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Everything posted by Stuie

  1. Ihope you're having a safe but good day.... 🍺🍺
  2. Time for your annual haircut I believe.. Have a good day.
  3. I've had to cancel my trip due to a trapped nerve in my left arm..... What a club - Jerry is taking Geoff out in Looby 1V
  4. Anyone else venturing out - doubt I'll see you Steve.
  5. Have a great Day Pete.
  6. Birthday greetings Steve - windicator working overtime today...
  7. Stuie

    Coloured leads

    See attached thread
  8. Good luck....
  9. Birthday greetings all....🍷🍷🍷
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-essex-54641519
  11. Food for thought - only rule of six appears to apply for us though. COVID 19 - RISK ASSESSMENT GUIDANCE FOR COMPETITION ORGANISERS Dear Stuart Poole Bay Small Boat Angling Club, Membership number COS29908 Following the Government’s latest Covid-19 guidance relating to sport and recreation, organisers of angling competitions are now legally required to carry out a thorough Risk Assessment to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus. To assist our member clubs and fisheries, the Angling Trust has produced a useful Risk Assessment template based upon standard angling competition best practice and with reference to the latest coronavirus guidance and regulations. This template, along with further useful information can be found on the Angling Support Hub section of our website here. If you have any questions regarding Angling Trust Competitions please contact the team on 0115 822 4660 or email competitions@anglingtrust.net Thank you for your support and cooperation. Jamie Cook CEO Angling Trust and Fish Legal Angling Trust, Eastwood House, 6 Rainbow Street, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 8DQ. Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350. Click here to unsubscribe from all Angling Trust email communications
  12. Thanks guys - Colin has it exactly right.
  13. Enjoy your day
  14. We are very encouraged that at Cornwall IFCA’s Committee meeting on Friday 18 September, several Cornwall IFCA Committee members agreed with us that there is a problem with net-caught bass landings going up in Cornwall and expressed concern that some Cornish fixed netters are illegally targeting bass and landing it as “unavoidable bycatch”. In 2019, nearly 70% of all net-caught bass landed into Mevagissey were from trips where bass made up 90% to 100% of the catch. The Committee’s response was in sharp contrast to the deplorable official response, which failed to answer the key questions, failed to accept there is an urgent problem, attemped a whitewash by using selective facts in deliberately misleading ways, and was content to let the problem continue unaddressed for years. Councillor Graham Coad summed up well the CIFCA officers’ response as “wishy-washy and a bit sort of smooth and silky evasiveness” adding “some people in Cornwall and some harbours in particular are taking the micky and making us look rather foolish” and advised Cornwall IFCA officers “you seem to be a little bit too smooth and relaxed about the whole thing. I think that's what is making people unsatisfied.” So we are pleased that Committee members were keen to take action and voted “that Cornwall IFCA write to Defra to express their concern and the vague nature of the words "unavoidable bycatch" and provide a clear definition of this phrase at the earliest opportunity.” Sadly, Defra will not comply. Defra wants the EU to delete the “unavoidable bycatch” law so that fixed netters can target bass – this is why it has repeatedly resisted providing a definition of “unavoidable bycatch”, so that the law cannot easily be enforced. This is a shameful position for our Government to take and is damaging for UK fisheries management. So we expect that when Cornwall IFCA committee members next meet, in December, they will need to consider other ways of stopping netters illegally targeting bass in Cornwall. Our proposal is that Cornwall IFCA imposes a percentage of catch restriction for fixed netters, whereby bass would be able to make up no more than 30% of their landed catch. This would enable most genuine bycatch to be landed, whilst stopping those vessels that are cynically repeatedly landing catches of 90% - 100% bass. Houston, we have a problem! Several Committee members acknowledged there is a problem with netters illegally targeting bass. Local Marine Management Organisation Officer Daisy May said “we do know that in Cornwall, historically, levels of landing in this area with regards to the rest of England is higher.” and advised that “action needs to be taken”. Andrew Pascoe said “I would urge Cornwall IFCA officers to regulate and police the targeting of bass day after day with nets” and “when you continually shoot back in the same area day after day after day, these are the issues that need to be policed more”. Councillor Graham Coad said “there's specific information that's been coming in about particular vessels, largely in the Mevagissey area that have been targeting bass and that is illegal still, I understand, and we've heard reports of 100% bycatch of bass. How can you have 100% bycatch? I think that Cornish IFCA needs to do more, specifically investigate these allegations” Several other Committee members made insightful contributions: John Munday asked ”if you look at the other species which the inshore boats catch, that will tell us whether they're targeting bass or whether they're not targeting bass, so can we put some effort into doing that?” We agree, but we doubt Cornwall IFCA will do this, so we intend to look at this closely ourselves., Nick Tregenza focused on the term “unavoidable bycatch”: “if a boat has unavoidable bycatch repeatedly, it wasn't unavoidable” and advised “we shouldn't view unavoidable bycatch because it's undefined as meaningless. It obviously is very meaningful and could be established.” And Councillor Geoff Brown made the practical recommendation, which was accepted by the committee, that Cornwall IFCA “write to Defra to express their concern at the vague nature of the words "unavoidable bycatch" and ask for them to provide a clear definition as soon as possible.” We would like to thank these Committee members for engaging with the problem and for their suggestions on how to deal with it. We encourage them to consider what Cornwall IFCA will do next if, as expected, Defra will not provided a definition of “unavoidable bycatch prior to the December committee meeting. You can watch a recording of the Committee meeting here: https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/councillors-and-democracy/webcasts#archived END Contact details: info@saveourseabass.org
  15. Enjoy your special day both of you.
  16. Press Release Tuesday, 22nd September, 2020 Angling remains a permitted activity - Follow the guidelines and stay safe Following the Government's announcement at 12.30pm today, the Angling Trust is pleased that the government has not sought to place further restrictions on healthy outdoor activities such as angling. Through our ‘When We Fish Again’ campaign earlier in the year we demonstrated to ministers that by following sensible COVID-19 guidelines anglers could enjoy their sport in a safe and responsible manner. We have been delighted with the response from angling clubs, fisheries and the wider angling community and it’s important that nothing is done that would damage our reputation for acting sensibly and in the wider public interest. Jamie Cook, CEO of the Angling Trust added: “We are still fishing and there’s no reason why that won’t continue as long as anglers remember to follow the Angling Trust COVID-19 guidance and remember to be careful and protect each other and our sport. By working effectively and responsibly the Angling Trust has ensured that angling is seen as part of the solution and not the problem - let's keep it that way. “ The latest Angling Trust COVID-19 guidance for all anglers from every discipline can be found at the Angling Support Hub section of our website here. The latest COVID-19 information from the Fishing In Wales website can be found here. Contacts: David Brookes, Communications Manager david.brookes@anglingtrust.net | 07496 876996 The Angling Trust are a representative body for all anglers in England and Wales. Our members support the campaigns we carry out to protect fish and fishing and our programmes to increase participation. We are recognised by Sport England as the national governing body in England and promote active lifestyles and maintaining a regular angling habit. We are united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries and other categories. Please find out more. WWW.ANGLINGTRUST.NET
  17. Welcome to your Sea Newsletter Fisheries Bill update: looks set to be a watershed moment for sea angling The UK’s new fisheries legislation is entering its final stages before it becomes law and looks set to be a watershed moment for sea angling. Over the last two months, the Angling Trust has worked tirelessly briefing members of both the House of Lords and the Commons to make sure recreational fishing is considered in the management of the UK’s fish stocks in future. The new legislation is due to also provide funding for the promotion and development of recreational fishing. Earlier this month we provided written evidence to the committee reviewing the Bill in the House of Commons and now await the report stage in the Commons before the Bill becomes an Act of Parliament and law. Sea angling forums prepare to go virtual Building on the successful series of regional sea angling forums in 2019, we are keen to embrace virtual technology to host a series of exciting online forums for sea anglers. We aim to run a series of themed events with key speakers and giving time for your questions and answers. We are also looking to deliver events focused on your local areas. Who would you like to hear from and what would you like to see covered? Please let Nevin Hunter know at marinecoordinator@anglingtrust.net Angling Trust in the media David Mitchell, the Angling Trust’s Head of Marine was on Talk Radio earlier this month discussing the complex issue of the UK’s fishing rights once we leave the Common Fisheries Policy with host Kevin O’Sullivan. You can listen back to the interview here. The interview starts at 20:26 (select 20:00 – 20:30 at the top). Let's all be Anglers Against Litter Anglers Against Litter is the Angling Trust’s campaign to provide a voice for anglers to engage with the issue of litter and plastic pollution. It outlines ways in which anglers, fisheries and tackle retailers can get involved to reduce and remove litter from areas where they fish. Please support our campaign – and let’s tackle litter together! Find out more Take a Friend Fishing If you are a freshwater angler too, now’s your chance to use your fishing licence to get a FREE one-day licence and introduce a friend or family member to coarse, trout or salmon fishing. Apply here – you’ll need your fishing licence handy plus a few details about your friend, including their email address. Offer ends 4th October. Fish of the month: Thornback Ray The most widespread of the rays around the UK coastline is the thornback ray. It gets its name from the sharp spikes on the back of the fish which help to distinguish it from other species. Thornbacks can be caught from both shore and boat and favour sand, mud or shingle seabeds. They can be caught on crab, squid and fish baits depending on the location. Once you’ve located one you are likely to find more in the area. Also referred to as skate or roker, thornbacks are a popular eating fish and their ‘wings’ often appear on restaurant menus, in fishmongers, and in fish and chip shops. The wings need skinning before eating. Watch out for those thorns! NOT YET A MEMBER? JOIN THE ANGLING TRUST AND CLAIM A FREE GIFT! The Angling Trust are a representative body for all anglers in England and Wales. Our members support the campaigns we carry out to protect fish and fishing and our programmes to increase participation. We are recognised by Sport England as the national governing body in England and promote active lifestyles and maintaining a regular angling habit. We are united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries and other categories. Please find out more. WWW.ANGLINGTRUST.NET
  18. Now you can put your feet up....
  19. Went out at 9.15am Tuesday with friend Ken. Tried the entrance for a few drifts with artificials - one small tub was the only response. Tried a few drifts along ther swash for no return so off to the Sadler and put down the hook half a mile ahead of the Allure of the Seas. Frozen maccy gave me a smallish tope, and two strap congers. The head of a fresh maccy - Ken had a couple - then gave me a smalleyed ray. Wind rose a little so back to the swash where Ken winkled out a small plaice amongst the weed. A good day out with good company.
  20. Anyone else going out?
  21. Birthday greetings Allan - enjoy your day.🎂
  22. Went out with member Geoff at 9am yesterday and drifted off Bournemouth pier towards Boscombe pier. Plenty of small plaice mainly well undersized. A few small bream and half a dozen tubs. Managed a gar on float at second attempt - first one didn't hook up. Three good maccy on the lazy line and later a further two. Wind made it a little uncomfortable so a move was decided - Hello another take on the three small feathers - another maccy and a bonus herring. Slow motor to the harbour and tied up in the Wytch for a bag-full of weed and nothing else so it was back to Cobbs for fuel and a wash down. a pleasant day afloat with plenty of action on the drift. Geoff managed a couple of keeper plaice too.
  23. Likewise Brian..
  24. Good luck and best wishes Brian....
  25. Nice picture - did it stay long?
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