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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. Happy Birthday Mike....Enjoy the Day🎂
  2. Stuie you're very welcome to step aboard mine if you fancy it or are short of crew
  3. I will be out on Tuesday also. Just getting the bait sorted tomorrow Looks like a good weather window
  4. Steve , That noble metal chart shows that the aluminium alloys range covers performance that may only be slightly better than mild steel up to nearly as non noble as Zinc. Basically you need a specific Anode alloy of Aluminium to be effective hence you need to be careful where and what you purchase. I assume unbranded cheapies won't meet the required specs and really expensive ones should hopefully exceed the specs however , there is a big difference in prices between suppliers/brands e.g Mcduff £23 solent anodes £7 for seemingly the same style I was able to find a datasheet from another supplier which gives a breakdown of constituent parts it might be useful to check against alternative suppliers before deciding on where and what to purchase datasheet Make sure whatever you purchase conforms to the correct MIL specs for sacrificial anodes and if they can't supply the spec ratings or datasheets walk away .....teaching you to suck eggs I know but better to be safe than sorry.... There's a lot of cr*p on the market Peteg
  5. Happy Birthday Dean
  6. Happy Birthday Guys
  7. Here is a better link for description but they are no longer £12.99 but up to £14.99 on their ebay site digital scales description No mention of waterproofness but the battery compartment is a reasonable fit so it should provide some water resistance
  8. Just don't drop them in the water .😋
  9. Yes that's them Rob the supplier is Fishtec _direct. They are branded Total Fishing Gear Banshee scales.
  10. Was looking around for a set of scales and came across these from TFG Was very impressed with the price as I have seen them advertised at £34.99 Ok before the comments start such as...why do you need them to measure 110lb...They do measure down to 1 oz so are eminently suitable for the type of fish I might be able to catch. If I can stop Blanking Digital scales So far they seem very robust and pretty accurate when tested indoors Might be worth considering......I will bring them to tomorrows meeting if anyone wants to check them out
  11. Happy birthday Hooky Will you be getting Doombar wet or will Doombar be wetting your whistle
  12. Happy Birthday Guys
  13. Regarding Changing sex of whelks..... Did you know that many of our river fish species are becoming female due to Oestrogen entering the river system at sewage treatment outfalls. The reason is the large volume of women taking the "Pill" .
  14. Happy Birthdays guys Hope you both had a great day
  15. I'll be out but don't know what time I'll get to Cobbs . The wind will drop off in the afternoon so should be quite pleasant. I have space if anyone wants to join me and can be flexible on the time.
  16. Do you reckon they will try and fit them all on the one boat Brian? I'm sure that for £250,000 it will take 4😎. Sorry not at my most positive on a weekend of 6 Nations Rugby
  17. Happy birthdays Guys Enjoy the day
  18. Happy Birthday Martin Enjoy your day👍👍
  19. Birthday Greetings Brian Have a great Day👍 Likewise to Jamie
  20. I use Rovex 10x mono leader up to 200lb BS but if need over that i would use strimmer nylon . I would still use a wire bite trace if targeting those toothy critters
  21. Happy Birthday Ian Enjoy the day ...and evening ...and pressies??????
  22. It seems that you guys may have a chance of actually catching a flounder this time . See the attached WSF link https://www.worldseafishing.com/forums/threads/holes-bay-revisited-flounder-pb-mini-rave.36378865/ Careful you don't go aground trying for them Sorry I can't join you but a Wales visit booked
  23. Sorry to hear that news Mick Hope your wife recovers soon .
  24. The Bristol channel has been subject to commercial agregate/sand dredging for about 50 years. In that time the sand level on my local storm beach has fallen by more than 10 metres vertically .That is, the sand has been removed to such an extent that it has exposed prehistoric peat beds over more than a 7 mile length of beach. The adjacent beaches have also been affected to some lesser degree. Sand is a finite resource you dig a hole and sand from elsewhere moves to fill it in. Eventually the ripple effect reaches the extremeties i.e the local beaches and their sands flow back towards the source of the dredging thus removing it from the beach.. I would oppose this scheme on numerous ecological grounds
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