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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Member Removed

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Everything posted by Member Removed

  1. Happy Birthday to Paul and Wendy, hope you both had a great time. The BB,s
  2. Welcome, and Best Wishes for Xmas and 2005. Sam and BB
  3. Happy Birthday and Merry Xmas Ryan, thanks for a great party.
  4. Hi Coddy , it is rated as you say for 60hp so the 75hp will be too much donkey , she does 37mph with a 60hp !! HOwever 75 engines secondhansd make decent money , probably enough to buy a good 60hp !! All the best Dave
  5. well done lads especially james,nice press coverage in the bfm I just read it.I know what it's like to be a proud chairman as our shore section are sprawled over total sea fishing for december.Blonde rays over 20lb from the shore and wayne even put back a british shore caught smalleyed ray of 15.4oz. They just will not kill a ray. all the best to you all for christmas & new year and I hope we can get a good competion between clubs in the new year. chas...... chairman of Carling Wales sac
  6. This boat is now a serious contender within the small trailerable market !! For more info email me davidhsteele@aol.com or for full specification http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/view/AIN146/
  7. Hi Jim , I will sell you a brand new Predator 160 with full spec as below for
  8. The reason why sprats may not work is because we fish our baits on the bottom and sprats are usually mid water. we in south wales have tried mid water without success I may add a few years ago.When they are about a small whole live whiting is left on for that biggie which tends to be a better option. chas....
  9. I think the writing is a bit hard to read but what do you think? is there truth to the picture?
  10. adam I have pm'd you. charlie....
  11. heard it was a bigeye not yellow fin even so would have been a nice fish to land on rod and line. charlie....
  12. Hi all we came down from cardiff to fish on malcolms boat the true blue but as malc has got an absess in his inner ear we fished on dicks boat the strongbow. Just whiting,whiting and more whiting about 8 miles from the needles we then moved around slack water fished closer to poole and had pouting,pouting and more pouting.oh and a starry smooth hound of around 6lb. oh well next time it will be the comp in the summer if it's still on. charlie....
  13. Top Banana Lads, Great when it all works for you. I am really pleased that you both had a cracking day. May it continue. BB and LBB
  14. Lovely!
  15. Ummmm... what's a split? LOL
  16. Can't wait to meet Carol... LOL... If you see us gossiping in the corner with howls of laughter erupting, you might guess which stories we are swapping! Remind me to tell her the one about the ants and the Romeo in an Italian park.... Rose
  17. Yeah, I saw those in a hunting shop when I was in Michigan this summer. It's a funnel with a short hose attached!!! I wonder if it comes with instructions on how to shake it ???...LOL... but I kinda wish I'd got one now, just for a giggle! Ah well... back to the bucket! Rose
  18. Wow! Amazing! ( Now I see why they call you Golden Balls! LOL) Good on you James Can I have first refusal on your recently acquired outboard-motor when you win the next one in 2005 ??? Rose
  19. Now you've got me giggling again!!! LOL But being serious for a moment... the question has arisen about peeing, piddling, having a jimmy, taking the dog for a walk, pointing Percy at the porcelain, or whatever your fave name for it is... So let's get the question answered for everybody. I am totally used to guys peeing over the side of a boat, against trees, even out in the open with just their backs turned! We all need to pee, and I am not the least bit embarrassed by the situation. I simply turn away and avert my eyes for long enough to be sure the guy is appropriately zipped up again! When guys realise that I have no sensitivities over the issue, they don't either. Female anatomy makes the actual performance less simple in public, but I see no reason why the need in itself is anything to be shy about!. I carry some of my kit in a bucket anyway, so I just tell the guys to turn their backs for a minute, pee in the bucket, (having first taken the kit out!!!... LOL) then empty it over the side (and rinse the bucket!) Job done! LOL The only real difference is that I have to put my rod down to have a pee... There are two ways to achieve privacy.. You can either rely on a closed door, if you have that luxury, or you can rely on other people being willing to look the other way when necessary. And if they 'peek'... LOL... that's their problem! They sure aint gonna see anything exciting in MY case!!! I hope that reassures everybody See you at onboard... Rose
  20. Oh domino! Those are just classic pictures!!! I laughed my socks off!!! You should send them to that tv show..."It seemed like a good idea at the time!" Thanks for posting them here for us Rose
  21. Yes guys... I'm available any day of the week to 'crew', and I only need a few hours notice I'm a novice, but I learn quickly, and who knows, having those pheremones wafting around onboard might just help you land that beast you dream of! LOL And just so there are no probs with the missus, I'm fat 'n 50, so definitely nothing for her to get concerned about!!! LOL I just love to get out fishing Gimme a try out? Rose
  22. Yes, it was a great learning experience... in more than one way! I was really enjoying everything till we anchored up and I took my eyes off the horizon and stared into the bucket of weights. I promptly threw up, and couldn't stop for the next two hours!!! And this was on a calm sea... (I dunno what did it as I've never been sick on a boat before, but apparently its to do with being anchored up instead of moving forward...) Anyway... I then curled up and fell asleep, (chucking up is seriously tiring!), until James managed to yell and kick me awake to net this conger beastie. I had actually snoozed right through his 30 minute struggle to get it to the boat! It wasn't easy for a novice to net... it just didnt want to oblige and stick its tail into the net, LOL but James was very patient with his instructions and before we knew it, we had it on board and weighed in. Then the beast was so long I couldn't have got the whole thing in one pic unless I had been 10 foot out to sea with the camera! LOL It was a great baptism, and I learned a lot about fishing for bigger fish and the wisdom of a precautionary sea-sickness-pill. Thanks James, you're a star!
  23. Pheremones? What pheremones? And how do I use them to catch fish??? LOL Tell me! Tell me! And Martin... maybe James was too much of a gent to tell you... LOL.. I was fine till we anchored up and I took my eyes off the horizon and stared into the bucket of weights... BIG mistake! I promptly chucked up big-time!!! Then I fell asleep, and missed his 30 minute battle with the 40 lb conger. Eventually, he yelled and kicked me awake so I could net the thing for him, and I was some use after all... coz I took the pics for him. I'd never been sick at sea before... I dunno why this time...but I learned a lot, both about cod-fishing and the wisdom of precautionary sea-sick pills! LOL It was great fun, can't wait to go out again. Rose
  24. Thanks Newboy Yeah.... LOL... If we (females) repeat our requests, we are 'nagging'... if we don't, nothing happens! And if we take the middle path and drop hints, we are being manipulative! LOL jeeeeeeeeez! Life ain't easy! LOL Take care Rose
  25. Thanks martin we are suposed to be chasing those big cod down your way on saturday.last year I was hitting blonde rays to 4 whole squid. They are hitting a few cod around our way at the moment to about 18lb as the bigger ones will hit around jan-feb off swansea. even fishing for bass in the summer I had a blonde ray on a wide eyed shad. ok I admit it.it was caught in the tail of a blonde about 10lb and thought it was a good bass as this fish gave a good account of it's self. charlie....
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