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Everything posted by Wedger

  1. Great stuff fellas, spot on!
  2. Sorry, mate , Salmon fishing tomorrow. but i'll still bet you do better on the bass - I do not hope!! Be lucky chum!!
  3. Wedger

    new 150

    The 640 is rated for 150 hp The 640 is rated for 150 hp http://www.quicksilver-boats.com/quicksilver/uk/en/products/?m=Pilothouse%20640#engines
  4. Victorinox, the peeps who make Swiss Army Knives make very good fillet knives. You can find them on-line or in good professional kitchen suppliers. Many a fish monger use these. Coupled with a good sharpening system they are hard to beat.
  5. Nice going Peeps. Sorry I couldn't join you, sounds great!
  6. Wedger

    Abode 11

    Good to hear from you Craig! Hope all turns out well for you - hope to see you in the bay soon!
  7. Happy Birthday James! enjoyed no doubt!! (Jim, he's already passed being half my age!)
  8. They seem to be in demand! I had four nicked from my boat on it's mooring in the spring. Best of luck!
  9. Arh! the Jackanory paper!
  10. So which is the best chart plotting app. for iphone then? While I was looking through them last week I seem to remember there was one optimized for iphone 5 series which is what I've just got.
  11. Worth a look for the CD, Just print the relevant bit.
  12. Wedger

    New Member

    If you fancy a trip up the other end shout up I'm in Christchurch.
  13. Sorry too, only just in and out again at 5am. Have a good meeting chaps and chapessessssss
  14. Mackerel mayhem!!!! Whiting and Turbo bait vacuum packed & dropped in the freezer, many fresh fillets for this week and 30 in the hot smoker. Jobs a good un. A bonus 'Tubby' tub Burnard too - love them.
  15. Wow.........................that went well!!
  17. Crew fail for tomorrow. ANY ONE ABLE 06.00 OTTER FOR MACS THEN BASS RSVP BEFORE 12.00
  18. Good to hear you're fixed Charlie! Lost a few weeks myself for warranty snagging. See you out there. Was that a beardy Dan I saw at Cobbs?
  19. Very oh dear!
  20. The good bits are really good and the bad bits are really tiresome and frustrating Jim.
  21. I have just got to share with you, and sing the praises of propeller Solutions!!!!! I took my 'Christchurch' duo props back to PS for a refurb. and mentioned to him that the last improvements he made gave me 10% more speed, with no noticeable loss of acceleration. moved from 29.8 knots to 33.0. Picked up the boat today after 6 weeks agony having to do a simple 2 day job at Cobb's, I took her back to her mooring. Despite the underside now looking like the surface of the moon!!! (thanks chums- I'll report on this later) the changes to the props this time were amazing. Touched 35 knots today and still on the limiter. awesome grip and pick-up. Faultless!!! Hats off to Propeller Solutions, Lots of beer, fish and venison coming your way!!!!!!!!! I will report on the NASTY job on my expensive anti-foul later................................ www.propellersolutions.co.uk
  22. Steve, Adding the increase in numbers overall makes all the difference to the report. The avereage size in a given area could be influenced by many things not least simply the suitability of the marks to hold any given size. Be nice to know where the little ones are just to broaden our knowledge / understanding.
  23. Steve, The average size going up seems a good thing, but is it because the small ones aren't around! Hope this isn't the case.
  24. I was distracted Stuie....................... Where's the mullet? More worrying - how come you spotted the mullet?
  25. I have a mate looking for one, although he was looking for one to build/refurb himself to his spec. I'll pass this on anyway. Nice little package! Trev
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