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Everything posted by crazy fred
Well i wasnt going to write this as ive allready done two reports this week but im bored as were not going fishing today untill 4pm.The day started off getting down the boat early to get tackled up and get the kettle on for when tommy arrived.Well i got down to some polishing and dusting and i could hear this knocking noise so i had a look round and it was tommy limping up the pontoon using his rods as a staff to walk along i couldnt make my mind up whether he looked like moses or jesus the only diference so ive heard it that they didnt go to lap dance clubs but were talk about that another day . Tommy got aboard in his useual athletic way IE falling over the gunnel like a knackered sloth.Well i went below and made coffee while he tackled up and we sat there talking tactics. These consisted of me telling him he was going to get a good paxoing thats like getting well and truly stuffed and he sat there trying to explain that the 48hr comp was this week end .Well with all this going on the wind was non existent the sun was shining and tommy was still trying to tell me the comp was this week end so what the hell was going to go wrong today no wind no rain and Crazy's found a mate . Well we set off at 2pm every thing went ok we rounded the harry and not a boat in sight," fantastic" steamed up to the numbers chucked the triceratops in with the usual splash and clanging of chain and a quick look around for the usual white vented storm petrels but there were none about today but the suns out and no gale of wind. Oh for the commitees sake the triceratops dinosaury sort of thing with three pointed thing sticking out of its head and looks a bit like an anchor . Theres not enough tide yet and were still sheering around in what wind there is, but by the time tommy gets his top on because the ole fella recons its cold im in, nice 2 1/2 lb fish .After 40 mins im 10 to 2 up not looking good for tommy. The day just got better and the fish were of a superb size we stopped counting but probably 50-60 fish all released even the one tommy kept for his tea i threw back while he was making the coffee .We've given up on the bloody sunglasses because you can only torture so many bream i even threatend tommy but he said he knew nothing but i think i already knew that. We pulled upthe hook at 7-30 and got back at 8-00 boat all cleaned so moored up and straight off took a while to convince tommy that he never kept a bream for his tea but he muttered on about some comp he was fishing at week end. So summing up fantastic day and company and it just couldn't get any better oh an tommy wants to get home to get ready for the 48 comp Hmmmm CRAZY and CO
boat bwe fished on in cabo was landing 80 ish tuna and a marlin of over 1'000lb took it they never saw the fish again or the 800yds of line???
so how long was the leader with my time spent game fishing once you touch the leader the fish is classed as landed but if you couldnt see the fish the leader was far to long and if it had been a record fish it would not of counted. Just food for thought not saying you were trophy hunting but seems strange they had such a long leader.I know of one case where a crew touched the line and not the leader in a comp a difference of 6inches and all ended up in court and they lost the prize money of $300,000 dollars, seems us anglers get serious over money CRAZY
whats this partner thing i thought they made chain saws and as for taking photos of myself that sounds a bit strange as well .So i go to sea for 48 hrs with a chain saw and a camera to take pictures of my self doing sod all and probably starving to death because i've forgotten the nosh and sobered up as well, sounds one hell of a week end bring it on lets do it CRAZY ps i like alderney it's where the big fish live
oh forgot to mention i did have a slight conversation with a gannet for about 20 mins but he got a bit snappy so i had to release him .Poor sod got caught up in my line so i thought id better bring him on board and free him up but after 20 mins it was like talking to the wife just kept noding when i said some thing so back he went i've allready got one like that CRAZY
Well its Wed morning and the trees are licking their roots and thats windy in my books but ive promised myself to go fishing.Im not leaving till 1-30 pm so it's got a bit of time to drop of but hey it's SW and it just don't matter as long as i can get there and chuck the lump in . Well it's 1-00pm and it's chucking it down as though its trying to put the so called drought to right in one day with the wind driving it in the groung like javlins "NICE" i thought but its time to go, so i let the ropes go and look like one of those novices trying to moor up except i was trying to let go, bloody wind i must be "mad". Well the usual stuff wind, rain, gale of wind and on my lonesome again must look into this friend thing would be helpfull sometimes .Well i fished from 2-00 till 6-30 for the total of 43 loverly bream in the 2lb-3lb bracket but none of the little gits gave me the nod on who had my bloody sunglasses so im going to have to return poss thursday and squeeze it out of one of the little beggars. So to sum up windy wet plenty of fish but no sunglasses i bet one of those buggers looks right cool wearing them ,i never did so should i keep searching or not??? CRAZY
any one catches a bream wearing a pair of bolle vanadium2 sunglasses id like them back at
god and there gona let you loose on the road god help us all
It's 7-30 and tommy lap dance is on the other end of my phone trying to convince me that i would enjoy a day out with him on the tupperware box illusion. Id allready made plans for my self to fish dancing ledge if i could get there weather permiting.So i told tommy very convincigly that i was devistated that i could not sit with him in a space big enough for two gerbils all day as id allready made plans. I decided that i would leave at ten after having morning coffee on the boat with nobby before he had to go to work god he's got a good life. After sitting there for 1/2 an hour discussing the weather and the wind was it northely or n-westerly 5ish or 6ish i told him it was time for work and i was going what ever.Steaming down the harbour it was fresh but l kept going , the swash was no worse.On turning the corner at Ballard it was definately freshening and low and behold there was tommy anchored up. Now the best way to describe this vision was rampasham radio ie tommy ten rods he was making sure he was going to catch today if he couldn't hook one he was going to tangle one up .I kept on steaming at the sedate speed of 18 knt's across swanage bay towards durlston. On passing the ledge bouy the sea had a lovely ground swell with snow on top and having washed the wheelhouse roof off twice it was time for a management decision . IT doesn't take much when your on your own,so it was spin it round and back to ballard like a scalded cat. I chucked the funny pointed thing over about 1/3 mile off only to find out the wind was bloody fresh and someone had been out with a strimmer on the sea bed all night it was as weedy as hell.so it was time to pull the little red thing round in circles and anchor up 100yds down tide of tommy ten rods .Well this proved a master stroke straight into fish up to 3lb and bucket fulls over 2lb.By 5-20 id had enough it was windy and i was worn out throwing all those fish back . Alex had phoned and asked me to bring him home a bucket full as i dont think he he could believe what he was hearing so he agreed to meet me at the dock and help me moor up as it was bloody fresh.So by 6-00 i was moored up and alex was doing the gutting bit, Id all ready made plans for wed i was going again ,you must make the best of it while the wind blows OR did it used to be while the sun shines. To sum the day up the fishing was unbelievable and the weather was crap ,It was also good to have some intelligent conversation for a change even if it was with myself so untill tomorow Crazy forgot to say large hooks big baits kept them small ones away
no paul his matesdonald
ok rupert so your crap on the computor but try pushing the caps lock button slim them letters down
het its raining and windy so go a liittle economic with reality
well i have to admit is was an upper class cardboard box it was waxed and waterproof ;)and as for shoes didnt' need those living on the sun drenched shores of barbados
i used to fish out of plymouth on boa pescador the ferro concrete thing, but by god we used to nail them pollock and congers and then we would fish portland race using rods along side the comercial boys using hand lines of orange cordine there was serious fishing in them day's
well if i am im good for his age cheeky git but mike and dolly were probably the first to kick it off i just followed as normal. those were the day's when you could catch plenty first year i had girl allison i had 47 doubles biggest 15-6 which was caught in the entrance wont see those times again
i started fishing comercialy for bass in 1976 but there were people who started before myself
any bird that wants to come out to play
where's those damn bass
best i kick this blue thing into touch and find a new one
sounds very cosy to me
well think big thats my thought why put up with a 4 pound bass when you could have an 8 pounder
i've just put up my 52" plasma so i now have a 42" sony plasma and wall bracket for sale
i have to admit top draw but you only get 250grm of fillet off of a 1kilo fish ,plenty waste but some tasty fish