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Everything posted by Stuie

  1. Thanks Max for the invite to join you on your vessel - I was impressed by your seamanship - especially when offering to assist my call of nature. I really enjoyed the day - thanks again. Well done everyone who took part and especially those who managed to find the illusive flounder.
  2. Birthday greetings Rob - enjoy your day.
  3. Have a good day both.
  4. Thanks for a great trip Charlie - bacon butties were an unexpected treat - and thanks Jim for the endless teas and coffees. A lovely day to be out with great company.
  5. Birthday greetings Gary - enjoy your day.
  6. Response from MP Dear Stuart, This Conservative government is the first government to set out our expectation that water companies must take steps to significantly reduce storm overflows. We have put our position on an enhanced legal footing. The Environment Bill will allow us to deliver the most ambitious environmental programme of any country on earth. There has been a lot of scrutiny and the Bill has been substantially strengthened. On the issue of storm overflows. The amount of sewage discharge by water companies into our rivers is not acceptable. We have made it crystal clear to water companies that they must significantly reduce sewage discharges from storm overflows as a priority. If we do not start to see significant improvements, we will not hesitate to take action through a swathe of new measures directly on water companies in the Environment Bill. None of us voted to allow water companies to pump sewage into our rivers as some campaigns have caricatured in recent days. We actually voted in favour of a package of measures to reduce harms from storm overflows including: • a new duty directly on water companies to produce comprehensive statutory Drainage and Sewerage Management Plans, setting out how they will manage and develop their drainage and sewerage system over a minimum 25-year planning horizon, including how storm overflows will be addressed through these plans. • a power of direction for the government to direct water companies in relation to the actions in these Drainage and Sewerage Management Plans. We will use this power of direction if plans are not good enough. This is a powerful tool. • a new duty on Government to produce a statutory plan to reduce discharges from storm overflows • a requirement for Government to produce a report setting out the actions that would be needed to eliminate discharges from storm overflows in England, and the costs and benefits of those actions. Both publications are required before 1 September 2022. • a new duty directly on water companies and the Environment Agency to publish data on storm overflow operation on an annual basis. • a new duty directly on water companies to publish near real time information on the operation of storm overflows. This means it will be clear as to how often storm overflows are being used, which will aid enforcement. • a new duty directly on water companies to monitor the water quality upstream and downstream of storm overflows and sewage disposal works. • In July of this year, this Government set out, for the first time ever, its expectation that Ofwat (the regulator) should incentivise water companies to invest to significantly reduce the use of storm overflows in the forthcoming pricing review period. Ofwat will be required to act in accordance with this expectation. We have placed this policy position in law. The Government has met with the CEOs of water companies and stressed the need for focused action in this area. The water industry has been clear that they recognise what needs to be done: “The water industry recognises the need for urgent action on storm overflows as part of our commitment to protecting the environment. That is why we strongly support the Government’s efforts to tackle overflows, and are pleased to see important new measures in the Environment Bill for eliminating harm. “We have been working closely with environment groups and others to agree a plan of action for making the swift progress we all want to see. A crucial part of that will be Government giving clear direction to regulators via its “Strategic Policy Statement”, which is essential for enabling the schemes and investment needed to transform our sewerage infrastructure.” Water UK, November 2021 Thank you for writing to me on this important subject. Sir Robert Syms MP
  7. Birthday greetings Terry - enjoy your special day.. 🍷🍷
  8. View in browser | Members Update Members Update November 8th, 2021 Environment Bill Update: Lords Amendment on Sewage Pollution - 8th November 2021 Dear Friend Many thanks to everyone who took the trouble to email their MP on sewage pollution. Whilst this led to a welcome U-turn by the government we now see that the new amendment they have tabled for debate this evening fails to ‘mirror’ that proposed by the Duke of Wellington. Unfortunately, what is before the House today is weaker with too much room for broad interpretation and simply does not go far enough – and in the little time that has been made available for scrutiny, legal commentators have already highlighted significant loopholes. At a time when public trust in politicians has once again been shaken we hope that MPs will stand firm and insist on clarity and action by Ministers to create a pathway out of pollution. We cannot accept for our rivers and seas to continue to be treated like an open sewer by water companies. Last year saw a record 400,000 releases of untreated sewage. This has to stop. The Parliamentary arithmetic means that the Government Amendment is likely to pass but this must not be without challenge. Without regulation, investment and enforcement anything agreed by Parliament today will not yield the scale or pace of change that the public expects and our environment so desperately needs. Which is why, once again we are asking you to email your MPs today with a copy of our amendment briefing and ask them to attend the debate this evening and publicly to seek clear assurances from Ministers before deciding how to vote on the amendment. These cover enforcement and regulation by OFWAT and the Environment Agency, on-going parliamentary scrutiny and increased investment in our creaking and leaking sewerage infrastructure which the Government now admits is no longer fit for purpose. These are set out in more detail in the briefing which can be downloaded here. Emailing your MP is simple. Just visit Theyworkforyou.com, enter your post code and when you get to your MP's page click the “send a message” button. Yours sincerely Martin Salter, Angling Trust Head of Policy The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ Telephone: 01568 620447
  9. Best wishes Oli - enjoy your day.
  10. Lovely report - thanks for sharing, ditto re video....
  11. Clickety click Alfie - enjoy your day... 🍺🎂
  12. Enjoy your day Pete..
  13. Have a good day Steve.
  14. Hope you're all having a good day..Make the most of it.
  15. View in browser | Members Update Members Update October 25th, 2021 Environment Bill Update: A message from our CEO Jamie Cook Dear Member A big thank you to all those who took the time and trouble to write to their MPs on the issue of sewage discharges into our rivers and to everyone who supports the work of Angling Trust, Fish Legal and our Anglers Against Pollution Campaign. As you may have heard, the Lords amendment to beef up the Environment Bill and force more action to tackle storm overflows was defeated in the House of Commons on Wednesday (20th October). But that’s not the end of the story. Thanks to the many anglers and supporters who wrote to their MP, 22 Tory MPs defied their party whip and joined the Opposition in support of our campaign by voting for the Lords amendment. This will be key to us keeping the pressure on the government to act, especially if we can increase this number next time around. You can see which MPs voted “No” to the government’s attempt to block the change here. The Environment Bill now goes back to the House of Lords for further debate tomorrow (26th October). Discussion is taking place between campaign groups, including the Angling Trust, and members of the House of Lords around another attempt to secure action. And Anglers Against Pollution continues to fight on other fronts. We are calling on the government to take bold action in giving new guidance to the regulator, OFWAT, to allow more investment in cleaning up our sewage systems and make water companies do more to tackle pollution. We set out the case in our recently published joint report, Time to Fix The Broken Water Sector which is gaining a lot of support and attention. You can rest assured that we are not giving up the fight for cleaner rivers and will continue to press for meaningful action to tackle the scandal of sewage pollution. Thanks again for all you did and we will keep you informed every step of the way. All the best, Jamie Cook, CEO – Angling Trust and Fish Legal Download a copy of our Time to Fix the Broken Water Sector report HERE To find out more about our Anglers Against Pollution Campaign click HERE The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ Telephone: 01568 620447
  16. I wonder what the Awsome Fishing guy uses - seems to work fine..
  17. Only takers a minute to copy & paste letter.....
  18. View in browser | Members Update Members Update October 18th, 2021 24 hours to force the government to stop sewage pollution - please act now! Dear Member Parliament will be debating the Environment Bill on Wednesday (20th October). This is the last chance to make sure the Bill contains firm action to stop raw sewage pouring into our rivers and seas from storm overflows. We need you to EMAIL YOUR MP IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS to ask them to support clause 82 of the Environment Bill and resist any last-minute attempt by the government to weaken this clause. Clause 82 will place a “duty on sewerage undertakers to take all reasonable steps to ensure untreated sewage is not discharged from storm overflows”. This means Water Companies will not just have to monitor and report, they must act to stop this pollution. Please email ASAP as the vote is on Wednesday. Emailing your MP is simple. Just visit Theyworkforyou.com, enter your post code and when you get to your MP's page click the “send a message” button. Ask them to support Clause 82 of the Environment Bill at the Consideration of Lords Amendment debate and to tell them to resist any attempts by the government to change this clause. When writing feel free to tell them how passionate you are about our rivers and seas, and how you want clear and healthy waters fit for fish to swim in and people to enjoy. Template Text Whilst personal emails are more effective we realise that time is short so here’s a form of wording that you can cut, paste and adapt for sending to your own MP: “Dear [Insert Name] MP I am a keen angler and would like you to take action this week to strengthen the Environment Bill to end the scandal of untreated sewage entering our rivers and seas. There were a shocking 400,000 spills from storm overflows in 2020 and Clause 82 of the Environment Bill at the Consideration of Lords Amendment debate on Wednesday (Oct 20) is your chance to make a difference and take a big step towards ending pollution of our rivers and seas from raw sewage. The declining condition of our rivers due to pollution is a national disgrace and flies in the face of government promises ‘to leave the environment in a better condition for the next generation’. As anglers, we see first hand what damage is being done and I urge you to support the Lords Amendment to force water companies to stop pouring untreated sewage into our local rivers and seas which should be a haven for fish and wildlife and something we can all enjoy in safety.” Please act now and thank you for your support. Stuart Singleton-White, Head of Campaigns Martin Salter, Head of Policy. To find out more about our Anglers Against Pollution Campaign Click HERE The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ Telephone: 01568 620447
  19. Thanks for the best wishes everyone - saw grandson's under 8's beat Blandford 15 - 1 so the day started off really well. Saw all the children during the day and a Chinese meal for the two of us in the evening. A memorable day.
  20. Commercial Shore Netting Update A big thank you to everyone who supported our campaign against the Government changing the law to allow commercial shore netters to land and sell sea bass. Unfortunately, the Government has gone ahead and made a law that says the prohibition on landing and selling bass does not apply to bycatches from some commercial shore netting. This legislation seems to us to be ill-founded and incoherent: no bass catch limits no closed season to protect spawning bass. will increase bass mortality, particularly juvenile bass discriminatory against recreational fishing We also have grave concerns about the way this policy decision was made. This is not the way to gain the trust or support of sea anglers. You can read more about this law change on our website by clicking here: https://www.saveourseabass.org/commercial-shore-netting-update-september-2021/ END Contact details: info@saveourseabass.org
  21. You need another garage Jim....😄😆
  22. Enjoy your day..🎂🍺
  23. View in browser | Latest news from the Angling Trust & Fish Legal Atlantic Bluefin Tuna CHART Programme Goes from Strength to Strength We're almost at the halfway in the inaugural season of the UK Atlantic Bluefin Tuna CHART programme. Going into week 6 and the season is going from strength to strength. Over 100 fishing trips have now taken place with over 50 fish being tagged from the 15 authorised vessels within the fleet. Best of luck to all skippers and anglers involved for the rest of the season. Get the Latest Virtual Sea Angling Forums – The Story So Far The interest in our virtual forums on YouTube continues to grow with more than 1750 viewings across all events since we started recording them earlier this year. This coupled with more than 800 total attendees to the actual events show just how interested sea anglers are in the issues we have been covering. Our next IFCA forum is on Thursday 23rd September at 7pm when our guest will be Chief Officer David McCandless from the North-Eastern IFCA. he North Eastern IFCA. You can register for the event using the button below. We are developing ideas on our shark theme and hoping to cover tope angling later in the year as well as getting updates on some of our other shark-related work. What would you like to see us cover in a future sea forum? Tell us by emailing our Marine Coordinator, Nevin Hunter at: marinecoordinator@anglingtrust.net More on Sea Angling Forums Register for North Eastern IFCA Forum 23rd September 2021 Register for Tope Forum with Dr. James Thorburn 7th October 2021 Success at Shoreham Family Fishing Day Another successful family fishing day, sponsored by the Angling Trust, was held on Sunday 12th September and had involvement from several angling clubs, including South Coast Angling Club, Trident Sea Anglers and Southwick Deep Sea Anglers, alongside charter boat New Dawn with skipper Neville Blake. Special thanks to Brett Lomas of Lagoon Bait who donated a tray of worms for the event and to Shoreham Port who provided the venue and hired the toilet facilities. Reg Phillips, Angling Trust Marine Advisory Group member, said "Sixty members of the local community registered to take part in the family fishing day held in Shoreham Port. The weather was perfect on the day for fishing along the North bank and for the mackerel trips out on the charter boat 'New Dawn'. It is so rewarding to be part of an effort made by anglers, local clubs and charter skippers to work together and put on these events each year for the wider community. Special thanks has to go to Shoreham Port for providing the excellent facilities to stage these events, Neville Blake skipper of New Dawn for taking families out mackerel fishing. Also to the South Coast Angling Club, Trident Sea Anglers and the Southwick Deep Sea Anglers who sent members along to help run this event. If other clubs want to get involved in staging similar events in Sussex they can contact me by email at reg.anglingtrustsmr@gmail.com." Angling Trust Supports Greenpeace UK Campaign Against Industrial Fishing The Angling Trust are supporting a Greenpeace campaign calling on the UK government to take immediate and urgent action to protect coastal livelihoods and the health of our oceans. Industrial fishing vessels like supertrawlers and fly-shooters have immense catching capacity and are pushing marine ecosystems and fish populations to the brink of collapse, leaving local fishermen and anglers with nothing left to catch. Greenpeace will be organising a flotilla of vessels all calling for action from government on Wednesday 22nd September. If you would like to take part please get in contact with Angling Trust's Policy & Advocacy Manager, Hannah Rudd, for more details: hannah.rudd@anglingtrust.net Read the Joint Statement Here Fisheries and Seafood Scheme Funding Open There is an exciting future ahead for sea angling in England and Wales. As a result of the Fisheries Act 2020, and sea anglers now having a voice in UK fisheries management, the sea angling community can access government funding through the newly-launched Fisheries and Seafood Scheme. The Angling Trust's vision is that in the years to come there will be both more and bigger fish for us to catch, and a vibrant sport for us all to enjoy. To deliver this vision we will inject greater impetus and resource into developing sea angling participation and representation, and will also be submitting bids to the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme to support our vision for sea angling. Read More Fish of the Month: Tope Tope are renowned for their fighting power and can be targeted via boat fishing but in recent years have been increasingly caught off of beaches around the coastline. Feeding along the seabed most often they will take flounder, pouting, whiting and dabs, occasionally though taking mackerel and herring in mid-water. Breeding in late Winter and Spring they are best targeted in other seasons, though they will be caught year- round. As powerful fish Tope need strong tackle used when being targeted and suggested rigs should have protection against their sharp teeth and rough skin. In all cases we recommend that when caught fish are unhooked as quickly as possible, handled correctly and returned to the sea safely. During some of our Shark-themed forums anglers have asked us to cover Tope and we will be in the forum in October outlined in this newsletter. Why not register and join us online to share your experiences of angling for these great fish. Shark Hub UK: Advocating Best Practice Shark Handling For the future of the sport to thrive it is imperative that there are healthy shark populations, and we must play our role in ensuring this as environmental stewards by following best-practice guidelines. Both the Angling Trust and Shark Hub UK are proud advocates of adhering to best practice handling to ensure the chances of post-release mortality is reduced. Learn More Shark Handling Guides Anglers Against Pollution All rivers lead to the sea and it’s no secret that our marine and coastal environments are suffocating in pollution. From plastics to raw sewage, pollution is having detrimental impacts on our fish, environment and health. You can take action today by signing our petition and sharing your photos of marine pollution online by using the hashtag #anglersagainstpollution and tagging us on social media. You can even go one step further and show your support by wearing an Anglers Against Pollution t-shirt with profits going to support the campaign. Anglers Against Pollution: Find Out More Stay Safe - And Enjoy Your Fishing As Covid restrictions continue to ease across the UK please ensure you are following the rules whilst enjoying your fishing. We all have a duty to abide by the rules in place to save lives and protect the NHS. For further guidance on fishing during the pandemic visit our website: Covid-19 Support Hub Information about fishing in Wales can be found on the Fishing In Wales website Not yet a member? Please join today and support our work Supporting our work to protect and grow the sport you love has never been more important. We have been campaigning for over 10 years to ensure that we have a stronger voice for angling in Parliament, investing in coaching and recruitment to grow our sport, making progress on predation and campaigning to halt pollution of our waters. Become a member for just £29 per year and we’ll give you access to an exclusive list of discounts - plus you can choose a fantastic free gift! Find out more The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350. Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ. Telephone: 01568 620447
  24. Stuie has been invited out by Tony - both on Serenity on Saturday.
  25. A hearty thankyou from me Terry - a very comfortable boat and the skipper assisted me regularly........ Plenty of cups of tea as well and enough fish to make the day even more enjoyable too.
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