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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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  1. Stuie

    Hello PBSBAC

    Welcome Andy - I see you've started as you mean to go on. Seriously though enjoy the club...
  2. Enjoy your day....🍺🍺
  3. Colin - you cannot be serious!!!!!!!
  4. Termpting fate Martin!
  5. Member Update Wednesday, 19th February, 2020 Wessex Region Marine: Notice of Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Angling Trust Wessex Region Marine Group will take place at: 7pm on Friday 20 March 2020 The Elm Tree, Hightown Road, Poulner, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3DY Sea angling will be facing an increasing number of challenges over the coming years and it is important that we have a strong voice regionally. There is currently a pressing need to reinforce the Angling Trust Wessex Marine Committee to ensure that we are well represented at all levels locally and able to better represent local clubs and anglers wherever the need arises. The AGM is open to all members of clubs affiliated to the Angling Trust and all individual members of the Angling Trust. Please try to come along and give your support. Fighting for the Future of Your Fishing The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more. WWW.ANGLINGTRUST.NET Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ Telephone: 01568 620447
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51415240
  7. Unlike our Thursday Martin - a total blank. Too rough on the swash so into the harbour and moored off Hamworthy pier for a restful lunch - but sadly the fish didn't like our ragworms. Still - better than sitting at home - a good work out for the serviced engine. Forgot to mention the most welcome cup of hot coffee at Cobbs after fuelling up... Thanks Ken for your company.
  8. Go fishing with Jeremy Wade! Grab your chance to win a day's fishing for you and four of your friends! This is an exclusive opportunity from the Angling Trust and is not normally available to purchase anywhere else! The winner will set out from Cardiff on the impressive Tusker 2 to fish for a variety of monsters including smooth hound, tope, conger eel, ray and bass. All tackle and bait included - a huge thank you to Baits 2 Go who will be providing the best possible bait - including fresh prawns, live crab and fresh mackerel! VMO (Veals Mail Order) have sponsored the fishing tackle – so brand new fishing rods and tackle will be available for the day. One things for sure, you'll be in for a busy day! The prize draw winner can agree the date with Jeremy Wade and Tusker 2 skipper, Haydn Ross – but must be taken between 13 – 19 July 2020. Tusker 2 is based at Cardiff Bay Marina. We would like to thank Jeremy Wade, Icon Films, Haydn Ross (Skipper of the Tusker 2), Baits 2 Go and Veals Mail Order hugely for their generosity! Tickets cost £5 and must be sold by Saturday 14 March 2020 at the latest but are likely to sell out sooner. The winner will be announced on Thursday 19 March 2020! Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity! ENTER PRIZE DRAW! We're fundraising for... A huge thank you to Jeremy Wade, Icon Films, Tusker 2, Baits 2 Go and Veals Mail Order! Their generosity means more of the funds raised through this prize draw will be used in three key areas: Our work fighting pollution of our waters - alongside Fish Legal Our campaigns to protect freshwater and marine fish and fishing To get more people fishing - and fishing more often! ENTER PRIZE DRAW! Find out more about our work We protect marine and freshwater fish stocks and recreational angling in all its forms on behalf of our membership by lobbying and campaigning, by promoting angling participation to all, and for the public good. Find out more » Great joining offer! We have great member benefits, with discounts on fishing, tackle and everyday items, as well as a choice of fantastic joining offer for new members! Find out more » The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Unsubscribe | View in browser | Terms and conditions
  9. Sussex can do it - why not Southern IFCA? Welcome to your Sea Newsletter New UK Fisheries Bill starts process to become law A new law allowing the UK to manage its own fisheries outside the EU is beginning its passage through the Houses of Parliament. Under the new Bill, recreational fishing will, for the first time, be recognised in law as a direct stakeholder in UK fisheries and will qualify for financial assistance from a funding scheme replacing the EU’s European Maritime Fisheries Fund – something the Angling Trust raised with the Fisheries Minister, George Eustice, when we met with him last month. New Bill's commitment to sustainability Highly Protected Marine Areas – an update Earlier this month, the Angling Trust attended a roundtable meeting held by former Fisheries Minister, Richard Benyon, to discuss the government’s proposals for a new series of Marine Protected Areas which could become no-take zones. We stressed the benefits of allowing anglers into Marine Protected Areas and the importance anglers place on fishing their local marks. For more information on our position to fishing in Marine Protected Areas see the EAA position here which the Angling Trust helped to develop and supports. Recycle your fishing line Are you recycling your fishing line and spools? There are now hundreds of recycling bins located across the country where anglers can take their unwanted line. And if there's not one convenient to you, there's the option to post it. All the information about how to get involved can be found on the Anglers' National Line Recycling Scheme website. More info Expert young anglers needed for TV show Award-winning TV company Boom are producing a brand new series called ‘Meet the Experts’ about children with a real passion for their interest or hobby. The presenter will visit a child to learn about their interest or skill and give the child a fantastic surprise related to their passion. Our Get Fishing Team would like angling to be a part of the show so that more kids are encouraged to try fishing. How to apply Report's failings raised with Suffolk MP Angling Trust staff met with Peter Aldous, MP for Waveney in Suffolk, last month to discuss the REAF project and report which the Angling Trust criticised back in November last year. Mr Aldous accepted many of the points we raised about the failings of the report to accurately represent recreational angling and the charter boat sector and will be asking for recreational anglers and charter skippers to be better represented on the REAF project board as it moves forward. Specimen Award Scheme: Congratulations to our winners! In 2019, the scheme received a total of 1,251 entries, with 1,164 for the Senior Scheme, and 87 for the new Junior Scheme, from 34 clubs and individual members of the Angling Trust -- a 35% increase from the previous year. There were 135 gold, 280 silver and 836 bronze certificates awarded for both schemes, including nine special awards. The club with the most entries this year was the Specimen Hunters Angling Group from Sussex which entered a total of 271 fish. The club retains the Sea Angling News trophy for the club with the most entries. Second was Castaways SAC with 246, and third was Honiton SAC with 151. Click here for the full results Juniors - your chance to fish for England Are you a junior who would like to represent England at international level? Sea Angling England Talent Pathway will be led by Angling Trust Team England Junior & Youth coaches on a programme containing both classroom-based workshops and water-based sessions. Anglers will learn about the tactics and techniques required for international angling. Anglers participating in the Sea Talent Pathway have the option to be considered for either or both of the Home and World Junior Shore England teams. More details Bluefin tagging 2019 David Mitchell, the Angling Trust’s Head of Marine, was in Falmouth last month to hear more about the Thunnus UK tuna tagging from 2019. A large number of anglers, conservationists and charter skippers were present to hear more about the success of the project from the team. David Righton of Cefas, principal investigator on the project, said: "We really appreciate the interest and feedback we receive from the audience. It’s very important to us to be able to show the results of the project to people who have helped out. We are looking forward to even more data and information in 2020 from our scientific programme and would encourage all stakeholders to keep in touch with the project though our website, by coming along to future events, or by contributing sightings data." Sussex passes trawling ban bylaw Last month the Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority has agreed a new trawling bylaw protecting inshore habitat including 4km out to sea between Shoreham and Selsey Bill. The new bylaw has been passed to help the dense kelp beds to recover. The protection of Sussex’s inshore seabed habitat from trawling should be of great benefit to anglers as the ecosystems recover and become more productive. Read more about how Angling Trust members were involved gathering evidence to support the new bylaw on page 32 of our Sea Angling 2019 Review Download our Sea Angling Review Did you read the review of our work for sea angers in 2019? If not make sure you check it out here. There’s something for everyone with the best of the news and stories from the Angling Trust over the course of 2019. Matthew and Luke retain lead Matthew Phillips has stretched out a six-point lead over Martin Avons with a massive 61 species. Luke Bowerman is toping the Juniors leader board this month with 44 species but Tomos Pendlebury is not far behind in second place with 40. The scheme ends on 31st March so good luck to everyone as they enter the closing stages this year. Picture: Mark Watters' flounder of 42cms Follow us on Instagram Join the Facebook group Have your say on Marine Planning in England The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has launched the public consultation on the draft North East, draft North West, draft South East and draft South West Marine Plans. The consultation will be open up to 6th April 2020. Marine Planning makes sure the right activities happen in the right place, at the right time and in the right way. The Angling Trust will be responding to the draft plans but you may also wish to respond to make sure sea angling in your area is taken into account in the process. Volunteering Best Practice Guide: download a copy today! We know how important volunteers are to angling clubs. Most clubs are non profit making and heavily reliant upon volunteers for essential personnel such as committee members and bailiffs. But while volunteers are essential, they are also subject to certain legislation. That's why the Angling Trust has produced a Volunteering Best Practice Guide in partnership with the Environment Agency and funded by fishing licence income. An awareness of Best Practice will better equip clubs to provide the best volunteering experience. This guide is essential for anyone in angling who works with volunteers - download your copy now! Download Volunteering Best Practice Guide Fish of the month: Pollock Pollock are a hard-fighting fish from the gadoid family including cod, haddock and coalfish. Winter and early spring sees the fish gather on wrecks and reefs to feed before spawning. They are a popular target for boat anglers in the English Channel at this time of year before being widespread over rocky ground throughout summer and autumn from both shore and boat. They have traditionally been less favoured as an eating fish than their cousins but have gained popularity in recent years and are heavily fished commercially, although catches are at a historic low indicating there could be concern for the stock. Try battering as goujons or breading for homemade fish fingers. Following the success of last year's auction, the Angling Trust and Fish Legal are launching an online auction on Sunday 1 March 2020 to raise funds to continue our work to protect and develop freshwater and marine fishing. Can you, your club or your business support our fundraising by donating an auction lot? We are looking for lots to suit all budgets and tastes. To donate an auction lot simply click the button below and complete our simple online form or email auction20@anglingtrust.net and a member of our team will be in touch! DONATE AN AUCTION LOT
  10. I hope you've had a good day - clickety click...
  11. I bought a teak pannel for my auxhiliary engine at Cobbs - a small work premise on the way to F pontoon...
  12. Can now publish Dear Sir/Madam, Please find attached a letter providing an update on the progress of the Southern IFCA review of net fishing management. Kind regards Simon Pengelly Southern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority Unit 3 Holes Bay Park, Sterte Avenue West Poole Dorset BH15 2AA Tel/Fax: 01202 721373 Website: www.southern-ifca.gov.uk Please note that Southern IFCA may need to disclose this e-mail under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended for the attention and use of the named addressee(s) and must not be disclosed to any other person without our authority. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient or are aware that this email has been sent to you in error, you are not authorised to and must not disclose, copy, distribute, or retain this message or any part of it. This email is not (nor forms any part of) a legally binding contract. E & OE. If you have received this e-mail in error please inform enquiries@southern-ifca.gov.uk The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Authority or any of it Committees. Security Warning: It is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that this e-mail and any attachments are virus free. The Authority will not accept liability for any damage caused by a virus. Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Unit 3, Holes Bay Park, Sterte Avenue West, Poole, Dorset. BH15 2AA Tel. 01202 721373 Email enquiries@southern-ifca.gov.uk www.southern-ifca.gov.uk 22nd January 2020 ________________________________________ Dear Stakeholder, Southern IFCA Review of Net Fishing Measures Following your previous engagement in Southern IFCA’s review of net fishing measures, I am writing to provide you with an update on progress since our last communication. Thank you for providing input in the consultation process. A high level and quality of additional data was received by the Authority following the public pre-consultation on net fishing management, held between October and December 20181. Members, through an Authority Working Group, have considered the additional evidence, and have subsequently been working on revising their recommended measures and the Authority, at its meeting on 13th June 2019, has resolved to; i. Introduce new net fishing restrictions across harbour and estuarine areas and in the vicinity of piers; and ii. Increase the minimum legal size for grey mullet species. The Authority is currently in the process of engaging at a representative level with potentially affected parties to outline what changes have been made and the evidence used to reach these determinations. Under Defra’s IFCA byelaw guidance2, all IFCA byelaws must be accompanied by an Impact Assessment. This assessment should set out the anticipated costs and benefits of the proposed measures, including the identified fisheries, nature conservation, sustainable development, environmental, social, and economic implications. The Authority has a duty, within protected sites, to manage fisheries in a manner that meet the conservation objectives of those sites. The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a designated feature of the River Avon Special Area of Conservation and the River Itchen SAC. The species is also included as a notified feature in the Sites of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSI) that underpin these designations, and the Atlantic salmon and the brown/sea trout (Salmo trutta) are referenced within the citations of further SSSIs in the district. The effects of any planned activities, including the proposed change in management, are assessed through a Habitats Regulations Assessment or a SSSI assessment (within a SSSI) to establish whether the conservation objectives of designated sites can be met. Natural England, as the Government’s statutory nature conservation advisors, are being consulted on the conclusions of these assessments that have been undertaken by the Authority. We are also working closely with the Environment Agency in this process. 1 www.southern-ifca.gov.uk/consultations 2 http://www.association-ifca.org.uk/Upload/About/ifca-byelaw-guidance.pdf Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities will lead, champion and manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries, by successfully securing the right balance between social, environmental and economic benefits to ensure healthy seas, sustainable fisheries and a viable industry. Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Unit 3, Holes Bay Park, Sterte Avenue West, Poole, Dorset. BH15 2AA Tel. 01202 721373 Email enquiries@southern-ifca.gov.uk www.southern-ifca.gov.uk It is currently anticipated that draft byelaws, together with the associated assessments, will be considered ________________________________________ Authority they will be at subject their by the meeting to Authority, a formal on 19initially consultation th March by 2020. the and Technical If stakeholders the Authority Advisory will resolves have Committee, to an make opportunity then the byelaws, the at this full stage to make representations. Any byelaw will only come into force following confirmation by the Secretary of State. Thank you once again for your interest in the work of the Authority and for your contribution to this review process Yours sincerely, Simon Pengelly Evidence Team Leader Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities will lead, champion and manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries, by successfully securing the right balance between social, environmental and economic benefits to ensure healthy seas, sustainable fisheries and a viable industry.
  13. Sorry - can't publish this as it's for recipients of e-mail only - Stuie Seeking permission...
  14. Fish with angling legends! Grab your chance to win a day's fishing with one of six fishing legends - covering coarse, game, sea and carp fishing. These are exclusive opportunities, including some that money can't buy - don't miss out! Tickets cost £5 and must be sold by Saturday 14 March 2020 at the latest but are likely to sell out sooner. The winner will be announced on Thursday 19 March 2020. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! ENTER PRIZE DRAW! Our fishing experience prize draws! Each prize draw is a separate draw - you choose which draw you want to enter. Enter as many as you like! Maximum 10 tickets per person per draw. Win a day's fishing for FIVE with Jeremy Wade - Author and Star of River Monsters! FIND OUT MORE & ENTER PRIZE DRAW! Win a day’s trout fishing for TWO on the River Test with Paul Whitehouse – Star of BBC’s Gone Fishing! FIND OUT MORE & ENTER PRIZE DRAW! Win a day’s coarse fishing for up to FOUR with Dai Gribble – Legendary angler and Drennan Cup Winner FIND OUT MORE & ENTER PRIZE DRAW! Win a day’s carp fishing for FOUR with Rob Hughes, Carp Team England Manager! FIND OUT MORE & ENTER PRIZE DRAW! Win a day’s trout fishing for SIX on the River Nadder with Charles and Alex Jardine FIND OUT MORE & ENTER PRIZE DRAW! We're fundraising for... A huge thank you to our Angling Trust Ambassadors for generously donating their time, as well as generous donations of great fishing locations from our members. Their support means more of the funds raised through this prize draw will be used in three key areas: Our work fighting pollution of our waters - alongside Fish Legal Our campaigns to protect freshwater and marine fish and fishing To get more people fishing - and fishing more often! ENTER PRIZE DRAW! Find out more about our work We protect marine and freshwater fish stocks and recreational angling in all its forms on behalf of our membership by lobbying and campaigning, by promoting angling participation to all, and for the public good. Find out more » The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Unsubscribe | View in browser | Terms and conditions
  15. Mentions beach cleans CLUBLINES CLUB NEWSLETTER OF THE ANGLING TRUST & FISH LEGAL JANUARY 2020 Get involved in the country’s biggest clean up event! The Angling Trust has partnered with Keep Britain Tidy to take part in the country’s biggest mass participation environment campaign - the Great British Spring Clean from 20 March-13 April 2020. We want as many anglers, angling clubs and fisheries to get involved and help to collect and dispose of litter from our beaches, rivers, canals and lakes, either hosting your own event or going along to join another event in your area. For more information on how to run an event, including where to borrow equipment and how to organise collection, please contact AIFadmin@anglingtrust.net or to find an event near you go to the Keep Britain Tidy website (officially launches 25 January). The prizes money can't buy! Watch out for more details on the Angling Trust's Facebook and Website from Monday, 20 January! Hull & District AA: how youth helped one club bounce back Our latest Lines On The Water blog looks at the innovative work of Hull and District Anglers' Association who have gone from steady decline to a club with hundreds of young anglers. It's inspiring stuff and packed with good ideas any club or fishery could take on board! The Great Revival - read the blog We’ll help your club access £10 million of community funds! The Severn Trent Community Fund is giving away £10 million to support ‘Places, People and the Environment’. It’s a great opportunity for angling clubs in in the Severn Trent region to tap into additional funds. We can help you apply with FREE guidance and advice for member clubs. Our Partnership Development Managers have experience successfully applying for funding for angling clubs, and want to help you with this too. Get in touch with James.Roche@anglingtrust.net in the first instance. Severn Trent Community Fund ... find out more Thank you to all the clubs and fisheries who have donated an auction lot for this year's Angling Trust and Fish Legal online auction. We really appreciate your support which will enable us to raise funds to continue our work to protect and develop freshwater and marine fishing. We're still looking for more lots to suit all budgets and tastes - last year a number of clubs and fisheries provided fishing on their waters which proved incredibly popular! To donate an auction lot simply click the button below and complete our simple online form or email auction20@anglingtrust.net and a member of our team will be in touch! DONATE AN AUCTION LOT Get 10% off Aquamaintain fishery management services Aquamaintain Ltd are contractors specialising in providing environmentally considerate solutions for fisheries and other aquatic environments. Key specialisms include river restoration, lake and pond enhancement, habitat improvement and fishery management, and they offer a wide range of services from consultation, surveying and design, right through to full project management, construction and maintenance. Angling Trust clubs, fisheries and individual members can now claim a 10% discount on all Aquamaintain's products and services. Find out more Great turnout for our AGM and conference Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM and Building a Brighter Future Angling Conference. We were delighted with the turnout and the enthusiasm everyone showed at the workshops. A summary of the topics discussed in the workshops can be found here. Please feel free to share these notes with your club members. For many, it was the first chance to meet incoming Chief Executive Jamie Cook and our newest ambassador Lisa Wilson, daughter of the late John Wilson. Find out more about Lisa's work Download your free Volunteering Guide Free enforcement guides We have recently updated our series of fisheries enforcement guides containing essential information for all clubs and fisheries. Click the links to download: Elementary Guide to Freshwater Fisheries Enforcement Guide to Reporting Fisheries Crime Best Practice Guidelines for Angling Club Bailiffs Protection from predation Does your club have a problem with predation? Our Fisheries Management Advisors may be able to help you protect your waters. Just download this useful leaflet containing contact details. Submit your project ideas to improve fish stocks and fishing The Environment Agency is seeking project ideas from clubs, fisheries and other partners to improve local fish stocks and angling opportunities. The Fisheries Improvement Programme (FIP) is funded from the coarse, trout and eel fishing licence income and provides a direct benefit to anglers. The Agency is likely to have up to £500,000 available from April and spending plans will be finalised soon after. Therefore, proposals must be received no later than 31 March to be considered for review. Project proposals can be submitted at any other time for consideration in future years. More information about the Fisheries Improvement Programme East Sussex and Kent clubs - can you run a Get Fishing event? Our Partnership Development Manager Dean Asplin is looking for clubs, fisheries, coaches or volunteers in East Sussex and Kent to run new 'Get Fishing' events in 2020. Dean will support you with: Environment Agency fishing licence waivers – FREE one day licences for event attendees A 'Get Fishing Event Guide' – everything you need to run fun, safe friendly events Grant fund applications – cut through all that paperwork and red tape! Promotion – more profile, more members, more day ticket sales Event support – get your new anglers ready to start fishing AND, for the first five new event organisers to join the Get Fishing campaign… 10 FREE copies each of the new Get Fishing book (…worth £99.99!) Call, text or email Dean NOW - 07854 239 731 dean.asplin@anglingtrust.net SPECIAL MEMBERS OFFER! CREATE A NEW WEBSITE FOR HALF THE PRICE - IDEAL FOR CLUBS AND FISHERIES! Find our more - and save £300 Dates for your diary: Regional Forums The Angling Trust organise over 30 Freshwater Fisheries Forums every year right. They are run in partnership with the Environment Agency and are funded from fishing licence income as part of the National Angling Strategic Services contract. The Forums are open to all and free to attend but you will need to register to reserve a place. The Environment Agency attends all meetings to share plans, listen to anglers concerns, answer questions and address problems. Here's what is coming up over the next few weeks: January 29: South West - Holiday Inn, Taunton February 5: South East - Roddington Forge, Southampton February 19: Midlands - Warwick (tbc) February 26: North East - George Hotel, Darlington March 3: East of England - Eden House Hotel, Grantham How to book your place Exclusive Member Offer! Sign up to Clubmate and get 20% off Angling Trust clubs and fisheries can claim 20% off when they sign up to Clubmate, a secure online membership management platform. It is designed to help clubs and fisheries reduce admin, simplify the renewal process, attract new members – and join the 21st century. Clubs already signed up to Clubmate have seen an average 17.3% increase in membership in their first year! Want to find out more? Just click here Let your members know about the work we do for fishing... Can you help us do more for fish and fishing? Our club, fishery and trade members represent over 400,000 anglers between them – if we could just encourage 1% of those anglers to join as individual members and support our work we could do so much more for the sport we all love! SPECIAL OFFER: New individual members joining this month will receive their money back to spend on tackle at Fishing Megastore! Find out more There are lots of easy ways to get involved! From posters and leaflets, through to emails and website promotion - we've got the tools for you to make it as easy as possible. You can access these on our dedicated portal we've created for you. Please can I ask that you discuss this with your committee to see if you can help. Any questions simply email me at samantha.wickham@anglingtrust.net Samantha Wickham Club Membership Advisor Resources to help you spread the word There are lots of ways to get involved and help us do more. We have provided a range of resources to help you get started – if you wish to speak to a member of our team about this initiative or need further support please email samantha.wickham@anglingtrust.net. READ MORE Make a donation and support our fight to protect fish and fishing You can now make online donations to our cause – please consider supporting our ongoing fight to make polluters pay and to campaign and lobby for protection of our fish and fishing. Make a donation HERE WWW,ANGLINGTRUST.NET The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more. Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ Telephone: 01568 620447
  16. Planing on going out on Sunday - looking for whiting I expect - with son Glen. Anyone else venturing out?
  17. Ditto - birthday greetings both.🍺🍺
  18. From the flying flounders thread - 16 Anglers, 6 fish weighed in winning fish 2lb 4oz to Nigel Back Poole Dolphins.
  19. Wow, what a cracker....
  20. Likewise Charlie...
  21. Happy New Year! Welcome to your Sea Newsletter What did the Angling Trust do for Sea Angling in 2019? A lot! So much so that this year we’ve decided to produce a review of our work in 2019, and it’s 100 per cent sea angling focused. It’s packed with news, features and stories from throughout 2019. We’ve got something for everyone: from sharks to sandeels, and the Fisheries Bill to Family Fishing Days. We’ve picked out the best stories from our work over the last 12 months as well as including stories from you – our members. We hope you enjoy reading about our work over 2019. Why not forward it on to friends, family or colleagues and help us spread the word? Click to read the review at www.anglingtrust.net/SeaAngling2019
  22. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 6 January 2020 C is for Conservation? Yet more bad news on Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority’s continuing failure to protect local sea bass stocks. Bass are subject to strict fishing restrictions to try to recover the stock from a recent crash, so sea anglers were horrified on Thursday when 75 - 100 dead juvenile bass were dumped in the river at Hayle just outside CIFCA’s offices. However, it seems this is just the tip of the iceberg: local commercial hand-liners say that fixed netters are regularly discarding undersized bass killed in their nets or filleting them at sea to avoid the Minimum Conservation Reference Size law and landing and selling them. A hand-liner told us: “These fish are our future. Hook and liners are depending upon these bass coming through to maturity”. CIFCA has a legal duty to seek to balance the needs of different stakeholders, but little seems to be happening to protect the interests of hand-liners or recreational fishermen. On Saturday, Cornwall Live quoted a CIFCA spokesperson saying “If the fish have been discarded and they were in fact under the legal limit then whoever is doing it is acting perfectly legal and is obliged to do so.” Sea anglers are shaking their heads with disbelief at CIFCA’s reaction: the only reason this senseless killing is taking place and remains legal is because CIFCA failed to act a year ago, when juvenile bass were illegally landed and sold by fixed netters at Newlyn fish market. First, CIFCA rejected a proposal for an emergency byelaw to protect juvenile bass, and then it rejected an alternative proposal from its own Byelaw Working Group to deal with this problem by bringing forward a 2023 review of inshore netting, claiming it had insufficient resources and that bass protection was not an urgent problem in CIFCA District, even though the EU Commission has called the decline in the bass stock an environmental disaster. When challenged by the BBC on CIFCA’s failure to bring in an emergency byelaw, the Chairman of CIFCA sought to shift the blame onto French pair trawlers, even though these are not allowed to fish in CIFCA waters and have been banned from the North European bass fishery since 2015. For sea anglers this is just one more failure by CIFCA to add to the list. It has recently come to light that a few years ago CIFCA stopped enforcing a byelaw which was designed to protect salmon by ensuring that nets are not set at the surface. CIFCA officers failed to tell their own Committee that they did not intend to enforce the law and quietly removed the byelaw from CIFCA’s website, presumably to avoid drawing attention to it. In April 2019, CIFCA published proposals for new restricted-netting zones to protect salmon and sea trout from gill nets in inshore waters. These were strongly supported by sea anglers, but after objections from commercial netters, including claims that they would go out of business (we have seen no evidence to support these claims), CIFCA’s Byelaw Working Group caved in and significantly watered down its proposals – so much for evidence-based decision making. Regarding CIFCA’s enforcement activities, several sea anglers have told us they have little or no confidence in CIFCA to act on their reports of suspected illegal fishing and indeed CIFCA does not even keep a record of all reports, which raises the question: how does CIFCA carry out risk-based enforcement without a full record? It seems that CIFCA is lacking either the will or the resources to provide proper protection for juvenile bass and salmon, both species with dangerously low stocks. So what exactly is an Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority for? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact: Info@saveourseabass.org
  23. Thanks for all that Mike - I'm leaving the release as it stands. Sadly the people who accept the release don't need to bother with facebook, only the vociferous minority who go into print.
  24. Here's the full press release - RAY BEATS NATIONAL RECORD Club member boats a large small-eyed ray which, when weighed at sea, was heavier than the national record. Chris Witheford, the club's official fish recorder, caught the huge ray on 17th December on a trip out of Poole. The fish was weighed at sea before being released and tipped the scales at 17lb 10oz. Ther ray was photographed in the hands of Oli Drew, a good friend of Chris's It was identified by the team of Dr. Peter Henderson, author of 'Identification Guide to the Inshore Fish of the British Isles' Stuart Cooper Press Officer
  25. I've reminded Cliff of the paragraph in the release which refers to ID being confirmed by Dr Henderson's team..
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