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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. sounds like small bream biting to me, you would need a tiny size 4 or a carp hook if you want to catch them....... You best to keep with the 3/0, keep changing the bait and wait for something bigger to come and eat it!
  2. Thanks for posting that for me Paul. The weight was 19lb 2oz and yes was caught on a spinning rod in shallow water she was a monster undulate ray, thick as brick! and my heart sank when it went just under 22lb in the net I was a bit jealous especially as it smashed my PB and its the second time hes done that this year! he had a 12lb 12oz bass earlier this year, I'm going to have to find a new fishing buddy

    Any Help Lads

    Looks like you didnt need any help! nice thorny James
  4. Hi Alun yep I do still wet a line when you saw me in the run that was my second trip out in 24hours! Fished Thursday night, we had a good mixed catch with one fish a bit special a 19lb 2oz undulate ray on a carp rod and a 2/0 hook not to me though, it was angled by mark my crew, It battled like a demon and was the biggest ray and I think specimen fish Ive had on the Raider!, she went back to get even bigger and threaten that british record. I have some good pics on my camera and will load them up soon. Tight lines James


    Hi Corky You got it then! well done chap, I'll buddy you out of Christchurch if you give me a shout, Ive got a week off so out tomorrow and Monday if the weather holds James
  6. Crikey! she's come on loads,I didnt realise how long ive not had a PC, the last time I saw her she was swinging into your garden on a crane, she looks an absolute beauty Super job Charlie.
  7. I hope your wrong Mike Ive got nearly three weeks off work in August.
  8. Hi Andy I'll have to try and join you out there one night. I better dust off my light gear and my size 4's, I'm missing a nice bit of Dover sole for my dinner
  9. Super catch guys, there's some nice bass out there, and two 10lbers on demand for the bass comp! great angling James
  10. Good luck for sunday Chaps, this would have been a good one to fish gutted As long as those matches are on sundays,I dont think I'll ever be able to fish one again!!!!! Also I better rejoin the club first At least Ive got a pc back now so i can keep an eye on whats been caught. That looks like not much this year due to that weather looks like I took a good year to do the family thing James
  11. Good effort Alun, those bass dont seem to have gone this year
  12. Great Eel Duncan,I might have to dust DR of soo n and go and find a few myself . There seems to be a few snakes out there at the mo some one recored 3 over 72lb !!!!! on anouther forum from the bay last week. James
  13. Lovely cod Dom ,well done James
  14. JIMBOB

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Martin James
  15. Hi Charlie Hi had my Nikon fixed last year by Bournemouth camera centre on holdenhurt avenue in Bournemouth cheaper than sending it off .cost
  16. Try Peter Russel senior, he does a cracking job and I could highly recommend him. James
  17. Well the fishing did seem a bit below par probably down to the small tides and monster swell rolling in, it was hard keeping a bait on the bottom. Also could the lack of "proper" fish be down to the early date this year? with water temps being still so high the crabs in the harbour must of been having a feast! The Lymington cod comp off the needles didn't fair much better than us, from what I hear only 3 cod were weighed in biggest going 14 1/2 lbs. I must say well done to all the effort everyone who organised the comp put in and to all the prize winners and to Adam, who did a super job of putting us bang on the wreck we fished in such big seas!, super bit of skippering mate James
  18. Well done Andy, lovely cod. James
  19. JIMBOB

    Mixed Bag

    Hi all Fished out of kimmerage yesterday, no monsters to report, so I know where not to fish next sunday But it was an absolutely super day to be out, flats seas, sun shining be it a tad cold and plenty of fish, which turned in to a bit of a species haul with rays, conger, huss, pollock,smoothound and even a november bream (which is a first for me), all showing up. The most noteworthy fish of the day were a double figrue thornback and a huss of 8 or 9 lbs , neither of which fell to me James
  20. No bass out of Kimmerage fished yesterday all day from 8am till 6pm ,with just one follow from a small fish,also got a report from an insore netter out the day before that the bass have moved off shore,he had about a mile of nets out for one bass. James
  21. Sounds like a super day afloat to me Martin, was thinking of you guys out there today....what an absolute cracker of a day for october! great day for me at work James
  22. Yes please Kam I could do with stocking up put me down for 10 Thanks James
  23. Ive got to work sundays again now On the plus side nice quiet week days on the slipways to look forward to James
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