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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Well done Alun it looks like all that extra fishing time spent since retiring is paying off and proving that the more you practice the luckier you get. Keep this up and I can see you being selected for the England team and winning the Suzuki National Boat League Final in 2008. Gordon H
  2. Didn
  3. I don't think I can manage the excitement of another flounder competition following last weekends pressure. With the forecast as good as it is, Fugazi will be off shore tomorrow trying to catch some whiting or perhaps even a cod. Good luck to everyone in the competition and Happy Xmas all. Gordon H
  4. The forecast is now absolutely in agreement with my seaweed & pine cone weather station so Fugazi will be in the harbour tomorrow! Gordon H
  5. Despite the usual dancing around their handbags most of the official predictions seem to be forecasting an easterly with wind speed from 10 to 17 mph. They are all still wrong as the empirical data recorded from my sea weed and pine cone weather station still indicates SE 4-5.
  6. Fugazi

    Try this then

  7. I heard that a teddy bear bought at the weekend for
  8. I've thought about investing in a keep net which seems a good idea for competitions like the open where you only need to weigh in the heaviest fish. I assume it would work for sea fish the same as fresh water, the only problem being if you need to move location. Any recommendations on best type to get? Gordon H
  9. Fugazi

    Drug testing.

    I've got a great new prescription drug, I recently started to increase the daily dose as instructed and the side effects are about the same as drinking 4 or 5 pints of Old Speckled Hen. At work last week the room started spinning and I could hardly walk in a straight line to get to the window for fresh air and a glass of water! The brand name is NIAspan, anyone else on this stuff; apparently it contains Nicotinic acid so it must be like having a first ciggy? Much cheaper than booze or fags though! Gordon H
  10. Paul, Sound like a good plan lets get it sorted for the 16th. Gordon
  11. For Sale
  12. Done I've sent him this:- Dear Martin, I am writing to thank you for your efforts in trying to ensure that the UK has a sustainable and sensibly managed long term Bass fishing industry and to say that I am extremely disappointed with the ministers short term decision not to increase the MLS. Having listened to your questions put to Jonathon Shaw on 22nd November I can only say that his complete disregard for the scientific recommendations and conservation arguments that have been made over the last 5 years is unbelievable. Regarding any proposal to introduce a sea fishing license I would fully support this providing the funds raised were used exclusively to improve angling and support conservation issues. However, if it was introduced and ended up being used to fund another 3 years of study into the pros and cons of increasing the MLS, or worse still became yet another stealth tax, it would be a complete disaster both for fish stocks and the Labour Party It
  13. Sorry James but I've been inundated with 2 offers already and Fugazi is now fully crewed. Thanks Gordon
  14. Top Knot Blennies and Sea Scorpions love e'm
  15. Crew needed for next Sunday, expert knowledge of how to catch flounders in excess of 5lb required or previous experience in winning major sea fishing competitions essential. Losers need not apply as there's one already on board! Gordon H
  16. Do It! You know you want too Gordon H
  17. Thanks Brian, You have a PM Gordon
  18. Having recently experienced intermittent noise on my VHF I removed the old antenna as it was broken at the base, fitted a new one and replaced the coaxial cable. Now there is no radio background noise and I can hear the coastguard broadcasts and stations talking to them clearly, so far so good. Assuming this is all on high power I think that I may still have a problem with low power because last Saturday I heard virtually no traffic on channel 6. There were a few broken conversations but considering how many boats were out it was too quiet. I know there is a radio/antenna test set available commercially for about
  19. Fugazi


    Great result Alun and if this was only a practice run then your chances in the competition are looking good. Wish you and Heidi had managed to talk me into going with you today. Gordon H
  20. I have been very impressed with my trusty Penn 310GTi reel which has given years of excellent service. So last Friday I went into my local tackle dealer to purchase one of the new Penn bait runner reels but the dealer told me that Penn have been bought out by Shakespeare and all the new Penn reels are now made in the Far East. His opinion was that the quality is now inferior to the original US built ones, so it looks like Penn have joined the other well known brand names in out sourcing manufacture. His recommendation was to buy a cheaper reel as they were all made by the same manufacturer anyway, has anyone got any inside information to confirm this? If true, it sounds like all future reels will be short life throw away items no matter what you purchase.
  21. It
  22. Reading about Alan's crab has just reminded me that I hauled up a nice edible crab on the Sunday before last and it weighed in at 3lb 6oz. Made me think is there a club record for edible crab? Gordon H
  23. Simon, If you want a trip out on Fugazi your welcome, only problem is the forecast is looking wet and windy. Gordon
  24. Don't be too hard on yourself Pete, the Everleigh hasn't broken up much so most of the bigger fish are inside the wreck, I've dived it several times and not seen many free swimmers above it other than pout. It's a good wreck for diving, but if your going to go that far out I'll PM you a better one for fishing. It lies with the tide, is really big and has plenty of accessible fish on it, (in the summer anyway). Of course that doesn
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