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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Can't seem to add more than one picture to a post even when both are under the upload limit. Gordon
  2. I managed to take a couple of pictures, one at the start before it roughed up and one at the end of the comp close inshore where it was sheltered. The rest of the day I needed both hands to hold on! Gordon
  3. Dom, Go for the eels, we had no luck at all yesterday trying for bream on a couple of proven bream marks. However, Chris my crew managed to hook up with a nice eel that took a squid bait dangled amongst the rocks! Gordon
  4. I have unsealed bearings on my trailer and have just replaced them after three seasons use, I'm hoping to double the life with the flush kit fitted. Having always launched as soon as possible after arriving at the slip and not worried about a cool off period doesn
  5. Fugazi

    Hub Flush Kit

    Hi Terry, Thanks for the offer Terry but the good news is that Iv'e managed to work it out and fit the spray nozzles behind the trailing shoes. At first I thought that this would prevent a good circulation of water but hopefully as you can see in the attached photo it seems to soak most of the brake system quite well. Gordon
  6. Fugazi will be taking part in the competition as the trailer is now back together (complete with hub flush kit). Gordon
  7. Fugazi

    Hub Flush Kit

    Cheers Brian, It
  8. Fugazi

    Hub Flush Kit

    Cheers Coddy, The picture of the nozzle spraying suggests I will have to locate it just behind the trailing brake shoe. Of course this is not the recommended position shown in the instructions, but they depict an installation on a different manufacturers brake system. All I can do is try it and monitor how effective it is and possibly do a write up on how things progress. Regards, Gordon
  9. Fugazi

    Hub Flush Kit

    I was talking to Terry (Plaicemat) after last nights meeting about the best position to fit hub flush spray nozzles on my trailer brake backplates. He wasn't sure if his was a Knott brake system like mine, so if anyone has experience of fitting these I would appreciate it if you could X mark the spot on the attached photo. Cheers, Gordon
  10. Unfortunately Martin, I think its more an "age thing", my diving buddy and I were having a similar moan about things at the weekend and it occurred to us that somehow we had become just like those 2 infamous "Old Gits" Gordon H
  11. I suspect that after a few more years of commissioning studies to decide if there is a need to commission another study, the final study will inevitably conclude that the marine bio mass diversity has reached critically low, non viable levels. At this point it will be blindingly obvious to all at DEFRA that there is an urgent need to commission a study into what went wrong. However, in the meantime it will be necessary to introduce sea fishing licences for leisure anglers in order to fund these studies, reduce global warming and protect the environment. Gordon H
  12. Fugazi

    Old Age

    An old fisherman strolling along the quay asks his wife, "Do you remember the first time we made love together over fifty years ago? We went behind this very quayside tavern and you leaned against the back fence where we shared a passionate embrace" "Yes, she says, "I remember it well." "OK," he says, "How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it again for old time's sake?" "Oh Charlie, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy, but good idea!" A police officer overhears their conversation and having a chuckle to himself, thinks I've got to see this and follows just to keep and eye on them and make sure there's no trouble. The elderly couple walk haltingly along, leaning on each other for support aided by walking sticks. Finally, they get to the back of the tavern and make their way to the fence. The old lady lifts her skirt, the old man drops his trousers and as she leans against the fence, the old man moves in. Suddenly they erupt into the most furious love making that the policeman has ever seen. This goes on for about ten minutes while both are making loud noises, moaning and screaming. Finally, they both collapse, panting on to the ground. The policeman is amazed. He thinks he has learned something about life and old age that he didn't know. After about half and hour of lying on the ground recovering, the old couple struggle to their feet and put their clothes back on. The policeman, is still watching and thinks to himself, I've got to ask them what their secret is. So, as the couple passes, he says to them, "Excuse me, but that was something else. You must've had a fantastic sex life together. Is there some sort of secret to this?" KEEP READING Shaking, the old man is barely able to reply, "Fifty years ago that wasn't an electric fence."
  13. Fugazi

    Diesel Tax?

    I wonder how much longer before private watercraft users have to pay for an annual boat licence? Gordon H
  14. I'm off to Spain tomorrow and my Father in Law has arranged a lake fishing trip in the mountains, target species Carp! If I catch any I'll post the pictures (they're supposed to be monsters). Gordon H
  15. Heidi and I have just enjoyed some of yesterdays Whiting for tea and they were excellent, thanks Pete for the trip out on Reflections 2. What a great day out on the water yesterday with weather that was almost like a summer
  16. Chris Gould? is there another Chris Gould, or is there something your'e not telling me Chris? Fed up with crewing for me? Looks like I could be looking for replacement crew! Gordon H
  17. Fugazi shadowed the fleet out to the secret mark, but it was abundantly clear that it was only a secret to me. No problem with my anchor not holding, but unfortunately the retrieval buoy managed to unclip itself and make a break for freedom. Funny how an anchor holds on and grips like limpet to the sea bed when you want to recover it and chase after an errant buoy. While I struggled for what seem ages with the bow of the boat being pulled under by the strength of tide "Ow Much" (much appreciated) chased off towards the IOW to catch it. Then as Ow Much had moved I had to travel inshore a mile or so to collect it, at which point it was quite lumpy so we decided to stay and fish there. Problems then continued as I dropped the anchor for a second time, the cable decided to tangle itself up half way down. This was due to me having pulled 70 metres of it in through the forward hatch when trying to recover it earlier, (normally its recovered using a lazy line into a rope bin). Due to the strong tide and wind while I was sorting this out we had drifted quite a way and when we finally hooked in again we were very close to another boat who wasn
  18. I'm hoping to take Fugazi out for a whiting bash Sunday so might see you guys out there. Gordon H
  19. For my last weight making session I used galvanised garden wire from my local ironmongers. I know FOC stainless is better, but I was desperate and at 25mtrs for
  20. Fugazi

    At last!

    How about "Whale Whisperer" for the next level up? Gordon H
  21. Fugazi

    At last!

    Congratulations Terry, Having joined this elite club no doubt your future posts will be of a more esoteric nature. Gordon H
  22. Fugazi


    Alun, If the weather window materialises on Saturday Fugazi will be going out for a quick whiting session,
  23. Fugazi

    Fish Preperation

    I was very impressed by the fish preparation demonstration given by Adam and Alun at a club meeting a couple of months ago. Unfortunately, having failed to catch any trigger fish it's all rapidly becoming a distant memory so I wondered if it would be possible to repeat this some time in the future and perhaps make a short video which could be put into the video section for future reference? Gordon H
  24. Fugazi


    Paul, Your'e booked in as 1st Mate for Sunday @ Lymington, launching at 0800hrs. Gordon
  25. Fugazi


    Lymington looks the best option at the moment, I'm happy to crew or take Fugazi out if the weather is OK. Any offers? Gordon H
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