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crazy fred

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Everything posted by crazy fred

  1. well this is the latest list off the NFSA web site so should sort your problems out big is still big though http://www.nfsa.org.uk/teamcomp/comp_fest/...men_weights.pdf
  2. Learn the kids not to want to go in the first place
  3. Looks like you've caught the sun one side more than the other
  4. good place for triggers is durlston bay later in the year ;)also cuba fishing the reef on fly gear we fish for ocean going triggers and they go 20lb and they go like lester piggot being chased by the inland revenue
  5. mike have you tried putting it in a bucket of water yet, if not fill a bucket to the brim and imerse one hand held gps. Next after 5 mins lift out and look at screen if you have 8 satallites you'v done well if the screen is blank you know its not waterproof
  6. those satalites are called geostationary that means they stay still
  7. well i cant believe jesus at all is what it should read
  8. who gives a toss if its big, its big end of story
  10. where's it posted rich but it wont be untill next springs
  11. Good report Kam sounds a nice place but i dont think it's for me. i think if your going to fish abroad go WARM !
  12. i think nice slate tiled floors and polystyrene tiles on the cabin roof " nice" and perhaps pink draylon curtains
  13. yea lookout saturday
  14. well Kam if your upset about the bolts ill wheel clamp him
  15. um 2 but i did return over 200 bream alltogether last week
  16. Well Noby Miles went out on his own boat today Tommy J fishing some far off wrecks cant tell you which ones the bugger wont even tell me. They had some good sport with large pollock and one cod but he convinced me to turn up at 7-30pm to weigh a ling which he thought threatened the club record.Well we played the game of guess the weight and the winner was brainey with a guess of over 20lb .So on the scales it went and turned out to be 20lb 12oz well done Nobby it was close but not close enough but now ive got ling pie for tea tommorow as i had to fillet it for him.
  17. no if it had been the french tesco's the fish would have been considerably smaller
  18. oh i wasn't looking at the navigator if i had i could have given you the numbers dont remember seeing any wreck though
  19. Try john at JT tubes far funnier man and good to deal with, and he tells lies its never ready when he say's it's going to be
  20. noo noo noo noo noo noo noo noo noo
  21. Actually i could do with a good food blender to mix my ground bait up is the price negotiable as moulinex is a bit cheaper
  22. well i spose we could bolt him down tie him up and gag him
  23. Well this is the third time ive written this bloody report let's see if this one works.Tues 2-30pm we leave the dock for a mark 23 miles south of the hook .When we get there the tide is ebbing quite hard but first drift and were in . After about 1 hour we have 21 fish in the 2 to 3-5lb bracket and decide to go looking for bigger specimens.So we steam another 6 miles to fish for the better sized fish only to catch sod all for the next hour looks like we made a big cock up trying to be clever and thinking we knew all about this bassing.So we had a nice steam home in northely winds on the fresh side "nice". Sorry about the short story today but im knackered and hungry. CRAZY and CO
  24. well matt id love to but dont think you could take the stress
  25. well tomorow is the first planed bass sorte so by tomorow night hope fully should have a decent report
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