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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. I assume this will be found in the 'Fiction' section.
  2. Please find something to catch, I'm busting to get out there.
  3. A great cake day to you Craig.
  4. You must remember that as far as alcohol is concerned, your all amateurs compared to the residents of Alderney. The old description of the island is 600 alcoholics clinging to a rock. They have plenty in reserve.
  5. No, I personally don't think it is fair to expect someone to put aside two lots of four days, especially a friend. I've never failed to get accommodation before and hope that continues.
  6. Who wants accommodation?
  7. Where do we form the queue?
  8. I am holding accommodation but we are going 10th to 13th. Can Joint Venture confirm their dates please?
  9. Do people have any idea what dates they are going? Useful for arranging accommodation.
  10. Thank you, I was looking for it in the header where it used to be. Slowly moving with the times.
  11. Probably me being dim but, where do I find the list of members now?
  12. plaicemat

    Food for thought

    Reminds me of the old Labour election slogan, 'Labour is the Answer'. Some wit wrote underneath, 'it must have been a bloody silly question'.
  13. Happy birthday, Ian, hope this gets as far as New Zealand.
  14. Have a great day, Martin and yes, you may have a small libation tonight.
  15. I'm just waiting for some dry weather as mine includes a scrub and polish. Adding a couple of fitted cupboards with drawers for gear then Stingray is off to Cobbs in March.
  16. Any others know what dates they're looking at?
  17. plaicemat


    Is this what you're looking for next to decorate your drive, Jim. More storage space than the present one.
  18. 1. Tigerfish - Steve + Terry + 2. Reel Magic - Dave + 3. Joint Venture - Adam + 4. Madness - Martin - Dean - Tony
  19. And help in case of some emergency, anyone can pick up a rope around the prop or other impediment.
  20. An industry progressing towards extinction. Most businesses, if they want to sell more and expand, make more of the product they are selling. The fishing industry is continually making itself more efficient to catch more fish but does nothing to sustain it's product. When will they realise that this cannot continue indefinitely. I don't think any of us have noticed an occasion when fish was in short supply in our supermarkets so, where are the extra fish going? Probably the excess is sold off for things like fish meal, etc. Fish are too valuable an asset to be squandered this way.
  21. Or in it's own section as it used to be, possibly, with a section on the header.
  22. Back to the drawing board, I think. I would also be quite nervous undertaking a cross channel trip to waters you don't know unaccompanied.
  23. Have a great cake day, Dave.
  24. Ta!
  25. I have looked diligently but cannot find the calendar anywhere. Any hints?
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