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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Fugazi


    Absolutely essential on a Raider 18 Wheelhouse, otherwise you are either blown uptide, or with wind and tide together, downtide at a speed to match any sail boat running before the wind. However, deployment of a drogue holds the boat side on to the tide and so you get a perfect drift with the tide. I've also got a spare if you need it. Gordon H
  2. My usual crew has jumped ship for a holiday in sunny Cornwall so I'm looking for crew on Sunday for Fugazi. If I don't get anyone I'm available to crew? Gordon H
  3. Fugazi

    For Sale

    Oh it did work!
  4. Fugazi

    For Sale

    Re the Warrior for sale I've tried to add some pictures but as its not worked will bring along tomorrow as well. Gordon H
  5. Fugazi

    For Sale

    OK Charlie, I'll bring it up to tomorrow's meeting. Now Iv'e sold the anchor for him he's also selling the boat, if anyone is interested its a Warrior 165 (1999/2000) Twin 40hp Mariner 4 stokes (just had
  6. Fugazi

    For Sale

    If anyone is interested, I'm selling on this anchor for my diving buddy
  7. Adam, Congratulations and best wishes to you and Rach From Gordon & Heidi
  8. Sunday's lure competition started off well, but I was a bit concerned about the great white sighted off Mudeford (see photo), think I need a bigger boat! Gordon H
  9. Great news, I get back from holiday on Saturday the 1st August, put me down to fish on Fugazi. Gordon H
  10. You may already have heard about this but early next week all UK mobiles will be on a directory which will mean that anyone will be able to access your numbers. It
  11. Thanks Guys, Not doing much fishing at the moment as the diving season is in full swing, visibility under water has been really good. Enjoying fresh scallops and Dover sole on a regular basis and most weekends I'm down west. Hope to get out after the bass when Im back from a couple of weeks holiday to Wales later this month. Gordon
  12. Fugazi

    New boat

  13. I'd planned to fish the 48 hour, but after 11 hours on the water Friday steaming 75 miles just to draw a complete blank I lost the enthusiasm for it. Decided to gain a few brownie points by keeping the FPO company on Saturday and Sunday. Gordon H
  14. Adam, Although I was booked in for the competition I was unable to fish it. Apologies, Gordon H
  15. Paul, If I can get crew I should be able to leave Christchurch entrance around 0800 onwards. If I can't get crew and you can fit me in that would be great. Gordon
  16. Yep! Anyone want to join me? Gordon H
  17. I'll take Fugazi if I can get crew. Any offers? Gordon
  18. 1) Adam F 2) Alun J 3) Paul Jennings 4) Charlie Chapman 5) Dan Chapman 6) Jon Parker (Soleman) 7) Colin Francis 8) Bobi Francis 9) Gordon Holt
  19. Fugazi


    Went out of Xchurch on low water this morning about 08.30 and it was quite windy and rough with a big swell going across to dive Swanage Bay. We were in a RIB and it certainly would not have been a day to go out to the Rips in my Raider, the boat could take, it but I could'nt. A motor boat capsised off Christchurch while we were out and 4 people had to be rescued from the water so it must have been rough on the Ledge. As the forecast for tomorrow is similar F3 - 4 easterly I think I'll leave it for another and better day. Despite the conditions I managed to get wet and now have fresh scallops for tea. Gordon H
  20. Fugazi


    Is the BS ground fishing well at the moment then? I could be tempted out, but the easterly wind forecast is putting me off I would be looking for crew on Fugazi if anyone is interested? Gordon H
  21. Gordon H and Chris Gould will be fishing the comp on Fugazi
  22. Gordon H and Chris Gould will be on Fugazi
  23. The Alaska show was the first one I'd seen and I really enjoyed it, the scenery and the way of life was so different I've added Alaska to my bucket list. Not really a fishing programme, more a travel show with some fishing included. Gordon H
  24. Great report considering the time of year Well Done Gordon H
  25. Fugazi

    Galley Update

    Thanks Bob, I was considering the Wavebox for use on the boat and in my caravan, but as it looks like I would need a seperate battery I'll just get a small cheap 220v unit for the caravan. Thanks, Gordon
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