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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Stuie

  1. Dolphins
  2. Marlin Greg, NealWishin Too ,Nigel and ChrisMadness - Martin - Neil - Tidler Solan - Rob and Martin (non member) For several reasons Kev & Stuie have pulled out of the second event - Good luck to all taking part. I've advised Andy at Poole Sea Angling Centre
  3. Hope you have a good day - and celebrate too.
  4. We've got to hope that in March the ministers decide to allow RSA's to keep a fish or two after considering their Science Benchmarking........ I'm not holding my breath.
  5. https://www.change.org/p/eu-agriculture-and-fisheries-council-of-ministers-fishing-for-sea-bass-is-not-a-crime-don-t-let-the-eu-make-it-one?recruiter=837036436&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_term=208057 EU Council of Ministers latest decisions
  6. Reel Bizzy - Kev, and Golden Balls (Stuie) Marlin Greg, Neal Wishin Too ,Nigel and Chris Madness - Martin - Neil - room for 1 more crew member
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-42264788
  8. http://mailchi.mp/02439c773365/sea-bass-2018-fishing-opportunities?e=1d4a97663e View this email in your browser Get your voice heard before it's too late - last chance! The EU Commission and the EU Fisheries Ministers are meeting on Monday and Tuesday to negotiate and agree the EU fishing opportunities for 2018, including for bass. In case you haven't heard the news, the EU Commission has proposed that the public should be banned from landing any bass in 2018 and be restricted to Catch & Release only from July to December. But at the same time, they are proposing that commercial hook & liners should be able to catch 4 tonnes a year - a "restriction" in name only, since it would only impact 1% of UK hook & line vessels (just 5 vessels). Public anglers are the most sustainable stakeholders and deliver the greatest socio-economic benefits. The EU Commission is proposing 900 tonnes of bass landings for 2018 - this should be allocated first to the public. It is also disturbing that the EU Fisheries Ministers are considering "by-catch" allowances for commercial netters and bottom trawlers, despite the EU Commission proposing no by-catch allowances. We have examined the UK landing data for 2017 and can see that many netters have been landing more than their legal limit and many have been having repeated catches with 90% - 100% bass. So much for "by-catch only" for fixed netters in 2017! If you want to get your voice heard and get the laws that you want for 2018, please email the EU Commission. Let's make sure they are in no doubt of what public anglers and conservationists want. A fair deal for bass and bass anglers. Here are the EU Commission email addresses: Maja.Kirchner@ec.europa.eu jonathan.shrives@ec.europa.eu Katarzyna.WALCZAK@ec.europa.eu Stanislovas.JONUSAS@ec.europa.eu Watch out for our updates from Brussels on Monday and Tuesday via the Save Our Sea Bass Facebook page. E-mail opportunities to have your say! I've done so with a suitably worded epistle to all four 'legislators????'
  9. Birthday greetings old chap - having a well earned rest I hope.
  10. I hope you have a good one.
  11. Well done Mike - nice to receive a bonus too.
  12. Surely not camera shy Graham?   ;)
  13. http://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-BDG5-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx   Bass petition included - is the same 'change' petition I posted a few days ago.
  14. 1. MegaByte - Brian, Keith G 2.  Marichelle....Mick & James (non member ) 3. Madness Dean & Martin 4. Sea Dream ,,, Neal & Stuie
  15. http://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-B6RM-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx
  16. Have a great day.
  17. https://www.change.org/p/eu-agriculture-and-fisheries-council-of-ministers-fishing-for-sea-bass-is-not-a-crime-don-t-let-the-eu-make-it-one?utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_signer_receipt&utm_campaign=triggered&share_context=signature_receipt&recruiter=766629622&j=184438&sfmc_sub=540355652&l=32_HTML&u=34203745&mid=7233052&jb=436306 # Only takes a second to sign up
  18. http://mailchi.mp/1d5f2c7538ab/eu-fishing-opportunities-for-2817693?e=d966a5f067
  19. Thanks guys - whole slice of luck jumping boats to fish with Kev. What a skipper - bacon butty to die for and bottomless pot of coffee - plus that slice of luck we need. Thanks Kev.
  20. 1) Serenity - Tony and Neal 2) Alfresco - Sam and Eileen 3) Tarlach - Neil and Another (yet to be determined). 4) Tigerfish - Steve, Alun, Mike Fox 5) Reel Magic - Dave Mick 6) Madness - Dean, Martin, Phil Trevett 7) Y-Knot - Mal and Trevor ​8) Marlin - Greg and Rob Samways 9) Kellys Hero -Dave L and John St. Plus non member. Allan has withdrawn due to Man Flu. 10) My Baby - Norman, Brian and Dogfishdave 11) La Fiona - Matt and non member Martin 12) Sea Jay — Mike plus non member Mike and Adam. 13) Reel Bizzy - Kevin & Stuie
  21. Sorry gents - senior moment - A.T. members only.
  22. http://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-B11P-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx Includes a survey
  23. Belated birthday greetings Terry - I hope you're enjoying your day.
  24. I hope you have a good day.
  25. I hope you enjoy your day....
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