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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. Did you manage to catch one Terry?
  2. Took the boat out today .All sorted (other than finding the damn leak) Didn't realise it was Bournemouth airshow and was told they had a big exclusion zone virtually covering Poole Bay. Whether true or not I decided to go across to the Swanage side. Lovely weather but fishing pretty c@@p only a couple of small black bream to show for it and only out for about 3 hours fishing time but well worth it. Plenty of aircraft movement ..well I heard them but didn't see much. I will stay away from Poole this weekend as its going to be very busy with boat movements and traffic heads up to all. Be back down next week and will make Thursdays meeting all being well
  3. Rob, That's really useful info. I was concerned about topping up sims . Me and the missus have got a sim overload at the moment one for each of the following BT(EE),giffgaff, 3 and vodaphone and the kids have got Tescos but I am trying to rationalise them .....Honest. But the ASDA offer would definitely float my boat if you excuse the pun😁
  4. I've got an old 30lb all roller ugly stick paired with an ABU20 that I keep for very special occasions. I used to use it for wire line fishing in the 70s . Worth a bit of money now I think Not looking to sell though ...sentimental value ....and saving for my Poole Bay Monster attempt
  5. Rob i've looked at the tracker option and it isn't really a goer for me unless unless i can reduce the dial out times to 1 or 2 times per day. Security isn't an issue as boat is on top level of drystack and neither is battery charge level normally as i take batteries out if i know i will not be using the boat for a while.. So only major issue is water ingress which i will do my best to resolve ASAP Be interested to find out best/most economical solar and regulator solution for the dual battery setup though
  6. We might bump into each other again then Terry😁
  7. Good idea Rob. I have a 2 battery system which I partially isolate via the main isolator when I leave boat each time . I say partially because battery 2 has a permanent feed via a fuse to my heating system/ timer. and battery 1 has a permanent feed via a switch and fuse to the VHF which I separately switch off . Generally the digital timer doesn't really load the battery much and I never use the heater on automatic so there is ample reserve in a second feed off battery 1 via switch and fuse and I could easily rig a float to one of those tracker units. Food for thought and another job to look forward to Ah the joys of being a boat owner.😁
  8. B@@@er.😟 No trip out for me today. After having the boat tilted on removal from the drystack to drain the small amount of water that collects via the bung I got to the boat and found both batteries flat not even enough to energise the starter motor with both in parallel.. The battery compartments had about 200mm of water showing in them. Highest I have ever seen normally no more than about 20mm showing at the bottom of the intermediate deck so I reckon the water must have found a way to drain the batteries. I pumped out 6 gorilla tubs worth of rain water and can only surmise it's getting in via breathers underneath the foredeck where the original fuel tank used to fit and a possible leaky inspection hatch in the deck. We did have a lot of rain earlier in the week. The main Bilge pump had no effect on reducing the level as the rainwater was contained within a higher deck level in the boat and needed pumping out separately (I only found this out today!!) Removed batteries and opened internal hatches/covers to get everything dried out. Back down Thursday to have a second attempt at Dangling and further leak investigations😥
  9. Looking to do a bit of dangling tomorrow. Anything about? Space available if anyone is up for crewing Peteg
  10. Birthday greetings Lofty Have a good un
  11. Done
  12. That does seem to be a large area of unsupported window to rely on beading alone .Maybe you could make a reinforcing frame to fit inside the cuddy.How flexible is the window material?
  13. You'll have to get used to the slamming unfortunately Hooky Small price to pay to catch fish....and you found mackeral ......result
  14. A result at last Well done Hooky Make sure you enjoy the fruits of your labour
  15. Hope you get some good luck Hooky you deserve it. The boat looks too good to give up without a fight. As Martin says Fingers and Everything crossed for you from me too
  16. I did notice you Mike . Apologies for not giving you a call but had my head down setting up rigs etc. Next thing I new you had disappeared😖 What sort of day did you have ......catch much? Peteg
  17. Well this went better than the first only a few days earlier when I didn't wet a line due to rough weather. Managed to get through the bridges and harbour by 9.30am which is pretty good for me . Out towards Old Harry and started drifting with an assortment of rigs trying float for garfish and mackeral,feathers for mackeral and bottom tackle for anything. Bait was cuttlefish srtrips. Managed 5 species but no mackeral or garfish and it wasn't for lack of trying. Didn't anchor up just drifted from old Harry into the bays both Swanage and Poole Back home at 18.30 so pretty good day overall.(for me that is Peteg
  18. Welcome to the club Nick. The Bella 703 is a lot of boat in 7metres . Enjoy the fishing
  19. Happy Birthday Guys
  20. Well I couldn't call it a blank as I didn't even put any terminal tackle into the water, Spent a few hours on the pontoon sorting out a few bits on the boat and filled up with fuel then headed under the bridges for the harbour where I was going to try a few drifts for some microspecies . The harbour main channel was quite rough with lots of white horses so decided I could find a bit of shelter outside the harbour. Not a chance in the bay the wind and tide were causing quite uncomfortable conditions and even bigger white horses which were quite fun . Didn't take long to call it a day and returned to the drystack. Got one over the front in the harbour and got wet as I didnt have the cabin door closed All good experience for next trip....I'll wait for a better wind next time Peteg
  21. Cheers Mick, I saw your earlier post re nets thanks for the heads up
  22. Thanks I will need all the help I can get as haven't used her for almost 2 years She is a 1998 RYDS 600AC with a 115hp Mariner efi (2001) on the back. I have owned her since 2006 and she still does everything I need and have never felt the need to change her
  23. fingers crossed Terry🤗
  24. Reflections 2 has decided to wet her bottom and do the first fishing trip of the year tomorrow with the hope of at least putting something on my zero species list.😎 She has received a load of well deserved TLC recently including servicing and in and out valetting and a few upgrades so it would be a shame not to christen her with some fishy mess .😋 I will be going solo unless anyone would like to crew . It wont be an early start. PM me if interested or able to disclose any fishy spots😁
  25. Happy Birthday Mick. Enjoy
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