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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Manic Moore

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Everything posted by Manic Moore

  1. Looks like there might be a weather window on Monday (mind you it looks like brass monkey cold ) I don't have the tides. Anyway, if anyone fancies a try and needs crew, I'll even scrub the decks! Regards Congerless Moore
  2. Manic Moore

    Lazy Line

    Thanks again, and clear as a bell. Regards Gordon
  3. Rich I tried the soup and biscuits and I have'nt even had a boot lace yet!! Gordon
  4. Manic Moore

    Lazy Line

    Sorry, because I haven't picked up all the boat terminology yet, I'm still not certain how it works. Any chance of another drawing showing the anchor rope (warp?) and the lazy line. I think this might be quite useful on my boat due to the low front end and distance from the bow to where I stand or kneel to pull in Thanks Gordon
  5. Manic Moore

    Lazy Line

    Lazy line?
  6. I remember reading on the forum about a link to a site (rnli I think) but now can't find it. It was an interactive site showing nav lights and stuff Help! Gordon
  7. Bob, that made good reading as I am also in the process of tidying up my wiring and possibly adding a second battery. In the artical you made reference to a method using relays. My engine is about 19 years old, but I don't plan getting rid of it before I trade the whole kit in in a couple of years. It would seem an economical way (and practical) to make the upgrade. Can you point me in the right direction & how would I find out if the motor had the correct signals? Regards Batteryless Moore
  8. Anyone suggest the cheapest place to buy? Regards Gordon
  9. What, like a picture of a crab?
  10. Hi all As part of getting the boat prepared for the season I am considering putting on a pair of hydrofoils as my 15' dory eurosport struggles a bit to get on the plane. (flys once it's up there). Any tips or advice (or a pair sat in someones garage!) on make and size, as I understand from the forum history that the original large ones Paul tried made the boat a little unstable. Regards Manic congerless Moore PS 60 HP Johnson 2 stroke
  11. Manic Moore


    Hi All Trying to get to grips with my GPS. I have been transfering some date from PC charts and discovered one is set on WGS 72 and my unit is WGS 84 From what I can see there seems to be a slight difference on the numbers, although they are both degrees, mm.mmm Could someone explain Regards Gordon In laymans please
  12. Adam I have a couple of detailed charts that are littered with wrecks but no names. If you pm me your co ordinates from Saturday I will check them on the charts to see if there is anything close. Also I have not seen that wreck name on any of the diving sites? Regards Gordon
  13. I know it seems a daft question but reading that Paul now has a spare wheel, what do you use to jack the trailer, especially when the boats on it? Do you imprivise with your car jacks? Regards Gordon PS Paul, can we have a spell check for us thickies!
  14. Is there a prize for landing the first fish on the most talked about boat in history. Oh well never mind, I wonder what he's thinking here? Gordon
  15. I would certainly be interested in 100 metres if you can get someone to splice it. I think thats the maximum I will be taking this boat out. Regards Gordon
  16. I should have explained, I have a bruce anchor and chain, although I need to measure it to see if it matches the reccomendation. At the moment it only has about 6mm poly short rope so I was looking at my options to get the boat sea worthy. The man in dorset looks though it might be a rap. Thank you again for your advice and offers Regards Gordon
  17. WOW Thank you, I think!! I would certainly take that rope and splice the extra length as I obtain it. Or have I just committed the deadly sin? Thanks for all your help Gordon
  18. I have heard a couple of different lengths, Depth x 6 and depth x 3? Also where's the cheapest place to get. I will probably have to go for poly for the price. Thanks Gordon
  19. Yes it's me again. Wondering if anyone is venturing out Saturday to try for a conger or 2, weather permitting. I promise to get my own boat out once the weather gets a bit warmer (no cuddy) See you Thursday Gordon
  20. Thanks for the day out Paul, didn't mean to keep kickking your rods!! Here is the ray? Good luck Sunday Gordon
  21. Hi all, Anyone venturing out Saturday if the weather looks ok, I'd love to join you (not sure if I liked the sound of that!) My chesties have arrived so I can even help launch Regards Gordon
  22. Welcome(logged in now Doh) Gordon
  23. Rich, Golden rivet, is that the large instrument in your bag you told me was a float Scared Gordon
  24. First of all thanks to Adam for taking me out an to Rich and his veg soup. Learned a lot (although Rich's initiation ceromony was strange. Don't think I aught to put the details here!!) Also my first flounder in 3 trips thanks to Rich's girl friends necklace with a hook on. What ever it takes. We all had one a piece eventualy and covered various parts of the harbour with all our fish coming from Rockly and Wareham. Question Is it right that new members have to hand over their sandwiched and coffee to the skipper on their first trip? Good day and company See you Gordon
  25. Thanks Rich, I had, but I have also thought about my last 2 flounderless trips. If someone had space for crew then I would do it, as I'm still uncertain going out this time of year on my own Gordon
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