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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club Γ—


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Everything posted by Greg

  1. May I suggest before you start discussing the rules and regs (and who or who not is going to be charged to enter etc) that you see if there is enough club junior participants to make it viable for a comp. Brian used to publish a list of juniors who were part of the family membership group. Once that has been established, then you can evaluate whether the comp is viable with club junior numbers. And as I suspect that there may not be enough take up from club member's juniors, then open it up to non member juniors who are closely associated with the club (i.e club member's friends and relatives juniors) I personally agree not to charge an entry fee at all. If all the numbers stack up then a dedicated club member parent would need to take charge and organise the comp (like what happened in the past) as they have a vested interest for it's success. Speaking from experience, it does take a lot of organising, however if successful, it is very rewarding. PS - Unless I am mistaken, I believe the maximum age a junior could be was up to the age of 16 Years ????
  2. Good shout Neil. I have fond memories of being involved with the kids comps and they were great fun. I will be happy to donate a Rod and Real for a prize. Greg
  3. Greg

    I've joined!

    Hi Pete Good to talk to you last night. Well done for getting onto the Forum. Ask away anything you want help with. There is always members partaking on the Forum daily. Greg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Well done Martin. Glad it all worked out. Hope you are able to get out on a slacker tide. Greg
  5. I believe drifting for Whiting is not very productive. We fished the outer Sadler Banks and caught more fish than we could cope with at anchor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Alternatively Martin Strips of squid work equally as well And yes on the bottom. I use a one down and two up rig. Good luck Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Nice of you to be so supportive Jim πŸ˜”
  8. Thanks for the update Mick BTW β€œall work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” Not rally much of a lifestyle at the moment trying to keep up with the cost of living !!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Anyway, Bit difficult for our boats at Cobbs to get out at the moment as the Twin Sails Bridge is permanently down due to damage and repairs. So I could not get out if I wanted to. Good luck to everyone else Greg
  10. Wish I could, working 7 days a week for all of January πŸ˜’
  11. Well Steve, You could write that Chris was the Star performer 🀣🀣
  12. Greg

    Happy Birthday Rob

    Enjoy !!
  13. In my experience December seems to be the month when Whiting venture into the Bay in any numbers and normally stay around to the mid/end of January. I guess Global warming really is starting to affect our fishing seasons. Greg
  14. Me as well Terry, belated Birthday wishes, sounds like you had an interesting day !!! Greg
  15. Well done Graham for sticking it out. You are a braver man than me. I was considering entering, but after being advised by a fellow member of the predicted wind force 4 to 5 south easterlies I knew it would be too uncomfortable for my old Back !!!. So very well done πŸ‘
  16. Greg

    Happy Birthday Mal

    Happy Belated Birthday Wishes Mal, Hope you had a great day, Greg
  17. How did I miss this one !!! Not another one Stuie 🀣🀣🀣 I hope there are scores to come, Hope you had a Great Day, Happy Belated Birthday, Greg
  18. Greg


    Ah....... so that explains it Terry πŸ˜…πŸ˜πŸ˜
  19. Greg

    Kayak Tope Sept 22

    A great watch lofty and very well put together. I intend going out for some Tope fishing on Sunday. I hope you have left enough for us ??? 😁 Greg
  20. Well done Leo, Brave to lift that Huss too. πŸ‘
  21. Well done Rob, just goes to show anyone can win these comps πŸ˜…πŸ˜… You just have to take part. Looking forward to the Cod Comp, Hopefully there may be some summer codling still around at 14 Ozs !!!! which could clinch it !!!!!
  22. Don't speak too soon Martin !!!!
  23. Well that didn't go according to plan!! We decided to fish the harbour entrance, We fished with lures and had a few Bass of no great size. Best went to me at 1lb 8oz
  24. There goes our chances then !!!! Greg Toms and Rob Samways on Marlin - Saturday
  25. Greg

    Air Show

    There you go Colin: Saturday 3rd September Night Air - Dusk Flying start 7.15 PM to 8.10 PM Rolls Royce Spitfire RAF Typhoon Tigers FFT Parachute Display Team Otto the Helicopter We have the Bournemouth Air Festival Programme Cost Β£6 Bought from Waitrose
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