined in during winter fishing trips. Or any other time actually. Terry.
  13. I think I'm going to have to go back to school though, this thing has so many features, I believe I would probably lose the plot using it at sea. A good session with the simulator on is required, I think. Terry.
  14. The very same. That was similar feedback I got from Brian so, way to go. Terry.
  15. Thanks everyone for your input, all useful stuff. Brian and Dicky, I tried The Service Centre as I have used them in the past but, regretably, I didn't get farther than "we don't deal with Lowrance or Eagle". Despite asking for a bit of advice, I got the same response. I then tried Greeham Regis and they were helpful but the person I really needed to speak to was absent. Hey ho! Then, on Brians recommendation, I called Navico who are the Lowrance agents and asked to be put through to the Service Dept as I generally find engineers more knowledgeable that sales people. He talked me through my problem and advised, as I had suspected, that my unit is obsolete, Eagle are not made any more and I can't get a replacement GPS module. I could get a compatible unit which might work but no guarantees. Now I was able to make a decision, it's definitely a new toy! I decided on a Lowrance Hook Reveal, 9" and Navico obviously sell them but the engineer had a quick look on line and found that Force 4 have them at a discounted price with £100 off, bargain! I found this surprising as it is the latest bit of kit they do and the one recommended by the Navico engineer.and, again surprisingly, he had recommended NOT to go for the Triple Shot model which saved me about £60. Long story short, I am awaiting delivery. As usual the Club has come up trumps with advice and my problem is, hopefully, solved. I look forward to being able to see where I am going. Next challenge is transferring my marks, hopefully easy as they are both the same manufacturer. Terry.
  16. My backup chartplotter, an Eagle Fish Strike (Lowrance) is giving me the message GPS Module is not responding so I assume the antenna is furgled. Do we have a tame electronics firm who can confirm my diagnosis and, perhaps, supply a new module. I like to go with local people where possible (your local, not mine, Oxfordshire is not known for it's marine electronics)) Terry.
  17. I shall also be amongst you tomorrow, if I'm spared! Terry.
  18. If your pockets are deeeeeep! Terry.
  19. Obviously you're going on heresay, Jim. 😉
  20. Just a little point for folks to remember in this hot weather, any fish you catch which are not going to be dispatched should be kept off the deck of the boat, it is very hot in this weather and they will be burned. Jim, I imagine that one was destined to become dinner. Terry.
  21. Now, that's a bit of class kit! Must admit though, I'd feel quite vulnerable atop that derrick. Terry.
  22. 10 knots? I want one. Terry.
  23. Jealous? Moi? Well done! Terry.
  24. I also use this for the smart TV in the sitting room which is not reached by the router in my study. This is fine for things you want to plug into the system but for wifi, the discs work great, even into the garden. We obviously don't have the same structure problems you have, Lofty. Terry.
  25. I use the BT discs and they work perfectly. Terry.
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