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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Wedger

  1. Wedger


    Harsh! ish
  2. so sorry, just heard i'm off to london at 4'30##################/
  3. From the album: Wedger General

    01/06/2014 first bream trip was very late for me but had a good dozen to 3.5lb. This one, the first this year, 2lb+
  4. Very Happy Birthday Dave Do you have a plan? Enjoy whatever you do
  5. Wedger

    Navman 5500

    I did think on these lines!! Again it's a mates thing whereby 'twas bought on a whim and not fitted. Knows my current position ( ) of being short of a second plotter, and offered it up but not knowing the current value.
  6. Wedger

    Navman 5500

    I've been offered an, unused second hand, Navman 5500 with a programed C-Map card for this area. Are they any good? What might it be worth??
  7. Wedger

    Tax return

  8. Thank you all guys Had a great time. Jobs today - BREAM tomorrow
  9. Asth avin a gooodn tank............
  10. Thank you guys for the Birffday wishes, appreciated muchly. As for my selfy pressy ............................. I'm keeping my powder dry just a little longer
  11. Dave, Just a heads up. What we used to know as external ply has changed spec. and is no longer as good as it was. The bonding is no longer water resistant and I'd argue, not very damp resistant either. Just cost me 3k through delaminating and collapse with only a few weeks installation. Bond and void has change.
  12. Happy Birthday Dom. Hope Dan bought you 16 pints and you ask us round to help out!! Best Wishes Chap ! Hope you enjoyed the day. Trev
  13. Nice one Adam and Ian............VERY nice one. Enjoy
  14. Wedger

    Work or pleasure?

  15. I have one of those clocks
  16. Rob, I have some Perfection I think - which you are welcome to. I'll give you a pack but try a sample from your packfirst to make sure as it is dated. The last few were spot on! T
  17. Wedger


  18. Happy Birthday guys. Hope you both have a cracking day. Trev
  19. Wedger

    Back job

    Speedy recover mate. Hope all goes well for you. Trev
  20. Know how you feel Dave! Weather and work has played against me for two years but I couldn't hope to recover a % of investment. So just making the effort to get out more. good luck Dave.
  21. Hope the sale goes well Dave. Got your eye on something
  22. Seems to be exactly what I need!
  23. Wedger

    Poole Bay bait cam

    Much better in colour. I have monochrome as I think a few members have. Fascinating stuff Steve.
  24. Now't M8y, just wondered how the Turbo quest went? See you reported on your species list, and as I'm planning to go Monday I'm sniffing around. Good to see you got out! I was 'gated' this weekend with work and still have to wire my plotter mid week, but gagging for it now.............. Cheers T
  25. Martin, Twould appear your mail box is bunged up dear chap. Trev
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