Ownership of the wreck changed again in 1985 when I and two friends bought the wreck from her owners at the time of loss, John Kelly & Co of Belfast. Interestingly the brass letters on the bow stated she was the Castlereagh but the bell still had Firth Fisher engraved on it.
The wreck is only small and since the mid 80s the wreck has totally collapsed leaving very little to show on the echo sounder. It also lies across the tide so it
Coat hangers?
If you deploy your Alderney ring set up from the side using a clip on painter, make a large loop in the main line to clip on with. Then once the anchor is set just pull in the painter through the bow roller onto the foredeck and place the loop over the Samson post. Buoy is then sitting nicely on the main line at the bow ready to retrieve with no problem; you only need a coat hanger if you don
Any item of equipment that improves safety is worth having, but don't rely on it out in the shipping lanes. I can recall one instance when returning from a mid channel wrecking trip we observed a large container ship heading west at full speed and as we slowed down to let it pass we noticed there was no one in attendance on the Bridge!
Moral of the story being keep a good lookout yourself and try to avoid being out in fog (very bad).
Gordon H
I managed to get out on Saturday with a my diving mate in his boat to show him how to catch bream. Armed with an industrial size bait dropper we set off to the Ledge where we met Adam and Gordon who had already caught a few so we joined them and the other 14 boats on the hot spot. Unfortunately we could only find dogfish, so we moved inshore to one of Alun J's marks and without using the baitdropper managed to find some nice table size bream there.
Gordon H
Just thought it worth sharing with you a heart warming story of good customer service. As you know my Mercury 75hp was very ill just before Christmas with a corrosion problem that had caused cooling water to enter the oil sump. Unfortunately the engine was a few months out of warranty so I was facing a very large bill for the strip down and rebuild.
However, without me asking, Paul at Yellow Penguin offered to try and get Mercury Marine to contribute towards the repair. It's worth noting that I didn
Congratulations on your new boat, I think you've made an excellent choice considering what we were discussing at the February club meeting. All the best with your future fishing ventures aboard her.
Gordon H
I also renewed my boat insurance this year with Craft Insure as they were very competitive. However, I would have gone with Saga who were even cheaper, but were a bit slow in giving me a quote. You do have to be an old git though to use them.
Gordon H
If you guy's wanna do this in April, Fugazi will be back in commission then and I would like to get some on the water action shots. Providing its a weekend count me in for the flotilla shots as I'm not one of the retired just yet!
Gordon H
Thanks guys,
After a weekend wandering around the various electricals and deciding yes I'll take that one, only to be told "its out of stock" I got on the internet and ordered a Plasma. Not enough HD programs being broadcast yet to justify the cost of a 1080p LCD, although they do look fantastic. Can't wait to watch Matt and Henry fishing on the BIG screen as soon as it arrives.
Gordon H
Yesterday I visited Portland Coastguard headquarters on Weymouth Quay with the dive club for a guided tour of the facilities and to see how they manage diving emergencies.
A couple of the guys from the club had just completed their VHF course during which it was implied by the instructor that the frequent requests heard for radio checks were not appreciated by the CG. We put this view to the CG and I thought it might be worth sharing their response that this was not the case because they like to know who's about and where.
As well as not needing a prop bag you'll find that Jet drives are really safe for diving and you won't get any more line or rope caught round the prop.
Gordon H
Thanks for a really good day out Alun, as usual you out fished me again, but I notice that I have managed to catch you up in one area.
Yes, I too have become a SHARK CHASER
Onwards and upwards,
Gordon H
I know just how you feel
One summers day I let my wife loose with a fishing rod dangling a perk in the water to keep her amused while us guy's did some serious fishing. After a couple of drifts in Poole Entrance she uttered the classic sentence