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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Member Removed

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Everything posted by Member Removed

  1. Thanks very much all. I really appreciate it.
  2. Thanks very much. I don't think I will be going out then!! Is the fishing good inside the entrance, i.e. what sort of sizes, frequency am I likely to see. Also what would be a good bait? Mackerel or rag? Is it best to catch the tide when it is starting to come in? Sorry for all the Q's am new to this!!
  3. I have had a look at the weather forecasts and obviously it has been really rough the last couple of days. I was planning on having the day off tomorrow to go fishing in Poole bay, but am not sure if it is going to be too rough. Can anyone confirm this for me. I have seen forecasts, but am not really sure what the amount to in terms of fishabibilty!! Thanks very much.
  4. Sorry that was me above, took so long to type it, it logged me out. Also forgot to mention its a 04, 2.0 litre, Automatic, 5 door XT3, V V T i. Marc
  5. In a rush, Just legging it out the door, But that is EXACTLY the thing I was after. Will read about it properly in the morning and thank you then. Brilliant
  6. Very well done to eveyone who caught something worth pulling up, and worth braving being sick.
  7. Thanks again guys, just one little thing. Where can I catch fresh mackerel for bait, from the boat? I feel that chesil with my beach rod probably isn't feasible (the only place I have ever caught them!) Being new to this boat malarkey I haven't a clue! Ben
  8. Hi everyone, Thanks very much for the advice on where to fish. Unfortunately I'm a bit of a muppet (no pun intended) when it comes to boat tackle. I am and experienced coarse angler and I do a bit of shore fishing, but boats (hmmmmm bit stuck here). I fancy a bit of bream fishing on the outer patch as discussed. I plan to use a 9ft 15lb class boat road with either my penn 525gs or sl30sh. Please advise on rig and bait (you mentioned squid was best for bream (strips?). Also does the outer patch fish whatever the tidal state? Please really do go into the basics!!! Many thanks in advance. What a nice bunch you are!
  9. Ah ha, You work there then? I was involved in fitting the cashless vending and access control for you there. Will pop in, the guy I am planning trips with is Steve Whittingham, know him at all? Cheers Ben
  10. Thanks guys, I will certainly try the marks suggested. Yes the boat is on a trailer and we normally launch from parkstone yacht club. I am a member of christchurch angling club so permits is no issue. I'll let you know how I get on! Think well try the outer patch first. Benny (formerly of the jets) ....maybe I getting on too.
  11. Adam, This worked for me with exactly the same problem http://www.d-a-l.com/help/showthread.php?t=266 Also the home page. http://www.d-a-l.com/help/ Pretty good site. Hope it helps Marc
  12. Hi all, I originally posted this after trying to help ADAM F with some pc issues. ----All I ask for in return is some advice on fishing in the harbour for mixed species. Any specific marks for a bit of evening fun. Tides/tactics/baits would be much appreciated. I want to use lightish gear (15lb line)---- He asked about the boat and said you guys were a helpful bunch. It a collegues boat - 16ft mayland fisherman with 40HP engine called "White Magic". Thanks all.
  13. I'll have a word with my mate Billy who is the tackle dealer, Obviously he gets it delivered to him frozen so I'll find out if its practical to ship some down to yous lads and the best way to go about doing it. While I'm here, We had our annual ( I can call it that cos we've had it two years in a row now ) boat fishing competition out of the Tyne in aid of the RNLI. All the charter lads give us the use of there boats for a day and along with the private boat entries we managed to raise over
  14. If a few of yous want to get together I could send yous some from up here. I don't know what the postage would be overnight and what condition it would be in when it gets to you but I could try, How long will it stay frozen in those polystyrene box thingys.. Marc
  15. Thanks, all I will definately give the membership some thought, you seem like a nice bunch!! The boat is called 'Miskem Star'. It is largely white, with sky blue in places. Hope to see you all out and about.
  16. Hi there. I have recently bought a 25' Mitchell fishing boat and have taken it for a couple of fishing trips. I get really tossed around coming back into the harbour with all those Sunseekers and Fairlines at the end of the day!!! I would really appreciate it if anyone could give me some advice on where fishing is good in and out of the harbour. The sort of fishing I will probably start with is collecting mackerel for bait then do some fishing at the bottom for doggies/bream out of the harbour (bass/flounder inside) etc. Where is good for this. Thanks in advance.
  17. They sell it up here in the North East, I know its a bit far to travel for a bit of bait though. Its known up here as Falklands Squid as thats where it originates from.
  18. Cheers Lads, The bogie / scaffold pole sounds like the way to go for the beach launching the only problem I can see is where to keep it. If its left on the beach some bugger is bound to steal it. I thought you's had realised that I was up here in Newcastle, the North East. If its not nailed down it will be had away for weighing in at the local scrapyard I contacted Toyota yesterday and they asked me to take the car down so they could test it as I said the 4WD wasn't working. How did they test it ....................... Put it up on a lift, pressed the accelerator and said, "look all four wheels are going round" I told them they had to be joking, I wanted it tested properly, They asked ME how they should test it. I pointed over at a muddy field and said go and stick it in there and lets see if you can get it out. The workshop manager in his crisp clean suit declined my offer and said what will that prove ?????????. I'm now waiting to here from Toyotas technical side of things on how they are going to test the 4WD system as the workshop still recon that they don't have a test procedure to tell if the system is working or not. I would like to know your thoughts on this as I'm not sure exactually how 4WD works and when I go down to meet the lad who is going to test it I can have some questions and answers for him, so he can't pull the wool over my eyes. Thanks Lads Marc
  19. Mike, No, The trailer itself already has a jockey wheel on it. The wheel I'm after is actually the same size as the trailers wheels and really is the spare wheel. The ones I've seen although not close up seem to sit on some sort of bracket next to the jockey wheel and allow you to roll the trailer up and down the beach. I've tried it just using the jockey wheel and it just gets stuck and bedded down in the sand, the third/spare wheel allows it to roll without it digging in if you can sort of picture it. I don't think the problem lies in it being underpowered or small, Just don't think it is a real 4 x 4 in the true meaning of 4 x 4. I don't rate it as a 4 x 4 at all, It doesn't have any diff locks, One wheel was bogged down and just spun while the other three just sat there with what seemed like no traction to them. If thats intelligent 4 wheel drive they can keep it. I will be contacting Toyota to ask them about it though as it should never have really been stuck in the first place. Marc
  20. Hello Lads, I'm looking to get a 3rd wheel for my Snipe trailer if that makes any sense. I nearly lost the wifes brand new Rav 4 on Sunday trying to recover my boat. I must have put the trailer to far in to the sea and got bogged down, Rav 4 wouldn't pull it out and got both stuck with a fast incoming tide!! (why did she talk me into changing my Discovery), Had to get them both pulled out with a Jeep. Full beach as well Would never have happened on a empty beach would it. Has started me thinking is the Rav 4 actually a 4 wheel drive / 4 X 4. Any way I've seen trailers with their spare wheel attached with some sort of bracket next to the jockey wheel enabling the trailer/boat to be removed from the car, launched/retrieved then pulled back up the beach using a rope Keeping the car on dry sand all the time . Are these brackets available from Snipe or another manufacturer as I cant find anything about them on the websites or are they a home made thingy majiggy. I'm also looking to get some sort of security for the trailer as I don't like the Idea of leaving it on the beach for hours on end,My old roller coaster trailer had a triple lock mechanism built in to the ball socket. Any suggestions. Many Thanks Marc
  21. Member Removed

    Tyre PSI

    Hi Adam I have looked in my Book with my trailer and it has a whole list depending on your tyre size. ie : 145x13 is 35 psi 165x13 36 165x13c 64 175x13 36 and there is more , i would guess they may be 165 tyres. If its not any of these let me know your tyre size. Hope its a help and good luck with that excellant choice of boat, good man......... mark
  22. hi guys The wrecks at 30 miles are fishing their clogs off with prime pollack to 15.5lbs smallest 9lbs, we had forty between seven rods on saturday, given that we get a warm spell for a couple of weeks they will soon be in reach of smaller boats as will the bass they usually show on the spring tides of april how did your plaice trip go regards gus.
  23. Cheers Lads, Mebeys one day I'll tow mine down and join yous. When yous get sick of my questions, just say Anything I can help with, just let me know.
  24. Maverick, Looking through the photos of the members boats I notice yours has a canopy covering the cuddy. I wouldn't mind something similar for my own and wanted to ask where it was bought from. Is it bought of the shelf from warrior or did you have it made for you and at what cost. I hope you dont mind me asking the price you paid, I'm not being cheeky, just wanting to get an idea for when i get some quotes. E mail me if you dont want to publicly display what you paid. Many thanks Marc
  25. Hello All, I
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