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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Wedger

  1. Wedger

    Hot Smoker

    I have a Bradders on the way but just worry about the 'tie' of using their briquettes!!!!!! Very cute marketing on their behalf, but I will find a way round this!
  2. It's All Nigel's fault! Tell me something I don't know Jim! (sorry Nige)
  3. Wedger

    Hot Smoker

    Anyone got one or fancy a go?? I've been cold smoking fish for 35 years but never really got into hot smoking. Any Guys or Gals out there who do, or want too? Thought it's time I had a go! Who's in?
  4. Wedger

    Game Fair

    Turned out not too bad! Rain stopped 10 mins after we got there but stayed hot and muggy all day. Fantastic variety - something for everyone. That was the cleanest and best organised public event I've ever attended by far!! A credit to the organisers and working peeps on the ground but also a reflection of the kind of people who attended. Restores ones faith in the British comunity and the international sporting comunity at large. Bravo!
  5. Wedger

    Game Fair

    Cheers Terry, Not been for years and got compli. tickets so having a go. See how time goes - lovely offer - thank you. Trev
  6. Wedger

    Game Fair

    Anyone going to the Game Fair tomorrow?
  7. Hope you're having a great day which involves beer at some stage ! Cheers Trev
  8. Can't be there but would do first light Sat. fish till 10.00 off home on slack - job done. If weather holds as is?? Tight lines
  9. Cheers Nigel
  10. Adding to my nav gear and wondering if anyone with experience could offer a little help? I can run the wires, fit arch and kit but would appreciate some pointers on final wiring and commitioning - any takers? All Lowrance HDS side/downscan and broadband radar, AIS, flux gate compass, etc. Would like to speak pre-ordering Cheers Chapletts Trev
  11. oooooooooo repeater screen
  12. What is the full SP on this trip Peter? Boat,skipper, crew etc....
  13. Looking at a short, early one the back for a nap & then the BBQ
  14. Anyone out from Xcurch tomorrow? Thought I'd have a go
  15. Such a lovely day chaps,, Enjoy muchly ya'll
  16. PM'd you Adam, Cheers
  17. Lookiing for a smallish second hand plotter/fishfinder to go on a mates RIB. Doesn't need too many bells nd whistles just works and accurate. what's out there? Trev.
  18. Rob - ya beat me to it
  19. they were here pre '60's until they started nailing them to the pier! One was landed in Christchurch that would have beaten the current record, I understand.
  20. Common skate
  21. I hear a rumour they are preoccupied on some really tiny plankton stuff ! Could that be part of the problem? Chappy said a few days ago the few he caught were bursting with grey slime
  22. Have a great day Charlie. Trev
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