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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. None whatsoever, the FPO has gone to Spain to stay with her Mum and Dad for the Bank Holiday so I can go Sat, Sun and Monday! Anybody want crew for Sun and Monday? Gordon H
  2. Gordon and Chris on Fugazi are up for it if the weather is Gordon H
  3. A new priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak. After mass he asked the monsignor how he had done. The monsignor replied,
  4. While I agree with the points made that Baiter lacks facilities, its worth remembering that it is cheap at
  5. Unfortunately I don't have a pass this weekend, I'm taking the FPO away for a short break. Gordon H
  6. Maybe not, but Paul Dore has now got me so paranoid about this that the inability to catch mackerel on Sunday seemed to support his theory. Around I noted the anchored boats seemed to be landing them, but all we managed to catch was the aurally impaired specimen in the shoal! Thanks to Terry for the very helpful advise on float fishing for Bass which resulted in my first ever float caught one. Gordon H
  7. Thanks Guys, Alun I might be tempted out further on Sunday, depends on the weather! Gordon
  8. Chris Gould and I will be fishing the competition on Fugazi. Gordon H
  9. Thats some of the best Purbeck stone wall pointing I've ever seen! Gordon H
  10. Just as good but much cheaper, try galvanised garden wire at about
  11. Thanks Tom, Your 17 turn knot is definitely "alright" being simple and easy to tie, so much easier than the one I've been using. I could never remember or tie it without the instructions which I found on the back of a packet of braid, they were more complex than quantum physics. Gordon H
  12. Friday's out as I'm picking up my in-laws from the airport and Sunday were at a wedding, so the only chance I have is Saturday and that's not looking good. Hope the weathers kind and that all those taking part have a great weekend. Gordon
  13. Fugazi


    My mate has a Warrior 165 and he's installed glass windows which have transformed the boat, no more looking around the side of the cabin to see where your going. Think it was quite expensive to get them specially made but if your interested I'll ask him who did it and how much. Regards Gordon
  14. I'm meeting PJ and Co 0700hrs @ Baiter so we should have Fugazi in and ready to go in time to meet up with you guys by 0730hrs. Cleared the boat of all excess kit today and now have a mountain of boxes, rope, spare anchor, chain, fenders, covers, weights, etc in the garage. I,m hoping that reducing displacement by about 100kg will improve fuel economy tomorrow! Gordon
  15. Paul, I don't see my buddy Chris Gould's name in the results, he should be a member as I gave his membership fees direct to Bob F at last months meeting. He still hasn't received his membership confirmation yet so looks like somethings gone wrong. Gordon H
  16. Great day to be out but fish wise a complete disaster, at the first mark it was really slow. Chris the crew had 4 bream all between 1lb 7oz and 1lb 9 oz and I had just one tiddler at 12oz. I decided that they wern't going to get any bigger and headed off to search elsewhere convinced there would be bigger ones, but it just got worse! Gordon H
  17. Fugazi

    Boarding steps..

    Alun, After your recent catch reports, when I first read this I thought you were just going to invite the fish to step aboard! Gordon
  18. Paul, Chris and I will be joining in on Fugazi. Gordon H
  19. Paul, It's not the boat for you Paul as you've pointed out to me many times, the problem lies with the Raiders gull wing hull shape. The constant wave action slapping against the hull tunnel at anchor scares the fish! Gordon
  20. Due to unforeseen circumstance (my regular crew contracting a horrendous and highly contagious skin condition), I
  21. Fugazi

    Solent help

    We have caught them off Hill Head Gordon
  22. Sounds horrible, but at least it was your wedding ring and not tackle that got caught! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Gordon
  23. Fugazi

    Solent help

    Mark, Expect a long walk then! We always used to do this, but a couple of years ago Christchurch council decided they were loosing too much revenue. To resolve the problem they double yellow lined every road within a one mile radius of the Quay and raised the daily parking fees on the quay accordingly to maximise there opportunity. We now have to park in a friend
  24. Fugazi

    cool boxes

    Martin, I recycle large used freezer bags, just fill them with water and put them in the fridge. Once frozen lay in an old plastic sink bowl cover with a tea towel and smash the ice into bits with a small hammer. Safety tip here: - always wear your safety glasses when doing this, or as Alun suggests use frozen plastic bottles instead to avoid the need for all of this!' Gordon
  25. Fugazi

    Reels needed

    The FPO was in Florida last month on business so I asked her to bring me back a 320LD which she is keeping for my birthday present. Quite a bit cheaper from Bass Pro at around
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