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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. Are there flounders in Cobbs? Bar and café handy.
  2. MegaByte - Brian, Keith G Serenity : Tony : Stuie Madness - Martin - Dean - Terry Bartell Reel Bizzy - Dave Evans - Kev Couzens- maybe Jacob Givans Warren Rich & Alun
  3. plaicemat


    Hoorah! It did work. I don't need any big ones, it's only a Warrior 165. I'll be down in Poole this weekend until Monday, What are you doing Saturday?
  4. plaicemat


    As from 1st April, Stingray will be resident in the stack at Cobbs Quay. So, anyone got any suitably sized fenders in the way? I think 3 should be fine for when she is chucked in the water.
  5. Do you need a windlass on a 17ft boat? I would have thought an alderney ring set up would be sufficient.
  6. plaicemat

    Short stories

    Well worth the effort.
  7. Are there any flounders about?
  8. Always do, the family see to that.
  9. Thank you all for your kind wishes. Unlike some people, I think getting older is great, considerably better than the alternative!
  10. If one doesn't need to access it, it will run on standby for 90 days and one then just recharges it. I have it tucket up behind the gunnel so I can access it easily for recharging, also waterproof.
  11. I've just bought a tracking device to hide away on my boat in case some light fingered git makes off with it. Seems a bargain when matched with a pay as you go sim and it works well, you can even listen in to it with the sim. I commend it to the house.https://www.amazon.co.uk/Waterproof-Tracking-Powerful-Standby-PS110/dp/B01KX9HFWI/ref=pd_rhf_yast_6?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01KX9HFWI&pd_rd_r=RBJJXGAA8153YVA30CR6&pd_rd_w=I7kc2&pd_rd_wg=PTQ7s&psc=1&refRID=RBJJXGAA8153YVA30CR6
  12. I normally launch from Wick, always happy for a midweek trip. I see you're into VeeDubs, I upgraded my expedition camper to a Porche engine, didn't struggle up hills afterwards.
  13. Nice to see you're still in touch, Craig, we must catch up sometime.
  14. I have an unused Navionics Gold Card of UK, Ireland and Holland if anyone is interested, going cheep!
  15. Is the suggestion that you are relying on your tablet rather than a chartplotter?
  16. Don't know this one, I think most of us use the Navionics app.
  17. Again, thanks for the input, I shall hi me to Wareham ASAP.
  18. Thanks for all your input chaps, I have now spoken to Phil at Warrior and his advice was similar about the weakest point but also that there would be no improvement in performance, which is the usual reason for going to stainless, until one gets to the 140hp size engine. I also used to have a Turningpoint prop on the old Mariner engine but recommendation seems to be, with Suzuki's, stick to Suzuki genuine prop. I have bitten the bullet and bought another ally prop and will get the old one repaired and keep as a spare. So, next question, who do we use for prop repairs? I used to go to Propeller Solutions when the were at Cobbs but know they have now disappeared.
  19. I'm on my third vacuum packer having gone through a couple of home ones. Now I have an Andrew James professional which has normal, moist and gentle setting for the vacuuming and sealing. Does all my fish, meat and game,with no probs about moisture.
  20. I'm looking for a stainless propeller for my Suzi DF70 after buggering the original last time out of Christchurch, before the channel was marked. Who are we using now? Any discounts?
  21. Except when the opposite happens! If only it were that simple.
  22. Apparently, they taste like chicken.
  23. We rely on youngsters like you, Jim, to keep our pensions topped up.
  24. One day trip looking favourite, methinks.
  25. Was your anchor set to trip?
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