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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Stuie

  1. I hope you have a memorable day.
  2. https://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-CD1N-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-42873644
  4. Enjoy your special day - i hope you don't work too hard..
  5. Well done you two - Neal & I had a lazy start - 9am and to a few miles out off Old Harry. Although not hectic we managed dogs, pout a few keeper whiting and a nice bass of 3-4lbs - returned - as well as a smoothie of 5 or 6lbs. a lovely day to be out blue sky and warm sun until mid afternoon.
  6. https://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-CDMY-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx
  7. I hope you both have an enjoyeable day.
  8. Belated best wishes Ian - thick head today - for a change.....
  9. Planning a few hours out tomorrow - anyone else venturing out?
  10. You'll be 'Bobbing Along' for a drink to celebrate I hope..
  11. https://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-CA6C-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx
  12. Stuie

    Happy Birthday

    Belated best wishes Rich - thick head today?
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-42729173# Video footage too - thats a start?
  14. But not as valuable as a bitcoin......
  15. Enjoy your day. Hope you celebrate in style.
  16. Filling yor boots I hope!!!
  17. Best wishes Kev - I hope you have a good one.
  18. Just found this on Facebook Keith Wigglesworth 3 January at 09:30 Unexpectedly, 3 spaces have become available on the Minehead Cod Challenge, a 2 day boat comp on Saturday/Sunday 20th & 21st January. The cost is £120 for both days (bait not included). If you're interested or would like to know more, contact keith@seaanglingnews.com https://www.facebook.com/mineheadcodchallenge/
  19. Basic Northern phraseology Martin - an acquired taste.....
  20. Nearly missed you .... hope it was a good day...
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-42454290
  23. Hope you both have a good day - save your presents 'til tomorrow?
  24. http://anglingtrust-news.net/3XSU-BOQ6-9A2NFPBK77/cr.aspx
  25. Forcast was light winds for the day = it would have been rude not to take advantage - so it was a leisurely 9am start with friend Ken aboard. The plan was to look for whiting and we motored to a likely looking area well off Ballard. After a brief unproductive drift we dropped the hook and bites began straight away- dogs and a small conger followed by some jumbo pout. Then whiting began to put in an appearance - we managed several dozen with a few kept - they were mainly of a good ,stamp' best being 2lb 9oz. Back at Cobbs shortly after three for a celebratory Doombar. A very successful winter session.
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