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crazy fred

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Everything posted by crazy fred

  1. Last summer, in poole harbour , located in mid dorset, an hour east of Weymouth, a blonde, new to boating was having a problem. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get her brand new 22-ft Bayliner to perform. It wouldn't plane at high speed at all, and it was very sluggish in almost every maneuver, no matter how much power she applied.After about an hour of trying to make it go, she putted over to a nearby Cobbs Quay marina. Maybe they could tell her what was wrong. A thorough topside check revealed everything was in perfect working order. The engine ran fine, the outdrive went up and down, and the prop was the correct size and pitch. So, one of the marina guys jumped in the water to check underneath the boat. He came up choking on fine Holes Bay water, he was laughing so hard. Under the boat, still strapped securely in place, was the trailer.
  2. electric ray was landed on thursday by a comercial netter in poole thought it was a stinger but when he felt he had been pluged into the mains decided it was an electric ray . the weight of the fish was 6lb
  3. afloat
  4. just out the mould
  5. crazy fred

    Way To Go

    The US Navy today announced that it has released a senior Al Qaeda terrorist after questioning him extensively for 27 days while being held prisoner aboard a US aircraft carrier in the Arabian Sea. In a humanitarian gesture, the terrorist was given $50 US and a white 1962 Ford Fairlane automobile upon being released from custody. The attached photo shows the terrorist on his way home just after being released by the Navy.!
  6. A woman was taking her to sons to school when they started to follow a dustcart along a bumpy road. As they followed the dust cart a dildo fell off the back of the dust cart and smashed into the windscreen of the womans car and bounced off.One of the sons asked her what had hit the windscreen so with a quick thought she said it was a large moth and it was not strong enough to fly out of the way, the boy replied im not suprised with a cock that big!!
  7. so what's the police doing in north africa !!
  8. I think youd be in the same mind set up laying down 3.5 tons of resin and god knows how much matt
  9. it's in there some where
  10. just an idea of size this is one of the accomadation pods
  11. I thought ticket touts charged more thats why your not making millions charlie
  12. very interesting and well put post
  13. well if i go i might be able to sqeeze 8-10 on board
  14. so you trying to tell me im out of the trail away's then !!!
  15. Well ive just had to treat myself to this new toy it arrives in january with all the electronic toy's !! and 740hp www.catapultcatamarans.co.uk
  16. there looking after their own interest like the icelanders did with the cod and that worked any way by the sound of it ,it will take 2-3years to come into force
  17. Its a step forward in conservation but people now say its a principle matter now it afects them directly its a bit like saying its a good thing but not in my back yard
  18. The discard conception is down to the integrity of the skippers who would i hope not go down that road. I have no argument about channel islanders looking after thier fishery for there future even if it does mean they keep a larger part of the quota than visiting boats, its a bit like letting 50 imigrants run round poole for the summer operating fish and chip vans taking the best of it and going home for the winter
  19. Well so much for the conservion brigade i would have thought any form of conservation would be a move in the right direction even if it is a bit one sided. It now seems if you cant keep more than two fish of each species why should any body else!! you should just find it a pleasure just fishing there , if you want to keep shed loads of fish stay local its cheaper and your allowed to keep 25kg of fish a day per person.
  20. food for thoug ht
  21. so when they develop all that nice tarmac where the hell are the visitors going to park??
  22. tom they dont catch sharks at the moment though
  23. rows and rows of tupperware boxes with hmmmmmm
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