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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Fugazi had a good day and fish to record were 4 dogfish (10) 4 Bream (15) & 4 pout (5) total score 30 points. Really good to find some nice bream still about, kept a couple of 2lb plus ones eating and just had one baked in sea salt for dinner. Gordon H
  2. I'll be out on Fugazi with Chris Gould (not a club member). Gordon H
  3. Last year I was fortunate enough to win an Ambassaduer 7000CS proRocket multiplier in the Cod competition and have been using it ever since. So far it has proved to be a smooth reliable reel and is in fact nicer to use than my Penn 310GTi. I have not experienced any problems with corrosion at all, but I do wash it off with fresh water and spray it with WD40 after each trip. Although it has made in Taiwan stamped on the bottom I had a quick look on the net it appears to be about twice of the C4
  4. There is no easy way to keeping bearings and brakes in A1 condition except a monthly (without fail) complete strip down of bearings and brakes. Wash out all the emulsified grease and re-pack with waterproof high temp grease. I've managed to do this since new and the bearings and brakes are still in excellent condition after 3 seasons use. Unfortunately it's a real chore, but by doing the job regularly means it takes only one hour a month to do both sides. The only problem so far has been a sticking brake caused by a seized cable earlier this year so I'm now going to be removing and re-oiling them every 6 months as well. Gordon H
  5. Fugazi had a good days fishing with plenty of dogfish and pout on the ray mark and then closer inshore where half a dozen table size bream a couple of bass and a few mackerel made it a good day out in the sunshine, but no ray's or bream. Gordon H
  6. Just got back from Padstow, Team Fugazi checking in for tomorrow's comp. Gordon H
  7. Happy Birthday Paul Best Wishes Gordon H
  8. Fugazi

    Abu 6500c3

    Martin, I didn
  9. Jack, Apples, bread and chickens for rubby dubby, could this be the problem? Gordon H
  10. Team Fugazi will be fishing the competition on 14/10 Gordon H
  11. Fugazi


    I'm keen to get some as well, when are we going? Gordon H
  12. Done Gordon H
  13. Fugazi

    Sat 22nd

  14. Fugazi

    Boat Show

    Martin, The one we bought was an Igloo Maxicold 50 @
  15. Fugazi

    Boat Show

    I paid a visit to Tom yesterday at the show and had a look at a few potential upgrades for Fugazi. Unfortunately, my wife wasn
  16. Heidi and I are going and will definately be looking at the new 705, don't get too exited Tom I'm picking up my new 4 x 4 tomorrow so the piggy banks already empty! Gordon H
  17. Fugazi

    Leeward 18

    Tried one at the Southampton boat show once on a very choppy day and they are excellent, can really take a rough sea head on and very stable in the turns. Add this to the fact that they are built like a proverbial brick s/h and I would have bought one immediately after the demo, but the guy selling wouldn
  18. Heidi and I will be out on Fugazi for some early Bass fishing Gordon H
  19. Fugazi


    With no replies I had to make a decision last night to go diving instead, saw Gordon Moore at Mudeford slip after his all night session. Dived whats left of the Sirrana bows and found it to be the home of plenty of large bass, huge mullet and wrasse (big pink ones with white spots) that looked like groupers. Next time I'll take some rods. Gordon H
  20. Fugazi

    Dive Shop

    If anyone requires some really cheap dive kit then contact me before it goes to the car boot sale on Sunday. Items for sale include membrane dry suit, life jacket, fins, torches etc and all for just a few pounds. PM me for details, especially Sam if your'e on a tight budget. P.S. None of it is rubbish, just a bit dated. Gordon H
  21. Fugazi


    Dommy if you want crew for tomorrow I'm available as I dont have any crew for my boat either. Gordon H
  22. Provisionally Fugazi will be there, but it depends on how early my flight gets in from Boston on Saturday. Gordon H
  23. Fugazi

    Anchor Retrieval

    Was it a 5kg plough anchor with plenty of ground chain buoyed off to a white plastic can? Gordon H
  24. Adam, Sorry to hear you're having the same problem I had, how old is the engine? Should be a warranty claim if less than 5 years, my Mercury was just out of its 3 year warranty but the dealer managed to get 50% towards the repair from Marine Power Europe as a good will gesture. Gordon H
  25. Charlie, I would like two please. Gordon H
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