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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Manic Moore

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Everything posted by Manic Moore

  1. Our Kam was talking about holding bottom on the slate beds but mind you I was holding my bottom after that white knuckle ride to the Rips!! Mind you Martin you had all those cod to hold your mackeral feathers down!!!!!!
  2. PM rejects dropping uks
  3. Fish guts? Where did they come from?
  4. PS I swear Kam is like a Tardiss. I reckon he bought food for all of us and when we brought our own he spent the ENTIRE trip eating. Kam you must have hollow legs Sandwichless Moore
  5. An interesting weekend. But not sure it was worth all the fights with the FPO! Friday excepted an invite from Paul D to try the ledge for an evening / night session. This turned into an evening session as the wind got up and made quite lumpy and Paul also wanted to get back for an early start. struggled for Macki, and a few dogs and pout off the ledge. Thanks Paul, company made up for the fishing. Saturday plan was a day out on Cushdy with a friend John Vass. Then I got swept up with the excitement of the Rips and we excepted an invitation from Kam to go on Sweet Honey. Well it all started to go T*ts up from the start, Forgot my shoes and went back Fish finder packed up 1/2 a mile from baiter Nearly shook my teeth out and John nearly drowned in the back on the way out 3 mile diversion as we followed the boat with the wrong mark targeted Struggled to get a bite, poor old Kam couldnt buy a mackeral Followed Martin to the wrong marks Short of fuel because of the rough trip out so headed home to anchor up on the slate beds Nearly tipped the boat over anchoring on a PB Dog fish KNACKERED If it wasn't for the smiling face and company of Kam and John........ Are well that's fishing. If it was easy we would call it catching and I wouldn't come back for more. Thanks Kam Regards Specimenless Moore
  6. I will have 2 packs of sand eels
  7. Is there anyone out there who needs crew for some time over the weekend or would like to crew on Cushdy? I would be up for a night session if the weather was ok What are the regulars doing? Regards Breamless Moore
  8. James That's a strange pose for a big burley fish catcher Is there something your not telling us
  9. Martin, I would like to take you up on your offer to fish on Maverick on Sunday. What will be your plan? As I need to be in Bournemouth for 5.30pm to pick up the FPO from work. Regards Gordon
  10. And another
  11. Yes another good day out, thanks Paul. My first Smooth Hound at about 3lb, then another at 7lb 3oz and finally a 4lb before the weed got too much. Pictures are some of Pauls haul today
  12. Thanks for a great day Adam, a good hauling session on the wreck. I thought that first eel would never come up in that tide. Weather and the turn out made the whole day worth while on its own. I want to win next time though! Took one or two photos, this one was the best as I wasn't traveling at 25 knots. This was at the beginning of the day just past the swash I think and it looks like Sam is expecting to catch fish or something? Good to see you all Regards Gordon Topeless Moore
  13. Yes, along those lines
  14. Although I guess those of you who went to Alderney enjoyed yourselves (I wish I had went) what about something more exciting. I have been fishing a couple of times in Florida and the beach fishing is something else and if we were able to arrange a couple of boat trips as well. I think if we were careful the cost wouldn't be much more than Alderney. Although British Airways would look kindly on luggage full of fish I bet a you would bring back some real good fishing stories. We could even combine a partners fishing / shopping / family holiday if you needed to convince the FPO What do think? Floridaless Moore
  15. Nice one lads, a really glowing report. Should see a few more members.
  16. Nice one I know a similar one about George Michael, but it's probably not for this site!
  17. Oh bottom. A couple of things have happened since then. Paul has talked me into crewing on Tuesday so I'm loosing BPs with the FPO. Today I've tweaked the Australian back injury. I'm off to my physio tomorrow but so that I'm fit for BW on Sunday (and you know what a slave driver that skipper is, he will have me on my hands and knees scubbing the deck because I dropped a worm) I was going to leave her in the drive for a couple of days. Experience has taught me that pushing the back when it's dodgy only leads to a longer term lay off. Although I have to say that an easy win to get the club record would be almost worth it. Who had the cheek to put that weight in? I had a 500g mackerel last week!
  18. Mr Jardine recommended double taper line as he felt this was easier to cast.
  19. Friday is looking really nice. I am going to either take the day off or sneak away early and take Cushdy out. Not sure where yet. Anyone else thinking the same? Cod Hauler
  20. I am sure it's only nice stuff
  21. I thought this was a 'Klapotic' wave.
  22. Hey, I'm a Cod Hauler Codless Moore
  23. I am looking to give the 48 hour comp a serious effort, plenty of fishing even a night session. I am looking either for crew if the weather is good or even better someone with a bit more cover and length (that sound terrible! ) and equally keen to give the comp some serious effort who needs crew. If it means the rips my boat would probably be out just for the fuel bill (oldish 2 stroke) Regards Gordon 48 hourless Moore
  24. Seriously (If I can) You might remember that I had my Red Letter Day, fly fishing with Charles Jardine, although it was a bit too basic (I can now tie a hook on) (and you wouldn't believe what he can do with a fly line) I have attached a beginners guide. I have been an advocate that "a good quality 2nd hand is better than a cheapy new" and thats because the cheapy new, soon becomes a cheapy 2nd hand . Also cheapy new is ok when you don't know what you are doing, as soon as you get good then you realise the limitations of the equipment. Have a look in the Fee Ads on line and I'm sure if you take your time and keep a look out for a bargain you will get all you need for 100 sponds Good luck http://www.adtrader.co.uk/postcode_splash.php
  25. No this is a plug Oops wrong thread
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