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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Wedger

  1. Mike No trouble Chap. I'll see what I can do......... I've borrowed a bit to see what can be done, and if it's the right stuff, a wholesale chunk is on the cards if you guys like it. Like I said, if I bring some to the meeting (I'll bring the mock-up), you could have a 'look-see' and moreover, we could discuss various ways to rig it to best suit your needs. T
  2. Cobia, Permit landing net Wondered if Coddy had seen these in the States. Expensive, but biiiiiiiiiig . Now that's a landing net . T
  3. Mike and Paul, Mock-up of tapered landing net. Beauty of this type is you can make them long enough to do any job. You can net anything provided you have your 'rod' well forward and let the net stream out from the stern. Magic for congers! Also helps with really hefty fish as the frame is usually aboard with the fish in the back of the net before leaving the water, and can be lifted by the net bag itself. You can simply make the net as long as you wish as you can see from the photo. (Don't pay too much heed to the build quality of this one, it's just to demonstrate). You can see the potential length of this one goes far beyond any real need. I have put a white cable tie where I would finish off a normal net. A conger rigging would be longer. Just to give you the scale the frame is 97 inches circumference. 32" handle to front rim 27" wide 40" deep. If you were to make one quite deep for the specimen conger trip, that's fine. If you're after rays and don't fancy digging to the bottom of the net, just put a strong cable tie part way down. The closed bag at the bottom offers little resistance as it is a vertical diamond and stays closed tight. If 'Monty the Python' turns up, just snip the tie. All of this, of course, will need a bit of patience to rig up.............. That's what stormy nights are for
  4. Paul, Just been sorting out a mock-up for a net we use for pike when electric fishing. Might do both jobs! We would need to stitch the bag ourselves as the net comes raw form. T
  5. Mike, I have what I believe is 30mm ploy. twine net. This may be a tad large, but as you say, it is light and offers little resistance through the water. I can get my hands on a smaller mesh should it become needed. Of course, the smaller we go the heavier and slower in the water. I'll take a couple of low res. pics. My old frame is an alli. tube 32" x 22" pear drop shape. Been very good over the years but has now given up. I'll bring a sample of the 30mm to the next meeting. Back later with a pic or two. T
  6. ....... 286 lbs 9.6oz 716.5% specimen weight.............! I need a much much much bigger boat................
  7. Which one chaps ( landing net section ) Mike, Depends on what you need it for! I have tended to use a small mesh that is more fish friendly, than fisherman friendly thus far. IE a flat multiweave that is not abrasive to the fish (bit like fish farmer's net). Ya get ya hooks in it from time to time though. . If you've a boat big enough for two nets, then a large heavier mesh can be used for the bigger tougher beasties like, MASSIVE blonde rays and GAS MAIN congers etc. Very few of the freshwater anglers nets stand up to our environment. They were not designed to lift heavy fish over the gunwales with a good sea running. Most fish farming dip nets are very heavy and designed to hold lots of smallish fish in a smallish bag. The medium weight, fish friendly, farmers nets are used by the Salmon farmers for handling their brood stock. They must be fairly big 'cos they are handling fish upwards of 20kgs I'll make the appropriate enquiries. Getting hold of most types of net to make your own bags for your specific requirements is not a problem. Just need to buy enough to make it worthwhile. Having said that, I know a couple of net makers!, I'll see what off-cuts they have . Did you have anything specific in mind? The frames should not present too much of a problem. I can get hold of a few stainless rods. The other partner in 'Otter' is a professional welder, and if he should come unstuck my chum from reading is a specialist stainless welder who spent a few years doing some fine work on posh boats in Lymington. We really just need to settle on the right materials and presto. Handles also should be fairly easy. We use Ash which has just enough flex and lasts for ages if looked after. Let me know what you consider to be the ideal pattern(s) for boat angling, then i can see what's around. T
  8. Rich, I didn't try Aalco 'cos these other people were so close seemed daft not to take it at the price! Cheers for the tip anyway. I used them, (Aalco) for 'Ali' sheet some years back. Huge stock . T
  9. Tell GW quick T
  10. Many thanks Martin! T
  11. Mav. Great show of hands at the last meeting for a DSC/VHF operators course . Any progress? . Wedge.
  12. Mike, I found a source of 316 SS at the right price I guess . 25mm x 6mm x 4000mm bar @
  13. Mike, I think we'll be going for 316 SS band and those fine Turbo SS scews from Jolly Mr. Screwfix. T Founder member of the 'Poole Bay Mi21 Owners Club', a subsection of PBSBAC (Just too many Warriors dashing about the place)
  14. Good thoughts guys, Magic................. Mike, Aaaah! Mr Screwfix! Got bundles of those SS Turbos ! Had an offer of what was described as a 'bronze strap'. Waiting to find out if the dimensions are anywhere near but, Is bronze OK? T
  15. Sound like a lovely day Matt. No pressure, with a great result. Nice one chap!
  16. Back to business lads. Otter's Keel band. I've looked at her bottom to assess the extent of deterioration & have concluded that age has taken it's toll . The band would probably last a season if cleaned up, rust killed and sealed properly, providing she's not banged around too much. The good news, I think, is that the chappy who fitted this keel band at least had the gumption to use brass screws that should come out OK. Is it best to fill and seal the old screw holes and start again, or try to measure and match to the original holes when fitting the new band? I think I would prefer to fill, seal and start again, but let me know your thoughts. T
  17. Agent 43 Just between you & I No. 43 ,............................ I'm going for the record on this one Do ya think Mav. will issue a Medal ? Agent 107
  18. Hi All, Joking aside ........... Thank you all for the good advice! We sorta count ourselves as practical people ...(Team Otter)....... BUT, without the benefit of personal experience and confidence, this type of stuff could be a very expensive 'learn-as-you-go exercise. Many thanks to one and all for sharing your knowledge and very broad experience. A great credit to Poole Bay Small Boat Angling Club, which I am certain we are all proud of. Thank you for having me aboard. T.
  19. Agent 51 107
  20. Rich, Great news . Had a visit from my Bass buddy. He has left a heap of official scale sample envelopes, literature and advice leaflets. In fact all we need to start. Also identified the right scope. This one is used by 'The Ministry' for similar work and was noted as 'ideal for our purpose.'
  21. toerag, Point taken! When we have a good look, I'll go on the basis that we should replace unless this one is going to last for years. T
  22. Rich, Many thank for that one . I hadn't thought of them. Our farm (agricutural side) has an account with them, I'm sure. Cheers Chap. T
  23. Mike, Any suggestion that the 'Darker stuff' is anaerobic organics as they suggest it will lighten with oxygen? If that's the case, it's really, really going to pong a bit . Perhaps the thought is that in the cooler weather and plenty of wind it won't be quite so bad . Just as well the summertime is not an option.
  24. Thanks for the advice one and all re. Which One (keel band) Chaps . We'll have a proper inspection and go from there. I suspect we will dip her for a month or so and fit a stainless band on the next 'haul out' T
  25. agents No. 2 & 3 are a bit swift out off the blocks tonight........
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