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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. When I picked up Fugazi from the repair shop the owner said Martin had been in discussing something with him. So as there was a new diesel engine still boxed on a pallet by the door I think Maverick is being converted to diesel. Gordon H
  2. As the number of trailable boats increases, costs of launching will soar (its all about supply and demand). More boats to trail therefore increase road tax on 4 x 4's Introduce pollution tax on all recreational craft Let
  3. Fugazi


    Unfortunately I had to leave early last night, but the one thing I did take away from the BASS presentation was that Bass are territorial and the importance of keeping marks circumspect. For those who weren
  4. Me2
  5. Fugazi

    20-25k Boat

    Jason, Don't make the same mistake I did and buy without a sea trial, it
  6. Sad to say, but I
  7. Used to be like that where I live, but Sam's right, it has been updated very recently and I can now see my boat on the drive. Could this be why the boat stealing fraternity are moving further inland? They can now search for their next target from the comfort of their own (or someone else
  8. I'm still going to take the plug out of my rotary lawn mower before I clean it up for winter storage. Just in case, Gordon H
  9. Alun, Unfortunately I'm away this weekend, but can I get my name down early for the following weekend please, please, please? Gordon H
  10. Same thing happened to me off Hill Head in the Solent on a flat calm day running the Arvor 21 at about 10 knots. Suddenly the boat was overtaken by a wave that broached it over to the port gunnels throwing my father in law and I across the wheelhouse onto deck. I thought we were going right over it was that bad. What caused this incident? A tsunami? No, it was the wake from the Isle of Wight ferry. Never felt safe in that boat again, so glad when I swapped it for the Raider 18 which like the Warriors handles all sea condition without any fuss. However, I know not all pilot house boats are like this so a sea trial is essential to find out which ones are. Gordon
  11. The problem turned out to be a gasket seal which has dried out with age and curled upwards allowing water to track under and corrode until finally compromising the seal. All credit to the dealership they are trying to get Marine Power Europe to contribute towards this repair, but I'm not as optimistic as they seem to be because the engine is now one month outside of the 3 year warranty. At the moment I
  12. I had a look at the new 585 on Jeanneu's main web site which also runs a video of the boat in action. Looks a fantastic trailable pocket cruiser that would satisfy both those fishing and family days out equally well. Only thing I've found with the closed wheelhouse type fishers is that 2 people can't sit in the cabin and fish in shelter because the bulkhead/sliding door is in the way. You have to sit out in the cockpit as the wind whistles round the sides of the wheelhouse and this gets a bit chilly. That
  13. Thanks guys, I
  14. It gets worse; I now have Fugazi back less engine which is in kit form all over the repair shop awaiting parts. As the parts are on 3 week back order and Xmas is approaching fast I may not get back on the water until next year. I'm away this weekend, but if anyone needs crew over the next few weeks I would appreciate an invite. Gordon H
  15. Martin, The maximum power rating for my boat is 140hp and considering top speed with only 75hp is 28knots I dont think I would have the bottle to try and keep up. I think it would give a top speed of around 50 knots and on anything other than a mirror calm sea that would be scary. Gordon H
  16. Gordon, Considering what Charlie has said about a similar problem with Honda 4 strokes, it sounds like lack of durability could be the down side of 4 stoke outboards. I
  17. Mike, What Adam says about C of G is true especially if you look at Arvor
  18. Cheers Simon, Don't know anything about the condition of plugs, etc; as I never look at them I just check the oil level occasionally, but obviously not enough. Last time I looked the oil level and condition appeared normal about 30 hours ago. Regarding the engine running I have had no problem at all, or reason to suspect anything wrong. On the rare occasions when I do give it a short blast it hits the 5,600 rpm figure, although I usually run it at around 4,200rpm giving me a very economical 20 knot cruise speed. The dealer has already checked the cylinder compression and found that it
  19. Martin, Yes it all went wrong when our paperwork got left in the car because we were in such a rush to get out fishing. Anyway, at least in this competition I can feel quietly confident that I could have made a place on the leader board if it had not been for a minor technicality. Not deterred by this I
  20. Fugazi

    Floatation Suit ?

    I've got a 2 piece, but hardly ever wear it as it
  21. Just put my Mercury 75 four stroke in for its 3rd annual service and had a call from the dealership to say that the sump oil had turned to cream cheese. Water getting in the works somewhere so a major strip down is required to fix the problem. Looks like around
  22. Guys, I think this is the problem, despite having the fish weighed twice, once by Paul on the table scales and Charlie on the big ones, no one gave me return slip! As it was the first competition that I have actually weighed a fish in didn't know I had to get one. Lesson learnt for next time. Gordon H
  23. I can't believe it, my 1lb 8oz (50%) Pout was weighed in by Charlie but no mention of it and my rightful place in this illustrious hall of fame is missing. Outrageous. Gordon H
  24. Promising start as we set off in the shelter of the Purbeck
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