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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. Totally agree Steve I lost a Manson Supreme(Cheaper Rocna Clone but still expensive ) on the patch because I couldn't dig it out even with the shackle in the sliding slot . Bought a replacement Manson Supreme 7.5kg but rigged it to trip from the front (looks quite messy with chain flopping all over the place).These Anchors set fast and really dig in but don't like letting go. I now keep it as a secondary anchor having replaced it with a 5kg "Original" Bruce claw anchor which is much easier to handle and easier to rig to trip. I am trying out the "anchor trip links" via a caribiner so I dont have to reset once tripped but haven't had chance to use in anger yet. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Anchor-Trip-Link-for-craft-up-to-around-20ft-6mtr/173273957141?epid=2257469794&hash=item2857eec315:g:-DoAAOSwnxFZw-Go Reports seem to indicate that the original bruce anchors perform better than the clones however they are no longer manufactured and have to be sourced second hand
  2. Same From Me
  3. Belated Birthday greetings Charlie Expect you made it a good one
  4. Not able to make this one as off on a regular Wales visit on the weekend. Heads up its Poole Boat show on the weekend and Cobbs Dry stack is being used for launching lots of the exhibitors boats so it will be pretty manic I would think with trailers taking up car parking space etc etc😟
  5. Best of luck with the sale Nigel, Boat ownership has its Bummer moments and I have to admit I almost put mine up for sale due to lack of use on numerous occassions but to date she is still my little black hole or moneypit that I can just about hang on to for another season ,.
  6. Happy Birthday Trev. Enjoy the day
  7. gaffa

    Friday pm

    Sting Ray between your legs ...You must be crazy Good days fishing there Lofty Peteg
  8. Feel for you Hooky You must get a bit of good luck soon Peteg
  9. Happy Birthday Guys Enjoy the day
  10. Happy Birthday Kam Make sure you have a good one
  11. Belated Birthday greetings Jim Bet the cakes all gone
  12. Happy Birthday John
  13. Belated Birthday greetings Derek
  14. Happy Birthday Jacob Guess your going to get spoilt rotten by grandad Kev..... .......make sure you don't take after Harry Enfields "Kevin" now you're a teenager
  15. Happy Birthday Adam Have a good one
  16. Belated Birthday Wishes Tony Hope you had a great day Peteg
  17. gaffa

    Braided rope

    Found this one for you https://westwardropeandwire.co.uk/ropes/mooring-and-anchoring/8-strand-nylon.html? They are based in Exeter .Havent used them before but prices and stock levels look good dont know postage costs though? I got my kast 100m from a guy in Bridport but for the life of me can't remember his details Peteg
  18. gaffa


    So True
  19. gaffa

    Magic for Seniors

    Don't Let your wife see this Unless you are prepared for the consequences And Dont try it out on the wife unless you are really prepared to accept the consequences
  20. One other note of caution Mel ........... the need to fit anodes to the tabs. Not really an issue if you are drystacked or store ashore but if left afloat they are seriously necessary. I speak from experience as I had the Port Tab break away from the hull due to galvanic corrosion of the hinge fixing screws. I was happily doing about 15knots at the time when all of a sudden boat basically tried to turn on its side . Boats dont like running with just one tab down Scared the **** out of me Limped back to Cobbs with a dangly tab on one side and the other raised up and kept speed down . I fitted anodes to both tabs after that ....BIG ones as I was having to replace small ones twice a year when on F pontoon. Aaahhhh another hidden benefit of drystacking Peteg
  21. Happy Birthday Dave Hope you're having a good Non Skinny un Well its only once a year
  22. Best Birthday wishes from me also Martin..Enjoy the day
  23. Does this only apply to England? Are there alternative guidlines for Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland or are they the same????
  24. Belated Birthday wishes from me also I'm sure you would have had a Goodun Peteg
  25. Happy Birthday guys Have a good un.
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