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  1. https://www.facebook.com/640881636035031/posts/3511251048998061/
  2. Stuie

    Happy New Year

    I hope all club members, their families and friends, have a safe and healthy new year..
  3. Anyone else venturing out - i'll be monitoring ch 6 - no. 1 son acting anchor winch.....
  4. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your vital support during this difficult year. As a lifelong angler, the silver lining of the terrible circumstances of 2020 has been to see anglers come together behind a single cause. We still have work to do but we are on the right path and regardless of whether you are a sea, match, game, coarse or predator angler, as a member of the Angling Trust you are making a genuine difference. Our teams are working harder than ever on your behalf and over the last 12 months we have: Led the way with 'When We Fish Again' to ensure that the sport we all love continues during the Covid pandemic. We achieved what many other sporting bodies could not and have kept anglers safe with our guidelines and support hub Launched the crucial Anglers Against Pollution campaign with the support of many high profile anglers including 'Gone Fishing's' Paul Whitehouse Continued to patrol and protect our rivers and waterways including during lockdowns, with 24,637 hours and 10,494 logged patrols Encouraged over 4,000 people to Take A Friend Fishing with our new initiative in partnership with the Angling Trades Association and Environment Agency. This scheme continues over the Christmas period, to find out more visit our website Our work continues and 2021 looks to be even busier. As a supporter of the Angling Trust and Fish Legal can we ask you to consider helping us make next year even more productive? Refer a friend - As the Take A Friend Fishing initiative shows, sharing the joy of fishing with a friend or family member can be very rewarding. Introduce a friend to the Trust and when they join us you will literally be rewarded as you receive a gift upon renewal too! There's also the chance to win £200 of Daiwa tackle as you will be entered into the draw every time you successfully make a referral. Donate or leave a legacy - As a not for profit organisation, we rely on the generosity of our supporters to help us protect fish, fishing and the environment for future generations. If you can, please take the time to visit our site and find out more about how donations and legacies in wills can assist us. Thank you once again for being a member of the Angling Trust and for your continuing support, it is very much appreciated. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes Jamie Cook CEO Angling Trust and Fish Legal Angling Trust, Eastwood House, 6 Rainbow Street, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 8DQ. Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350.
  5. View in browser | Latest news from the Angling Trust & Fish Legal DECEMBER 2020 Sea anglers encouraged to apply for Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority vacancies around the country Do you want to play a role in the management of your local inshore fisheries? The Marine Management Organisation is recruiting new members to sit on the 10 Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities around the country. Sea anglers with experience, knowledge and expertise of inshore fisheries are being encouraged to apply for the vacancies. Applications close on January 4th. Click here for more information Sad passing of Phil Hyde, dedicated to sea angling It is with deep sadness we share the news that passionate angler Phil Hyde passed away peacefully on 26th November. Phil was an incredibly committed angler who was responsible for bringing distance casting and custom-built rods to the West Country in the 1980s . He dedicated a large part of his life to volunteering in angling, first with the National Federation of Sea Anglers, the Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society and later the Angling Trust. Read tribute 2020 bass measures rolled over to 2021 - for now The government has rolled over the 2020 bass fishing measures into 2021 as we wait an outcome from the EU-UK partnership agreement. This means recreational anglers will be required to release any bass caught in January and February and will be limited to two bass per day from March until November. However, this may be amended in spring 2021 to take into account any changes and adjustments after negotiations are carried out with the EU. The Angling Trust will keep you updated over the course of 2021. Take A Friend Fishing - give the gift of fishing this festive season If you are a freshwater angler too, now’s your chance to use your fishing licence to get a FREE one-day licence worth £6 - £12 and introduce a friend or family member to coarse, trout or salmon fishing. Apply here – you’ll need your fishing licence handy plus a few details about your friend, including their email address. Offer ends 10th January. Take A Friend Fishing - find out more Stay safe! Four-tier coronavirus advice for anglers and clubs Following the introduction of Tier 4 in parts of England, the Angling Trust has updated its dedicated Covid-19 Support Hub to reflect the impact on angling. We've also produced a useful at-a-glance guide to fishing in the four tiers for you to download. Covid-19 Support Hub Information about fishing in Wales can be found on the Fishing In Wales website Specimen Award Scheme - best of the month's catches We received 150 entries from 16 clubs for October which included eight entries from juniors. The best fish for the seniors was Dan Baugh of Teignmouth SAS with a small eyed ray from the shore at Barry, South Wales, which weighed in at 11lb 3oz and gave him a percentage of 223.75% for Area P. For the Juniors, Ciaran Farley from Brixham SAC caught a bull huss of 11lb 10drm from the shore at Berry Head, which gives him a percentage of 157.70% for Area C. The final results for the end of the year will be out at the beginning of January. It will be interesting to see who has won this year’s awards. Eric Gerrey, Manager of Specimen Awards Scheme Not yet a member? Please join today and support our work Supporting our work to protect and grow the sport you love has never been more important. We have been campaigning for over 10 years to ensure that we have a stronger voice for angling in Parliament, investing in coaching and recruitment to grow our sport, making progress on predation and campaigning to halt pollution of our waters. Become a member for just £29 per year and we’ll give you access to an exclusive list of discounts - plus you can choose a fantastic free gift! Find out more The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350. Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ. Telephone: 01568 620447
  6. Wow, What a Year! A Review of Our Campaign Highlights Dear Supporter, 2020 has been quite a year. One will we not forget in a hurry. Not only did we have the coronavirus outbreak, which has touched all of our lives in one way or another, we’ve had the looming EU exit to contend with and the continued confusion of deal or no deal. And yet, it has been an incredibly successful year for Angling Trust campaigns. We successfully lobbied the government to get you back fishing through our When We Fish Again campaign, launched our new flagship Anglers Against Pollution campaign to hold polluters to account, achieved our goal of getting recreational sea anglers recognised as legitimate stakeholders in the new Fisheries Act, and so much more. You can take a look at more of the highlights of our 2020 campaigns successes below. Without your support, we would not have been able to achieve the successes we have. On behalf of the campaigns team and the wider Angling Trust I would like to thank you for your support over the last 12 months and wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We are looking forward to continuing the fight for our fish and fishing into 2021 and the years that follow. Sincerely, Stuart Singleton-White, Head of Campaigns When We Fish Again Covid-19 was the biggest story of 2020 and has had devastating consequences for so many of us. But it wasn't all bad news! The Angling Trust were successful in getting you back fishing again, enjoying the sport and the environment that is essential for so many of us and our mental health. Click Here Fisheries Bill The Fisheries Bill is now an Act and thanks to the hardwork of our Head of Marine, David Mitchell, and wider campaigns team, it will recognise recreational sea anglers as a legitimate stakeholder in marine fisheries management and planning going forward. Read More HPMAs Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) were a huge focal point for sea anglers in 2020 as new Government advice proposed that they should be locked out of selected areas of the UK. We successfully launched our report on the Benyon Review and secured collaborations with Defra into 2021. Read More Anglers Against Pollution The ACA has been campaining against water pollution since 1948. This year we launched a new flagship campaign, Anglers Against Pollution, to take more action with respect to monitoring pollution in our rivers, lakes and coastal waters and to ensure proper and rigorous enforcement against polluters. Sign Our Petition Chalk Streams Chalk streams are one of England's most precious and vulnerable ecosystems. This year we launched the Chalk Streams All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) to lobby MPs to take the urgent action required to safeguard our chalk streams. Learn More Missing Salmon Alliance With the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Atlantic Salmon Trust, we are championing the conservation of Atlantic Salmon here in the UK. Through science, advocacy and action we are working hard to reverse the dramatic declines of these iconic fish. Visit the MSA Website Predation Working with the Avon Roach Project and other partners, the Angling Trust led a campaign to have cormorants added to the general shooting licence, along with jackdaws, magpies and pigeons, so that their numbers could be kept down to sustainable levels. Learn More Follow Us Online for the Latest As it Happens The Angling Trust is a representative body for all anglers in England and Wales. Our members support the campaigns we carry out to protect fish and fishing and our programmes to increase participation. We are recognised by Sport England as the national governing body in England and promote active lifestyles and maintaining a regular angling habit. We are united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries and other categories. Please find out more. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ Telephone: 01568 620447 View in browser | Unsubscribe
  7. Best wishes Mike - enjoy your day.
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-55283489
  9. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-55257110
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-55247103
  11. Birthday greetings Rob ......... enjoy your day.
  12. Any one else venturing out?
  13. For Immediate Release – 24 November 2020 “HE THAT IS GOOD FOR MAKING EXCUSES IS SELDOM GOOD FOR ANYTHING ELSE.” – BENJAMIN FRANKLIN In our last press release, we thanked Cornwall IFCA Committee members for engaging with the problem of some Cornish fixed netters illegally targeting bass, but noted the deplorable official response. Rather than owning the problem and working on how to solve it, Cornwall IFCA officers ill-advisedly tried to tell Committee members: there is no problem; Cornwall IFCA has not been remiss in failing to monitor the landing data; and the issue would best be dealt with by its planned Net Fishery Management Plan. If Cornwall IFCA was seeking to alienate sea anglers and commercial hook and liners and destroy its already tattered reputation on bass management, it could not have done a better job. Passing the Buck Cornwall IFCA pointed out that bass has been managed by measures set by the EU and the Marine Management Organisation. True, but Cornwall IFCA has the statutory responsibility to manage bass in Cornwall and cannot pass the buck – if bass measures are not working in Cornwall, Cornwall IFCA is legally required to address that problem. Cornwall IFCA next noted that the MMO is responsible for monitoring bass landings – again true, but beside the point, since Cornwall IFCA is the fishery manager for Cornwall it is its business to know exactly what is being landed in Cornwall. Is Cornwall IFCA seriously suggesting it can manage its fisheries without knowing what is being landed and by who? Lame Excuses Cornwall IFCA tried to suggest it is difficult for it to obtain the landing data, despite it sharing the same building as the MMO, and that a new data sharing agreement is needed. Yet our findings are based on landing data freely available from the MMO to the public on request. If we can access the data, why can’t Cornwall IFCA? Cornwall IFCA made the excuse that between 2015 and 2018 its officers had some of their enforcement powers removed. However, these powers were reinstated in August 2018, and net-caught bass landings in Cornwall were actually slightly higher in 2019 than in 2018. Avoiding the question A member of the public asked: "Does Cornwall IFCA accept that it has an urgent problem with net-caught bass landings and needs to investigate this further? Landings have plummeted in the rest of England as a result of measures to protect bass, but they have gone up in Cornwall." Instead of answering the question and admitting that bass landings going up in Cornwall, when they should be going down, is of course a problem, Cornwall IFCA instead said “Cornwall IFCA doesn't hold any specific information on the stock within the six-mile limit to be able to assess whether these levels constitute an urgent problem.” Now, Cornwall IFCA knows as well as we do that the bass stock is assessed at a Northern European level only and it is meaningless to talk about the stock at a Cornwall level. So why try to suggest that it needs information about the stock in Cornwall in order to answer a simple question of whether bass landings going up in Cornwall is a problem, in the context of a coordinated Northern European effort to try to reduce bass landings? Paltering – the art of deliberately misleading without lying Cornwall IFCA told Committee members the Cornish landings of bass “didn’t exceed 40% of the permissible allocation for 2017, 2018 and 2019”. The implication being that that if, on average, vessels are using only 40% of their catch limits, there is not a problem. What Cornwall IFCA failed to tell Committee members is that catch limits are set taking into account many vessels make no use of their catch limit and most make very little use of their catch limits. So an average utilisation rate of nearly 40% (37.65% in Mevagissey) is actually very high. If all English bass netters and hook and liners were to use 40% of their catch limits, they would catch in excess of 1,500 tonnes of bass, whereas the entire estimated commercial bass catch for Northern Europe in 2020 by all fishing methods is only 1,200 tonnes. If the rest of Europe followed the Mevagissey netters’ lead, the bass stock would be wiped out in no time. It is also worth pointing out that averages can hide a multitude of sins, in this case hiding vessels that are landing catch after catch of bass – these vessels are obviously targeting bass. Lies, damned lies and statistics Cornwall IFCA said “there was not a significant increase in reported landings from netting vessels between 2017 and 2018.” So Cornwall IFCA thinks a 140% increase is not significant?! Well, if you choose a tiny chart scale you might be able to get away with this. We have highlighted the relevant part of Cornwall IFCA’s chart: But if you use a more sensible scale you get this! Mesh Sizes – rubbing salt into the wound In 2019, Cornwall IFCA voted not to make an emergency byelaw to protect juvenile bass from netting – ignoring the legal advice of Fish Legal which said that an emergency byelaw would be lawful. Now Cornwall IFCA tries to tell us “This would no longer be an option as it has already been deliberated”. Perhaps Cornwall IFCA should read its own Constitution, which allows Committee motions to be reconsidered after 6 months. But of course, Cornwall IFCA has no intention of reconsidering mesh sizes, once again using the EU as an excuse for doing nothing: “the updated EU technical measures has seen the introduction of a larger minimum size for fixed nets since the extraordinary meeting”. Cornwall IFCA fails to mention the larger mesh size is still only 100mm, which will still kill juvenile bass. So much for “World Class fisheries management” post Brexit. Holistic Gobbledygook Cornwall IFCA says bass netting should be looked at “in a holistic way across the entire district”. We say: it is clear there is a specific problem right now with some fixed netters illegally targeting bass. We don’t need “holistic” solutions, we need targeted measures and enforcement action now to stop this illegal activity and rein-in bass landings that Cornwall IFCA has allowed to spiral out of control. Kicking the Can Down the Road Cornwall IFCA recommended to the Committee no new action to address the Cornish net-caught bass landings problem. Instead warm noises were made about this being dealt with by the planned Netting Management Plan. But Cornwall IFCA failed to mention that taking this approach would mean illegal targeting of bass by netters would continue for several years. In March, Cornwall IFCA officers told Committee members “The net fisheries management plan is a large and complex project which will require a considerable lead-in time to allow for research and data gathering projects to be initiated.” We fully expect this netting plan will move as slowly as the Salmonids byelaw that Cornwall IFCA started working on in 2016 and which still has no end-date in sight. “Alternative Facts” One Committee member told the Committee “The bass stocks are very healthy”. Really? Does this person know something that the expert fisheries scientists at ICES don’t? ICES tell us that between 2016 and 2019 the bass stock was so low that the stock might not be able to regenerate itself, even with zero fishing pressure. In 2020, the stock is estimated to recover a little bit above this level, but still to be in a highly precarious state. Much to our surprise, no-one corrected the Committee member on this important point. It is frightening that we have a Committee member who votes on bass management in Cornwall, but is ignorant of the state of the bass stock. The same Committee member also told the meeting: “figures from the MMO don't identify how many bass are caught with nets”. A surprising claim, given that Cornwall IFCA had just provided Committee members with a report discussing the MMO data on bass landings by fixed netters in Cornwall and Mevagissey. Sea anglers in Cornwall are complaining that they aren’t catching any bass because relentless inshore netting is removing all the bass. But this Committee member had another take on it: “several of our fishermen are saying that our coastline is now loaded with seals that chase bass and the bass stay away from the shore a bit - I don't know how true that is”. Hmmmm. Conclusion Thankfully Cornwall IFCA Committee members decided they wanted to take action to stop the illegal targeting by some netters. We hope that at the Committee meeting on 17 December, Committee members will consider how this should be done. Our suggestion would be percentage of catch restriction for netters, so that their landings cannot contain more than 30% bass. This would allow netters to land genuine bass bycatch, but would stop the illegal targeting and repeated landings with 90% or 100% bass. Send an Email to the Committee Members Please send an email to Cornwall IFCA Committee members asking them to stop Cornish netters illegally targeting bass. We have made this easy for you to do here: https://www.saveourseabass.org/stop-cornish-fixed-netters-illegally-targeting-bass/ END Contact details: info@saveourseabass.org Copyright © 2020 www.saveourseabass.org, All rights reserved.
  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-55028188
  15. View in browser | Latest news from the Angling Trust & Fish Legal NOVEMBER 2020 Fisheries Bill set to become law The UK Fisheries Bill is set to become law and will soon receive ‘royal assent’ from the Queen making it officially an Act of Parliament. As a result of the work done by the Angling Trust, recreational fishing will now be recognised and given a voice in how the UK governs and manages its fisheries. It will also qualify for funding for development and promotion of recreational fishing. This is a watershed moment for UK sea angling. The Angling Trust will now be working to ensure that the government develops policies which support recreational fishing. Watch this space! Update on Highly Protected Marine Areas The government’s plans for creating highly protected marine areas (HMPAs) around the UK have been put on hold while civil servants are redirected towards the huge amount of work involved in leaving the single market and customs union at the end of the year. The Angling Trust will be working with Defra in the new year on a research project looking at examples and evidence of how recreational fishing can be compatible with HPMAs in other parts of the world. This research could pave the way for recreational fishing to be permitted in some form within any proposed HMPAs. Do you collect bait in Sussex? Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority is reviewing how bait and hand gathering are managed in the district and is looking for input of stakeholders to help inform decision making. If you gather your own bait in Sussex you can be involved by completing this survey. Specimen Award Scheme winners As a result of the disruption to the scheme caused by Covid-19 and the lockdown, the Specimen Award Scheme manager, Eric Gerrey, has produced a report covering specimen award winners from February to September 2020. Congratulations to all the winners and please remember to keep sending your entries in before the scheme closes in December. Specimen Award Scheme winners Stay safe! Coronavirus advice guides for anglers and clubs The Angling Trust has produced a series of documents to assist anglers and clubs during the current pandemic lockdown in England. These free advice guides are ideal to download and store on your phone. You can also find more information on the Angling Trust's dedicated Covid-19 Support Hub. Venues and Travel Fishery Management What You Can and Cannot Do Clubs and Fisheries Boat Fishing Covid-19 Support Hub Information about fishing in Wales can be found on the Fishing In Wales website Bluefin Tuna webinar: All you need to know Find out all you need to know about bluefin tuna and the campaign to establish a recreational fishery for them with this new webinar from Angling Trust director and Saltwater Boat Angling publisher, Tim Macpherson. Tim talks to Bluefin Tuna UK campaign director, Steve Murphy, in this fascinating interview. Chance to win £2,000 and raise funds for the Trust's work Our popular Christmas raffle is an important fundraiser for the Angling Trust. For just £2 per ticket you can support our work whilst hopefully winning a little something for yourself, too! First prize is £2,000 CASH with fantastic runner up prizes including £1,500 and £750 of Daiwa UK tackle and Glasgow Angling Centre Fishing Megastore vouchers. You must be 18 years or over to enter. Buy tickets online Local knowledge needed from Devon & Severn anglers The Devon & Severn IFCA are working to create Fisheries Research & Management Plans focusing on bass, herring, squid, whelk and skates and rays within the Bristol Channel. The plans aim to review the biology and fisheries for these species in order to highlight gaps in knowledge and help direct future management. Local knowledge is important and can highlight how inshore fishing has changed over time in the Bristol Channel and to highlight the challenges facing fishers in the region today. Interviews are open to the public in order that the views of local fishers are accurately represented in these plans and incorporated into future management. If you have experience fishing off North Devon and North Somerset (past and present) and would like to be involved please contact the Fisheries Research & Management Plan Officer, Martin Peverley. More information about Fisheries Research and Management Plans Marine biology event for 14-18s The Marine Biological Association will be holding their annual Young Marine Biologist Summit on the 28th and 29th November. The online event is free and aims to engage young people aged 14-18 in marine science and conservation, and show the wide range of opportunities and career pathways available to them. This year’s summit will celebrate the start of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science and consider how the ocean may change in the future. Find out more Anglers needed to fight plastic tide It's no secret that plastic is suffocating our seas. As anglers and users of our precious coastline it is partly our responsibility to take care of our ocean. The future of sea angling depends upon a healthy marine environment and we need you to help make that happen by supporting our Anglers Against Pollution campaign. Find out more Fish of the month: Coalfish Known as 'saithe' in Scotland, coalfish abound all around the rocky Atlantic and North Sea coasts of Scotland and the north of England and Ireland. Once abundant from the Cornish coast but less so now coalfish are often confused with pollock but can be distinguished by their straight lateral line. Like their close relative the pollock, coalfish are caught on a variety of lures such as the famous RedGill eel. They are not rated highly as an eating fish in the UK but commonly processed into fish fingers and fish cakes. Find out more in our Fishbook series of web pages that feature the most popular angling species. Please email your pictures of coalfish so that we can feature them on the page. Fishing Buzz for fantastic videos Did you know there are over 700 angling videos and articles on our website Fishing Buzz? Check out this recent video of John Locker shore fishing this autumn for undulate rays on the south coast. Visit Fishing Buzz Watch volunteering video and download a free guide The Angling Trust has produced a Volunteering Best Practice Guide in partnership with the Environment Agency and is essential for clubs who work with volunteers - download a free copy today! Download volunteering guide Not yet a member? Please join today and support our work Supporting our work to protect and grow the sport you love has never been more important. We have been campaigning for over 10 years to ensure that we have a stronger voice for angling in Parliament, investing in coaching and recruitment to grow our sport, making progress on predation and campaigning to halt pollution of our waters. Become a member for just £29 per year and we’ll give you access to an exclusive list of discounts - plus you can choose a fantastic free gift! Find out more The Angling Trust is a representative body for all anglers in England and Wales. Our members support the campaigns we carry out to protect fish and fishing and our programmes to increase participation. We are recognised by Sport England as the national governing body in England and promote active lifestyles and maintaining a regular angling habit. We are united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries and other categories. Please find out more. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350. Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ. Telephone: 01568 620447
  16. Up and down your drive Jim!!!!!! 😂😂😂
  17. Birthday greetings Gazza
  18. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-54292317
  19. View in browser | Latest news from the Angling Trust & Fish Legal Please follow the lockdown rules - message from CEO Jamie Cook "I want to thank anglers for fishing responsibly during this lockdown. It is clear from the messages we have received that, despite the restrictions, thousands of anglers are adhering to the guidance and still enjoying their fishing. It is absolutely vital that anglers continue to fish safely, locally and responsibly throughout this pandemic.” - Jamie Cook, CEO, Angling Trust & Fish Legal The Angling Trust has produced a series of documents to assist anglers, clubs and fisheries during the current pandemic lockdown in England. These free advice guides are ideal to download and store on your phone. You can also find more information on the Angling Trust's dedicated Covid-19 Support Hub. Venues and Travel Fishery Management What You Can and Cannot Do Clubs and Fisheries Boat Fishing Covid-19 Support Hub Information about fishing in Wales can be found on the Fishing In Wales website Show your support... buy a branded shirt Show your support for our Anglers Against Pollution campaign and raise much needed funds to help the fight by buying our branded clothing. Cotton processing and dyeing causes pollution in many countries, so we have worked hard to find a manufacturer whose supply chain ensures that our shirts and hoodies don't damage the environment. Our shirts cost a little more than the bargain outlets on the high street, but you will know that you are actively helping to keep our rivers, lakes and oceans clean and pollution free. Buy online today Fish Legal forces back down over Hoveton Broad fish barriers The legal action being taken by Fish Legal on behalf of Angling Trust and Broads Angling Services has won the first battle to halt the Hoveton Great Broad fish barriers and save the Broads bream. Full story Chance to win £2,000 and raise funds for the Trust's work Our popular Christmas raffle is an important fundraiser for the Angling Trust. For just £2 per ticket you can support our work whilst hopefully winning a little something for yourself, too! First prize is £2,000 CASH with fantastic runner up prizes including £1,500 and £750 of Daiwa UK tackle and Glasgow Angling Centre Fishing Megastore vouchers. You must be 18 years or over to enter. Buy tickets online Online invasive species survey There's still time to take part in our survey, in collaboration with the University College London, to understand current awareness of invasive non-native species and what we at the Trust can do to assist in managing the issue. Find out more Top tips for winter fishing Heavy rain can make for challenging fishing, but with the right mindset it’s still possible to enjoy some great sport! In their latest blog post, Dom Garnett and the Freshwater Team have some essential tips for staying safe and enjoying excellent fishing, regardless of the weather. Read blog Call to halt hydropower expansion As part of the Missing Salmon Alliance, the Angling Trust has joined with organisations from across Europe in supporting a manifesto calling for a halt to expansion of hydropower in rivers. The manifesto challenges the assumption that in-river hydropower is a clean, green, sustainable way of generating power with little or no consequences, and highlights the loss of freshwater environments and the negative impact on migratory fish. Read more Saving roach on Hampshire Avon The Avon Roach Project book chronicles the fantastic work of Trevor Harrop and Budgie Price in helping to restore the once threatened roach stocks of the beautiful Hampshire Avon. The book is now available to order online or you can follow the link through to their website, where Trev and Budgie have also posted a blog of their 2020 activities. There’s a hardback edition at £25 plus £5 P&P and a special limited leather edition of just 50 copies at £185 plus £5 P&P. Buy online Fishing Buzz for fantastic videos Did you know there are over 700 angling videos and articles on our website Fishing Buzz? With lockdown restrictions in place in England, many of us will be fishing a lot closer to home. Check out this video with Matrix’s Lee Wright to pick up some great tips on fishing canals! Visit Fishing Buzz Reminder: AGM on November 28 This year's Annual General Meetings for the Angling Trust and Fish Legal are being held online on Saturday, November 28th. If you want to attend please register beforehand. Register for AGM and Agenda Volunteering: Watch video and download free guide! The Angling Trust has produced a Volunteering Best Practice Guide in partnership with the Environment Agency and funded by fishing licence income. The guide is essential for clubs and fisheries who work with volunteers - download a copy now! Download Volunteering Guide The Angling Trust is a representative body for all anglers in England and Wales. Our members support the campaigns we carry out to protect fish and fishing and our programmes to increase participation. We are recognised by Sport England as the national governing body in England and promote active lifestyles and maintaining a regular angling habit. We are united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries and other categories. Please find out more. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350. Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ. Telephone: 01568 620447
  20. I keep the gujons in the freezer before breadcrumbing or battering them....
  21. Dogfish gujons - yummy
  22. Birthday greetings Terry - enjoy your day..
  23. Nice report and session - thanks for sharing..
  24. Birthday greetings Duncan.
  25. Tony, Dorset Police site refers users to the Government advice re yesterday's updated restrictions. This includes we are allowed to spend time or exercise outdoors....
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