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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Stuie

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-45341215
  2. Stuie


    Welcome to the club Matt - I've never regretted joining - i hope you don't either. Sandbanks beach starts just outside the harbour entrance, presuming you're launching at Poole. It's a great spot for families. I don't do alot of lure fishing but other members do, and hopefully will give you the low-down. I've had a little success trolling along the training bank outside the harbour, using Fiish and similar lures. Good luck and keep joining in on the forum...plenty of advice to be winkled out from the membership.
  3. Birthday greetings Lofty - a day off?
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-45199001
  5. Welcome to your August Sea Newsletter Recreational Fishing In New UK Fisheries Bill Proposals Last month the government published its long-awaited White Paper setting out proposals for a UK Fisheries Bill once the UK leaves the EU. A number of positive proposals have been made for recreational fishing after extensive lobbying by the Angling Trust. We will be responding to the consultation on the White Paper in the coming weeks. Read more about the Angling Trust's reaction to the White Paper here European Anglers Alliance Demands Reinstatement of Bass Bag Limit The European Anglers Alliance has written to the EU Fisheries Commissioner Karmenu Vella demanding a bag limit for recreational catches of bass be reinstated as soon as possible following a review of the evidence about the impact of angling. Unfortunately, a further delay is now expected as the EU Commission takes its holiday in August. Find out more Help needed to report tuna sightings and catches Help us understand more about UK bluefin tuna by reporting your sightings and catches. The Thunnus UK project is asking anglers to report old and new records of sightings and catches. This is an exciting way for Angling Trust members to contribute to the research being done into the presence and abundance of bluefin tuna in UK waters. Find out more about the Thunnus UK project Natural England SSSI proposals could impact sea angling Natural England currently has a live consultation asking whether its existing byelaw-making powers in SSSIs are sufficient. Such byelaws could impact on activities such as bait collection by sea anglers. Find out more about the consultation here. The Angling Trust will be submitting a response saying that we feel their existing powers are more than adequate. Don't delay if you'd like to respond too - the consultation closes on 22nd August. Angling Trust Responds To MCZ Bream Fishing Threat The Angling Trust submitted a response to the consultation on the proposed Purbecks Marine Conservation Zone in Dorset which, if designated, could see restrictions put on recreational fishing for black bream in order to protect breeding fish. Read our response here Joint the Isle of Wight Day Coastal Clean Up Saturday, September 22nd will see the UK’s longest ever coastline clean-up to rid the Island’s beautiful beaches of unwanted plastic waste. For information on why plastic pollution is such a problem check out our Take 5 film here. Find out more Do you collect your own bait? Help scientists to get a better understanding of sea angling bait collection by completing this University of Portsmouth survey. It will only take a few minutes of your time! Take part in the survey New Safety ID Scheme For Boat Angling The Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) and the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) have launched RYA SafeTrx, HM Coastguard’s new official voluntary safety identification scheme. The free to use RYA SafeTrx app is designed to improve safety at sea and potentially cut vital minutes off the time taken to pinpoint a casualty’s location. Find out more Get Fishing at the seaside… Going on your summer holidays? Don’t forget to pack a rod and a few bits of tackle or you’ll regret it when you get there! There are loads of opportunities to get out fishing at the coast even if it’s just for a couple of hours. It’s a great alternative to crabbing on a rainy day and kids love it! All you need are a few small lures or bits of tackle and you can ask where to go at the local tackle shop. Rob Hughes explains all in Get Fishing’s ‘How to Sea Fish’ videos. Tope wins July Species Hunt Berg Power was the Specimen Winner for July in the Species Hunt competition with a superb 25lb 3oz shore-caught tope. Berg used a pulley rig with a whole mackerel fillet as bait. Both the Senior and Junior Species Hunt competitions are tight, with only a few points separating the top three in each category. Check out the latest results here. The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more.
  6. Nice to see you're up and at 'em Kev... Keep it up.
  7. https://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-FQCF-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx
  8. Welcome Nick - best decision I ever made was to join the club - enjoy
  9. Hope you had a good one Mick
  10. https://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-FBB8-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-wales-44806250/swarms-of-moon-jellyfish-like-oil-slick-off-ceredigion-coast
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-44592957
  13. Thursday, 21st June, 2018 Welcome to your June Sea Newsletter Battle for bass bag limit gains momentum Support our call for the reintroduction of a bag limit for bass for the remainder of 2018. In advance of the publication of the review into the 2018 ICES advice we are stepping up our call for anglers to be able to keep bass from July this year onwards. We anticipate the review will show recreational angling has a much smaller impact on the bass stock than the scientists suggested in 2017. Join the campaign for the reintroduction of a bag limit for bass in the remainder of 2018. Email the EU Commission & George Eustice European Anglers Alliance takes EU to court over bass ban The European Anglers Alliance, of which the Angling Trust is a member, is challenging the European Council over its decision to ban members of the public fishing recreationally from keeping any bass in 2018. EAA is arguing that the decision creates unjustified discrimination between European citizens as well as violating the principle of proportionality. Find out more Reporting tuna sightings and catches Help us understand more about UK bluefin tuna by reporting your sightings and catches. The Thunnus UK project is asking anglers to report old and new records of sightings and catches. This is an exciting way for Angling Trust members can contribute to the research being done into the presence and abundance of bluefin tuna in UK waters. Find out more about the Thunnus UK project Specimen Award Scheme relaunch The Angling Trust will be relaunching the popular Sea Specimen Award Scheme next year with two brand new Junior and catch & release categories. The relaunched scheme will also include monthly prizes for individual Angling Trust members. The new scheme will be launched in December but in the meantime don’t forget Angling Trust individual members and members of affiliated clubs can enter the 2018 scheme running now. Find out more about the Specimen Award Scheme Defra commissions research into ‘governance structures and legal instruments’ for sea fishing The Angling Trust is being consulted over a new piece of research commissioned by Defra looking at successful governance structures for recreational fishing from around the World such as the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The study is being carried out by the University of Strathclyde. A report is due to be published in November detailing the findings. Read David Mitchell's blog New European Parliament report on recreational fishing A new report, “State of Play of recreational fisheries in the EU” has been adopted by the European Parliament. The report requests the European Commission evaluates the role of recreational fisheries in the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in order to ensure a fair and sustainable fisheries management. The European Anglers Alliance, which the Angling Trust is a member of, lobbied for a number of amendments to the final report. Read more here EU Commission proposes ‘tightening control’ on recreational fishing The EU Commission has proposed EU countries are required to introduce registration or licensing systems in order to help provide catch data from recreational fishing as part of the review of the Common Fishery Policy’s Control Regulation. The Angling Trust plans to lobby against the proposal. David Mitchell, Head of Marine, said: “We are confident that the UK government will oppose being forced to hand over more responsibility to the EU, particularly at a time when it is trying to negotiate withdrawal from the EU and developing a new UK sea fisheries bill.” Read more Government consults on 41 new MCZs This is an ambitious and comprehensive tranche which will substantially complete the government's contribution to the ecologically coherent network of Marine Protected Areas around our coasts. If all of these proposed MCZs are designated, around 40% of English inshore and offshore waters will be protected, and the total for the UK as a whole will be nearly 25%. This will provide vital protection for the diverse array of wildlife in our seas. The Angling Trust will be responding to any proposals which impact recreational angling. Check out the consultation here Consultation opens on Sussex netting and trawling The Sussex IFCA has now opened consultations with all stakeholders on the future management of nearshore netting and trawling in Sussex. All those anglers in Sussex who want an end to the setting of nets so close to the shore that it hinders your ability to fish and all those anglers who have seen the pair trawlers sweep everything away right up to the shingle beaches in front of you, this is your chance to voice your own opinions on the future management of our inshore fisheries. You can download the SxIFCA Informal Consultation summaries on nearshore netting and trawling where you will find their Proposed Management Options. Save our Sea Bass has made it really easy for you to respond, with a pre-written response. Great if you're short of time! View consultation papers  Click here to use the SOSB system Bait survey Help scientists to get a better understanding of sea angling bait collection by completing this University of Portsmouth survey. It will only take a few minutes of your time! Take part in the survey World Fishing Day Mersey Match We’ve organised a special match as part of World Fishing Day on 23rd June. Join World Fishing Day, Angling Trust and Wirral Sea Anglers for the draw at 05:30am at the Funnel & Anchor Car Park, L3 4EF. Fishing is 06:00 to 09:00am and there’s a £10 pool with prizes for the largest flat fish, largest round bodied fish and largest overall catch length. The match kicks off World Fishing Day’s UK action and a live camera team led by roving reporter Andy Ford (BT Sport, On The Bank) will be there in his against-the-clock challenge to visit as many events as possible around the country. Want to compete? Contact Danny Williams by email. Find out more The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more. WWW.ANGLINGTRUST.NET Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ Telephone: 01568 620447 UNSUBSCRIBE
  14. I hope youi're both having a good day.
  15. https://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-EYRB-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx
  16. Belated best wished Charlie -
  17. Hadn't thought of that Greg, good idea....
  18. Not able to take part this year - Alderney beckons...
  19. Best wishes Nigel..
  20. The big six oh - have a memorable day.
  21. Weather set fair - have a good day...
  22. Birthday greetings Jerry, enjoy your day...
  23. https://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-EDOU-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx
  24. Birthday greetings to both of you.... enjoy your day.
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